Agricultural Biology
About Agricultural Biology
Research and Engagement
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Agricultural Biology
Join our dedicated team of global innovators to build the critical knowledge and essential skills needed to expand the future of our global food supply. Whether your interests are in plants, insects or microbes, there is a place for you in agricultural biology. No matter who you are, or where you come from, we invite you to take a seat at our table. Let’s grow a better future together.
Department Feature
Congratulations to Jan Leach on her election into the National Academy of Sciences. As one of the nation’s most active contributors to the international scientific community, Dr. Leach is a shining example of how AgBio faculty are working to solve the most critical challenges facing agriculture today.
Research and Engagement
Our research covers every aspect of plant and ecosystem health. We solve biological problems in natural and managed agricultural systems through our collaborative partnerships. Our aim is always to strengthen food security and safety while keeping plants and ecosystems healthy.
Story of Impact
Whitney Cranshaw
Entomology Professor Whitney Cranshaw spent his career making sure he has reserved a seat at the table for all Coloradoans who question the critters in their fields, garages, and backyards. A good deal of phobias are attached to insects—from spiders to miller moths—and Cranshaw delights in educating the public about those insects’ back stories.
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Agricultural Biology Degrees and Programs
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Contact the Department
307 University Ave.
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523-1177
Bldg.: Plant Sciences C 129
Voice: (970) 491-5261
Fax: (970) 491-3862