Grogan, S.M. J. Anderson, P.S. Baenziger, K. Frels, M.J. Guttieri, S.D. Haley, K.-S. Kim, S. Liu, G.S. McMaster, M. Newell, P.V. Vara Prasad, S.D. Reid, K.J. Shroyer, G. Zhang, E. Akhunov, and P.F. Byrne. 2016. Phenotypic plasticity of winter wheat heading date and grain yield across the U.S. Great Plains. Crop Science (In press).
Grogan, S.M., G. Brown-Guedira, S.D. Haley, G.S. McMaster, S.D. Reid, J. Smith, and P.F. Byrne. 2016. Allelic variation in developmental genes and effects on winter wheat heading date in the U.S. Great Plains. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152852. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152852
Becker, S.R., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Reid, W.L. Bauerle, J.K. McKay, and S.D. Haley. 2016. Root traits contributing to drought tolerance of synthetic hexaploid wheat in a greenhouse study. Euphytica 207:213-224. DOI 10.1007/s10681-015-1574-1/
El-Feki, W.M., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Reid, and S.D. Haley. 2015. Registration of CO940610/‘Platte’ wheat doubled haploid mapping population. Journal of Plant Registrations 9:419–423.
Edae, E.A., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Haley, M.S. Lopes, and M.P. Reynolds. 2014. Genome wide association mapping of yield and yield components of spring wheat under contrasting moisture regimes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127:791–807.
Zuber, T., D. Holm, P. Byrne, L. Ducreux, M. Taylor, M. Kaiser and C. Stushnoff. 2014. Optimization of in vitro inhibition of HT-29 colon cancer cell cultures by Solanum tuberosum L. extracts. Food and Function. DOI: 10.1039/c4fo00649f
Edae, E.A., P.F. Byrne, H. Manmathan, S.D. Haley, M. Moragues, M.S. Lopes, and M.P. Reynolds. 2013. Association mapping and nucleotide sequence variation in five drought tolerance candidate genes in spring wheat. The Plant Genome vol. 6, issue 2, doi:10.3835/plantgenome2013.04.0010.
El-Feki, W.M., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Reid, N.L.V. Lapitan, and S.D. Haley. 2013. Quantitative trait locus mapping for end-use quality traits in hard winter wheat under contrasting soil moisture levels. Crop Science 53:1953-1967.
Enjalbert, J.-N., S. Zheng, J.J. Johnson, J.L. Mullen, P.F. Byrne, and J.K. McKay. 2013. Brassicaceae germplasm diversity for agronomic and seed quality traits under drought stress. Industrial Crops and Products 47:176-185.
Econopouly, B.F., J.K. McKay, P. Westra, S.D. Reid, A.L. Helm, and P.F. Byrne..2013. Phenotypic diversity of jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) accessions from the western United States under irrigated and dryland conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 164:244-251.
Comas, L., S. Becker, M.V. Cruz, P.F. Byrne, and D.A. Dierig. 2013. Root traits contributing to plant productivity under drought. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00442.
J.S. Boyer, P. Byrne, K.G. Cassman, M. Cooper, D. Delmer, T. Greene, F. Gruis, J. Habben, N. Hausmann, N. Kenny, R. Lafitte, S. Paszkiewicz, D. Porter, A. Schlegel, J. Schussler, T. Setter, J. Shanahan, R.E. Sharp, T.J. Vyn, D. Warner, J. Gaffney. 2013. The U.S. drought of 2012 in perspective: A call to action. Global Food Security 2:139-143.
Matthews, S.B., M. Santra, M.M. Mensack, P. Wolfe, P.F. Byrne, and H. Thompson. 2012. Metabolite profiling of a diverse collection of wheat lines using ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. PLoSOne Vol. 7, Issue 8, Article e44179, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044179.
Valdez, V.A., Byrne, P.F., Lapitan, N.L.V., Peairs, F.B., Bernardo, A., Bai, G., and Haley, S.D. 2012. Inheritance and genetic mapping of Russian Wheat Aphid resistance in Iranian wheat landrace accession PI 626580. Crop Science 52:676-682.
Lu, H., Kottke, R., Devkota, R., St. Amand, P., Bernardo, A., Bai, G., Byrne, P., Martin, T.J., Haley, S.D., and Rudd, J. 2012. Consensus mapping and identification of markers for marker-assisted selection of Wsm2 in wheat. Crop Science 52:720-728.
Econopouly, B.F., McKay, J.K., Westra, P., Lapitan, N.L.V., Chapman, P.L., and Byrne, P.F. 2011. Backcrossing provides an avenue for gene introgression from wheat to jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) in the U.S. Great Plains. Weed Science 59:188-194.
Zheng, S., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Haley, X. Shan, and S.D. Reid. 2010. Glutenin allelic variation and 1AL.1RS effects on dough mixing properties of wheat grown in irrigated and rainfed environments. Euphytica 176:357-369.
Econopouly, B., P. Byrne, and M.A. Johnson. 2010. Incorporating case studies into a world food and population course. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education 39:79-83.
Zheng, S., P.F. Byrne, G. Bai, X. Shan, S.D. Reid, S.D. Haley, and B.W. Seabourn. 2009. Association analysis reveals effects of wheat glutenin alleles and rye translocations on dough mixing properties. Journal of Cereal Science 50:283-290.
Harrington, J., P.F. Byrne, F.B. Peairs, S.J. Nissen, P. Westra, P.C. Ellsworth, A. Fournier, C.A. Mallory-Smith, R.S. Zemetra, and W.B. Henry. 2009. Perceived consequences of herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant crops on Integrated Pest Management Strategies in the Western United States: Results of an online survey. AgBioForum 12 (3&4):1-10.
Coonrod, D., M.A. Brick, P.F. Byrne, L. Debonte, and Z. Chen. 2008. Inheritance of long chain fatty acid content in rape seed (Brassica napus L.). Euphytica 164:583-592.
Gaines, T.A., W.B. Henry, P.F. Byrne, P. Westra, S.J. Nissen, and D.L. Shaner. 2008. Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) by imidazolinone-resistant wheat hybridization under field conditions. Weed Science 56:32-36.
Broderick, S., P. Chapman, P. Byrne, and T. Gaines. 2008. Tolerance intervals for gene flow rates from transgenic to non-transgenic wheat and corn using a logistic regression model with random location effects. Proceedings of the 2007 Kansas State Univ. Conf. on Appl. Stat. in Agric. Manhattan, KS.
Gaines, T.A., P.F. Byrne, P. Westra, S.J. Nissen, W.B. Henry, D.L. Shaner, and P.L. Chapman. 2007. An empirically derived model of field-scale gene flow in winter wheat. Crop Science 47:2308-2316.
Maxwell, J., M. Brick, P. Byrne, H. Schwartz, X. Shan, J.B. Ogg, and R. Hensen. 2007. Quantitative trait loci linked to white mold resistance in common bean. Crop Science 47:2285-2294.
Gaines, T., C. Preston, P. Byrne, W.B. Henry, and P. Westra. 2007. Adventitious presence of herbicide resistant wheat in certified and farm-saved seed lots. Crop Science 47:751-756.
Clayshulte, S.R., S.D. Haley, P.F. Byrne, and X. Shan. 2007. Trait associations at the Xgwm261 and Rht-B1 loci in two winter wheat recombinant inbred line populations. Crop Science 47:2346-2355.
Shan, X., S.R. Clayshulte, S.D. Haley, and P.F. Byrne. 2007. Variation for glutenin and waxy alleles in the U.S. hard winter wheat germplasm. Journal of Cereal Science. 45:199-208.
Byrne, P. 2006. Safety and public acceptance of transgenic products. Crop Science 46:113-117.
Zhang, L., P.F. Byrne, and E.A.H. Pilon-Smits. 2006. Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with selenate tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 170:33-42.
Brick, M.A., P.F. Byrne, H.F. Schwartz, J.B. Ogg, K. Otto, A.L. Fall, and J. Gilbert. 2006. Reaction to three races of Fusarium wilt in the Phaseolus vulgaris core collection. Crop Science 46:1245-1252.
Schaeffer, M., P. Byrne, and E.H. Coe Jr. 2006. Consensus quantitative trait maps in maize: A database strategy. Maydica 51:357-367.
Butler, J.D., P.F. Byrne, V. Mohammadi, P.L. Chapman, and S.D. Haley. 2005. Agronomic performance of Rht alleles in a spring wheat population across a range of moisture levels. Crop Sci. 45:939-947.
Byrne, P. 2005. QTL Analysis 1 (Peer-reviewed web lesson). Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 34:124.
Byrne, P. 2005. QTL Analysis 2 (Peer-reviewed web lesson). Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 34:124.
Byrne, P., and K. Richardson. 2005. Marker-Assisted Selection (Peer-reviewed web lesson). Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 34:123-124.
Fritz, S., S. Ward, P. Byrne, D. Namuth, V. Egger. 2004. Short and long-term impacts of biotechnology education on professionals that communicate science to the public. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 33:111-116.
Fritz, S., S. Ward, P. Byrne, K. Harms, and D. Namuth. 2004. Agricultural biotechnology training for extension educators. Journal of Extension vol. 42 no. 1. Available online at (Verified 25 Aug. 2008).
Cramer, R.A., P.F. Byrne, M.A. Brick, L. Panella, E. Wickliffe, and H.F. Schwartz. 2003. Characterization of Fusarium oxysporum isolates from common bean and sugar beet using pathogenicity assays and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Journal of Phytopathology 151: 352-360.
P.F. Byrne and S. Fromherz. 2003. Can GM and non-GM crops coexist? Setting a precedent in Boulder County, Colorado, USA. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 1:258-261.
McMaster, G.S., J.C. Ascough II, M.J. Shaffer, L.A. Deer-Ascough, P.F. Byrne, D.C. Nielson, S.D. Haley, A.A. Andales, and G.A. Dunn. 2003. GPFARM plant model parameters: Complications of varieties and the genotype x environment interaction in wheat. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 46:1337-1346.
Byrne, P.F., D.M. Namuth, J. Harrington, S.M. Ward, D.J. Lee, and P. Hain. 2002. Increasing public understanding of transgenic crops through the World Wide Web. Public Understanding of Science 11:293-304.
Jampatong, C., M. McMullen, H. Kross, P. Byrne, D. Barry, and L. Darrah. 2002. Quantitative trait loci for first and second generation European corn-borer resistance derived from the inbred Mo47. Crop Science 42:584-593.
McMullen, M.D., M. Snook, E.A. Lee, P.F. Byrne, H. Kross, T.A. Musket, K. Houchins, and E.H. Coe, Jr. 2001. The biological basis of epistasis between quantitative trait loci for flavone and 3-deoxyanthocyanin synthesis in maize (Zea mays L.). Genome 44:667-676.
Fall, A.L., P.F. Byrne, G. Jung, D.P. Coyne, M.A. Brick, and H.F. Schwartz. 2001. Detection and mapping of a major locus for Fusarium wilt resistance in common bean. Crop Science 41:1494-1498.
Cross, H., M. Brick, H. Schwartz, L. Panella, and P. Byrne. 2000. Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in two common bean races. Crop Science 40:954-958.
Yencho, G.C., M.B. Cohen, and P.F. Byrne. 2000. Applications of tagging and mapping insect resistance loci in plants. Annual Review of Entomology 45:393-422.
Byrne P.F., M.D. McMullen, B.R. Wiseman, M.E. Snook, T.A. Musket, J.M. Theuri, N.W. Widstrom, and E.H. Coe. 1998. Maize silk maysin concentration and corn earworm antibiosis: QTLs and genetic mechanisms. Crop Science 38:461-471.
Lee, E.A., P.F. Byrne, M.D. McMullen, M.E. Snook, B.R. Wiseman, N.W. Widstrom, and E.H. Coe. 1998. Genetic mechanisms underlying apimaysin and maysin synthesis and corn earworm antibiosis in maize (Zea mays L.). Genetics 149:1997-2006.
McMullen, M.D., P.F. Byrne, M.E. Snook, B.R. Wiseman, E.A. Lee, N.W. Widstrom, and E.H. Coe. 1998. Quantitative trait loci and metabolic pathways (Colloquium paper). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95:1996-2000.
Byrne P.F., M.D. McMullen, B.R. Wiseman, M.E. Snook, T.A. Musket, J.M. Theuri, N.W. Widstrom, and E.H. Coe. 1997. Identification of maize chromosome regions associated with antibiosis to corn earworm (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) larvae. Journal of Economic Entomology 90:1039-1045.
Byrne, P.F., M.D. McMullen, M.E. Snook, T.A. Musket, J.M. Theuri, N.W. Widstrom, B.R. Wiseman, and E.H. Coe. 1996. Quantitative trait loci and metabolic pathways: Genetic control of the concentration of maysin, a corn earworm resistance factor, in maize silks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93:8820-8825.
Byrne, P.F., L.L. Darrah, M.E. Snook, B.R. Wiseman, N.W. Widstrom, D.J. Moellenbeck, and B.D. Barry. 1996. Maize silk-browning, maysin content, and antibiosis to the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Maydica 41:13-18.
Byrne, P.F., J. Bolaños, D.L. Eaton, and G.O. Edmeades. 1995. Gains from selection under drought versus multilocation testing in related tropical maize populations. Crop Science 35:63-69.
Byrne, P.F., M.B. Berlyn, E.H. Coe, G.L. Davis, M.L. Polacco, D.C. Hancock, and S.I. Letovsky. 1995. Reporting and accessing QTL information in USDA’s Maize Genome Database. Journal of Quantitative Trait Loci (later renamed Journal of Agricultural Genomics), vol. 1, no. 3. World Wide Web address:
Snook, M.E., N.W. Widstrom, B.R. Wiseman, P.F. Byrne, J.S. Harwood, and C.E. Costello. 1995. New C-4″-hydroxy derivatives of maysin and 3′-methoxymaysin from corn silks (Zea mays). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43:2740-2745.
Coe, E.H., M. Polacco, G.L. Davis, and P.F. Byrne. 1994. Genetic data and genetic mapping: some current perspectives. Maydica 39:47-51.
Eaton, D.L., P.F. Byrne, J. Deutsch, P. Goertz, E. Johnson, J. Mihm, A. Ortega Corona, S. Pandey, and W. Villena. 1993. Registration of Mezcla Amarilla, Tuxpeño Caribe, Blanco Subtropical, and AED-Tuxpeño maize populations. Crop Science 33:352-353.
Crossa, J., P.L. Cornelius, M. Seyedsadr, and P. Byrne. 1993. A shifted multiplicative model cluster analysis for grouping environments without genotypic rank change. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 85:577-586.
Eskridge, K.M., O.S. Smith, and P.F. Byrne. 1993. Comparing test cultivars using reliability functions of test-check differences from on-farm trials. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 87:60-64.
Eskridge, K.M., P.F. Byrne, and J. Crossa. 1991. Selection of stable varieties by minimizing the probability of disaster. Field Crops Research 27:169-181.
Byrne, P.F., L.L. Darrah, K.B. Simpson, A.J. Keaster, B.D. Barry, and M.S. Zuber. 1990. Relationship of maize tissue pH and resistance to whorl leaf feeding and stalk tunneling by the European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Environmental Entomology 19:1091-1096.
Byrne, P.F., L.L. Darrah, K.B. Simpson, A.J. Keaster, B.D. Barry, and M.S. Zuber. 1989. Maize silk pH as an indicator of resistance to the corn earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Environmental Entomology 18:356-360.
Refereed Chapters in Books:
Aka Kacar, Y., P.F. Byrne, and J.A. Teixeira da Silva. 2006. Molecular markers in plant tissue culture. p. 444-449. In: J.A. Teixeira da Silva (ed.) Floriculture, Ornamental, and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical İssues Vol. II. Global Science Books, London, UK.
Refereed Proceedings/Transactions:
McMaster. G.S., J.C. Ascough II, M.J. Shaffer, P.F. Byrne, S.D. Haley, D.C. Nielsen, A.A. Andales, G.H. Dunn, M.A. Weltz, and L.R. Ahuja. Parameterizing GPFARM: An Agricultural Decision Support System for Integrating Science, Economics, Resource Use, and Environmental Impacts. Paper presented at the 1st Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, 24-27 June, 2002, Lugano, Switzerland.
Byrne, P.F., S.M. Ward, A.L. Fenwick, L.K. Fuller, and J. Harrington. Transgenic crops education via the World Wide Web. Peer-reviewed contribution to the On-line Instructional Technology Symposium, sponsored by the International Society for Plant Pathology, May 15-June 30, 2001. Available online at (Verified 25 Aug. 2008).
Non-Refereed Journal Articles/Chapters/Proceedings/Transactions:
Henry, W.B., T.A. Gaines, P.F. Byrne, D.L. Shaner, S.J. Nissen, and P.A. Westra. 2004. Hybridization between a herbicide tolerant wheat variety and jointed goatgrass in the central Great Plains. North Central Weed Science Proceedings 59:9. 12-16 Dec. 2004, Columbus, OH.
Opheim, D.D., K.J. Fuehrer, S.R. Moeckly, M.E. Chapman, M.K. Wanous, and P.F. Byrne. 2001. Carbon isotope discrimination as an indicator of heat tolerance in wheat and potential for quantitative trait locus mapping. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Sciences 80:411-418.
Book review:
Byrne, P. 2008. Review of Drought Adaptation in Cereals, J.-M. Ribaut (ed.). Great Plains Research 18:117.
Web-based materials:
“Transgenic Crops: An Introduction and Resource Guide” ( P.F. Byrne, S.M. Ward, and J. Harrington. 2000-2004, Colorado State University, Soil & Crop Sciences Department and Center for Life Sciences.
“Herbicide Tolerant and Insect Resistant Crops in the West” ( P.F. Byrne and J. Harrington. 2006-2008. Web site established and maintained as part of a Western Regional IPM project.
Fact sheets and technical reports:
Byrne, P., T. Gaines, P. Westra, W.B. Henry, S. Nissen, P. Chapman, and J. Harrington. 2008. Estimating Gene Flow from Wheat to Wheat and Wheat to Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica). Colorado Agric. Exp. Sta. Technical Bulletin no. TB08-03. Available online at (Verified 25 Aug. 2008).
Byrne, P. 2014. Genetically Modified (GM) Crops: Techniques and Applications. CSU Extension Fact Sheet, no. 0.710.
Byrne, P., D. Pendell, and G. Graff. 2014. Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods. CSU Extension Fact Sheet.
Byrne, P. 2003. Bio-pharming. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet no. 0.307. Available online at (Verified 25 Aug. 2008).
Byrne, P. 2002. Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods. Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet no. 9.371. Available online at (Verified 25 Aug. 2008).
Schwartz, H., L.W. Panella, M.A. Brick, and P.F. Byrne. 2001. Fusarium Wilt & Yellows of Sugar Beet & Dry Bean, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet no. 2.950. Available online at (Verified 25 Aug. 2008).
- Byrne, P. Westra, S. Nissen, B. Henry, T. Gaines. 2005. Have Pollen, Will Travel. In Making Better Decisions, 2004 Colorado Winter Wheat Variety Performance Trials, Colorado Agric. Exp. Stn. Technical Report TR05-09.
Byrne, P., and M. Tosun. 2005. QTL (Kantitatif Özellik Lokus) Analizleri (Turkish translation). p. 146-170. In A.S. Tan (ed.) Statistical Genetic Plant Breeding Methods. Pub. no. 121, Ege Agricultural Research Institute, Izmir, Turkey.
Colorado Institute of Public Policy, Colorado State University, 2004. Bio-Pharming in Colorado: A Guide to Issues for Making Informed Choices. (Several CSU authors contributed, including P. Byrne.)
Brick, M.A., J.B. Ogg, H.F. Schwartz, P.F. Byrne, and J.D. Kelly. 2004. Resistance to Multiple Races of Fusarium Wilt in Common Bean. Bean Improvement Cooperative Report.
Fall, A. and P. Byrne. 2001. CSU Fusarium Wilt Resistance Research. From the Ground Up/Agronomy News 21(3):14. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.
Byrne, P. 2001. Rootworm-Protected Hybrid Corn. From the Ground Up/Agronomy News, 21(5):4-5. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.
Byrne, P.F. 2000. Transgenic Crop Production and Regulation. From the Ground Up/Agronomy News 20(2):4-7. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.
Byrne, P.F. and E.D. Styles. 2000. Linkage Distance between whp1 and ch1. Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter 74:32-33.
Johnson, J.J., J. Adams, P. Ayers, A. Berrada, B. Bosley, P.F. Byrne, T. D’Amato, J.G. Davis, M.A. Dillon, M. Eisenach, S. Haley, D. Hanavan, J. Hill, K. Nye, S. Pilcher, J.S. Quick, L. Skoglund, M. Thompson, C.B. Walker, and P. Westra. 1999. Making Better Decisions: 1998 Colorado Winter Wheat Performance Trials. Colorado State University Agric. Exp. Stn. Technical Report TR 99-7.
Byrne, P.F. 1998. Dissecting the Genetic Control of Complex Traits. From the Ground Up/Agronomy News 18(3):4-5.
Byrne, P.F., and M.D. McMullen. 1996. Defining genes for agricultural traits: QTL analysis and the candidate gene approach. Probe (USDA Plant Genome Newsletter) 7:24-27.