Two Centers With Individualized Programs
Each of our Temple Grandin Equine Centers are staffed by individual therapist-contractors. Each therapist specializes in a specific area of EAS and uses our facilities, equipment, and volunteers to offer an optimal setting for their clients and patients.
Browse the locations to learn more about what services are available at each TGEC.
Do You Want to Learn More About Our Programming?
If you or a loved one feel EAS could enhance your health and well-being, please send us an inquiry with programs you feel would best suit your needs.
[Embed Programming Form Here]
Student Education and Training
The Temple Grandin Equine center gives CSU students an opportunity for research-based learning in a dynamic, real-world environment, allowing them to contribute skills and knowledge to the EAS industry as they become the future leaders in the profession. Our Denver SPUR campus hosts multiple internship opportunities annually.
Learn more about our internship programs and how you can become involved.
EAS Research
[add description about research]