Grant Awarded to Continue Dryland Cover Crops Project
April 1, 2018 – Update! The grant proposal submitted to Western SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) has been approved for funding for another 3 years. This grant is titled “ Examining Cover Crops for Soil Health Restoration in Dryland Cropping Systems in SW Colorado and SE Utah”. We look forward to the continued project and collaborations with area producers!
November 6th, 2017 – On October 31st, 2017, a new Grant Proposal was submitted to Western SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education), in hopes of continuing the Dryland Cover Crops Project for another 3 years.
The Proposal was submitted under the Research & Education Grant type, which is the same type that the current project was funded. We will know if the Full Proposal is funded under the Western SARE program in March/April of 2018. If funded the project will begin April 1st, 2018 and end March 31st, 2021.
We have retained four of the participating farms from the currently funded grant, and added two additional area farms. We are interested in the continued research into cover crops in an annual dryland cropping system, but are also expanding the project to look at long-term, perennial cover crop as well (on a small scale).
If you have any questions about the proposal, please contact Dr. Steve Fonte or Dr. Katie Russell.
If you are interested in the different funding opportunities available through Western SARE, please visit their website at . There are Professional, Farmer, and Graduate Student led project types, along with the Research & Education type (typically Scientist led).