Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Positions
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Positions
Graduate teaching assistance (GTA) positions are awarded as part of student recruitment packages. Additional GTA positions may be advertised in Agricultural Biology or other departments each semester and application directions will be in these advertisements. The education committee reviews applications and make recommendations to the department head for GTA positions. GTA service includes teaching laboratory sections, grading responsibilities, proctoring examinations, and other duties.
GTA positions are typically awarded on a semester basis and are typically 50% time (20 hours per week) positions and along with a stipend, your tuition and health insurance expenses will also be covered for the semester that you serve as a GTA. The salaries for GTA positions may vary. If you are a GTA, you may not accept other University employment that would result in your being employed more than 50% time by the University unless you receive approval from the Graduate School in advance of the beginning date of your appointment.
GTA training is required and is available through TILT ( You may also choose to earn a teaching certificate though TILT ( in addition to your graduate program. In addition, you may register and receive credit for BSPM 584 or BPSM 784 Supervised College Teaching.
In order to ensure a safe and inclusive campus, all GTAs are considered “responsible employees” and required to report any incident of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct (including intimate partner abuse and stalking) involving any CSU student or staff member that is disclosed to them to the CSU Office of Equal Opportunity ( This obligation applies regardless of where or when an incident occurred or how the information is conveyed. You must take required training modules on Reporting Sexual Harassment and At-Risk Awareness prior to teaching, both of which are available through TILT (