William Jacobi

Jacobi, Bill 2014Plant Pathology

Retired Professor and Extension Specialist
Office: C202 Plant Sciences
Lab: E210 Plant Sciences

Research Interests:

I am retired now, but still remain interested in the biology and management of diseases and insects of forest and shade trees. I have particular interests in the spatial occurrence of forest diseases and insects and their relationships to environmental factors including metrological conditions. My graduate students have researched such diverse topics as environmental relationships and occurrence of cankers, root diseases, and rusts, and the biology of bark beetles and their hosts and impacts on fire and fuels, pathway analysis of firewood and exotics, and the impact of dust control chemicals.


Selected Publications:

Kearns, H. S. J., Jacobi, W. R., Reich, R. M., Flynn, R. L., Burns, K. S. and Geils, B. W. 2014. Risk of white pine blister rust to limber pine in Colorado and Wyoming, USA. Forest Pathology. 44 (2014) 21–38

Klutsch, J. G. Beam, R. D., Jacobi, W.R. and Negron, J.F. 2014. Bark beetles and dwarf mistletoe interact to alter downed woody material, canopy structure, and stand characteristics in northern Colorado ponderosa pine. Forest Ecology and Management 315: 63-71.

Kaczynski, K. M., David J. Cooper, D. J. and Jacobi, W. R. 2014. Interactions of sapsuckers and Cytospora canker can facilitate decline of riparian willows. Botany, 2014, 92(7): 485-493, 10.1139/cjb-2014-0019.

Blunt, T.D., Jacobi, W.R., Appel, J. A., Tisserat, N. and Todd, T. C. 2014. First report of pine wilt in Colorado, USA. Plant Health Progress. 15: 1-2

Dudley, M. M. Jacobi, W.R. and Brown, C.S. 2014. Roadway deicer effects on the germination of native grasses and forbs. Water Air Soil Pollution. DOI 10.1007s11270-014-1984-z.

West, D. R., Briggs, J. S., Jacobi, W. R. and Negrón, J. F. 2014. Mountain pine beetle-caused mortality over eight years in two pine hosts in mixed-conifer stands of the southern Rocky Mountains. Forest Ecology and management 334: 321-330.

Klutsch, J. G. Goodrich, B.A. and Jacobi, W.R. 2015. Post-fire regeneration in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests in Wind River and Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming, USA J. For. Res. 26:719-733.

Kepley, J. B., Reeves, F.B., Jacobi, W.R. and Adams, G.C. 2015. Species associated with Cytospora canker on Populus tremuloides. Mycotaxon submitted

Dudley, M.M., Burns, K.S., Jacobi W.R. 2015. Aspen mortality in the Colorado and southern Wyoming Rocky Mountains: Extent, severity, and causal factors. Forest Ecology and Management 253: 24-259.

Dudley, M.M., Negron, J., Tisserat, N.A., Shepperd, W.D. and, Jacobi, W.R. 2015. Influence of climate on the growth of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in Colorado and southern Wyoming. Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Accepted)