
Join the lab group!

Thank you for your interest in joining our agroecosystems research program at Colorado State University. We welcome the participation of undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers. Potential graduate students should review the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences or the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology descriptions and requirements prior to contacting Dr. Schipanski.

Current graduate research assistantship opportunities (see full descriptions below):

  1. Linking cover crop root exudation and soil microbiomes to soil functions
  2. Establishing a Soil Health Framework for Water-Limited Regions

I am happy to help potential students secure external funding. Below are some links to potential funding sources:

CSU Food-Energy-Water Nexus graduate training program
NSF fellowships for incoming graduate students
USDA fellowships for incoming postdocs

Current Opportunities

1. Linking cover crop root exudation and soil microbiomes to soil functions

M.S. graduate research assistantship
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado

Seeking a Master’s student to conduct the field-based component of a collaborative research project focused on linking laboratory microcosm studies of cover crop root exudation patterns and microbiomes to soil functions. The research team includes expertise in analytical chemistry, microbial ecology, and agroecosystem ecology. The M.S. student will lead a field experiment at the CSU research farm near Fort Collins, Colorado, evaluating short-term and legacy effects of diverse cover crop species on key soil health functions. The species included in the field study will be informed by preliminary greenhouse and soil microcosm studies currently underway to characterize cover crop root exudate chemistry and the effects of root exudates on soil microbiomes. Desired qualifications include field and lab experience in soil science, soil ecology, or a related field as well as strong written and quantitative skills. We value the diversity of experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives that different members bring to our community. We encourage applicants with diverse and non-traditional backgrounds to apply. Preferred start date is Summer 2022.

To apply, send via email to meagan.schipanski@colostate.edu by December 1st:

  1. Your resume/CV
  2. A statement of motivation to complete a Master’s degree program, including your relevant experience and longer-term career goals (1 pg max)

After initial screening of candidates, we will ask finalists to submit the formal application to the CSU Graduate School by January 15th.  Students can apply through the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences or the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology.

2. Establishing a Soil Health Framework for Water-Limited Regions

M.S. graduate research assistantship
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado

Seeking a Master’s student to conduct field-based research focused on adapting existing soil health frameworks to water-limited regions. The student will be part of a collaborative, multi-institutional team that includes New Mexico State University and USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) research groups in Texas and Colorado. The M.S. student will be co-advised by Drs. Meagan Schipanski and Steve Fonte in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University. A 2-year field experiment will be conducted at the USDA-ARS Central Great Plains Station in Akron, Colorado to evaluate the relative and interactive effects of compost additions and cropping intensification on soil health indicators and soil water dynamics. Desired qualifications include field experience in agronomic and/or soil science research and strong written and quantitative skills. We value the diversity of experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives that different members bring to our community. We encourage applicants with diverse and non-traditional backgrounds to apply. Preferred start date is Summer/Fall 2022.

To apply, send via email to meagan.schipanski@colostate.edu and steven.fonte@colostate.edu by December 1st:

  1. Your resume/CV
  2. A statement of motivation to complete a Master’s degree program, including your relevant experience and longer-term career goals (1 pg max)

After initial screening of candidates, we will ask finalists to submit the formal application to the CSU Graduate School by January 15th.  Students can apply through the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences or the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology.


For more information about our research groups:

