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* graduate student, **postdoc

Khoury, C.K., Kantar, M., Barber, E., Kisel, Y., Ricciardi, V., Klirso, C., Kucera, L., Mehrabi, Z., Johnson, N., Klabin, S., Valino, A., Nowakowski, K., Bartomeus, I., Ramankutty, N., Miller, A., Schipanski, M. Gore, M.A., Novy, A. 2019.  Science – graphic art partnerships to increase research impact. Nature Communications Biology 2 (295): 1-5.

Kallenbach, C. M.**, Wallenstein, M., Schipanski, M., Grandy, S. 2019. Managing agroecosystems for optimal microbial carbon use efficiency: Unknowns, interactions, and a path forward. Frontiers in Microbiology 10 (1146).

Kaye, J.P., D. Finney, C. White, B. Bradley, M. Schipanski, M. Alonso-Ayuso, M. Hunter, M. Burgess, C. Mejia. 2019. Managing nitrogen through cover crop species selection in the U.S. mid-Atlantic. PLOS ONE.

Jablonski, B.B.R., M. Carolan, J. Hale, D. Thilmany McFadden, E. Love, L. Christensen, T. Covey, L. Bellows, R. Cleary, O. David, K.E. Jablonski, A.S. Jones, P. Meiman, J. Quinn, E.P. Ryan, M. Schipanski, H. Summers, M. Uchanski. 2019.Connecting urban food plans to the countryside: Leveraging Denver’s Food Vision to build meaningful rural-urban linkages. Sustainability 11(7): 2022.

Hunter, M., M.E. Schipanski, M. Burgess, J. LaChance, B. Bradley, M.E. Barbercheck, J.P. Kaye, D.A. Mortensen. 2019. Cover crop mixture effects on maize, soybean, and wheat yield in rotation. Agricultural and Environmental Letters 4:180051.

Haacker, E.M.K., V. Sharda, A.M. Cano, R.A. Hrozencik, A. Nuñez, Z. Zambreski, S. Nozari, G.E.B. Smith, L. Moore, S. Sharma, P. Gowda, C. Ray, M. Schipanski, and R. Waskom. 2019. Transition pathways to sustainable agricultural water management: A review of integrated modeling approaches. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1–18.

Rudnick, D. R., Irmak, S., West, C., Kisekka, I., Marek, T. H., Schneekloth, J., Mitchell McCallister, D., Sharma, V., Djaman, K., Aguilar, J., Chávez, J. L., Schipanski, M., Rogers, D. H., Schlegel, A. 2019. Deficit irrigation management of maize in the High Plains Aquifer region: A review. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1–18.

Nogeire-McRae, T.**, Ryan, E. P., Jablonski, B., Carolan, M. S., Arathi, H.S., Brown, C. S., Honarchian Saki, H., McKeen, S. A., Lapansky, E., Schipanski, M. 2018. The role of urban agriculture in a secure, healthy, and sustainable food system. BioScience.

Rosenzweig, S.T.,* M.E. Stromberger, M.E. Schipanski. 2018. Intensified dryland crop rotations support greater grain production with fewer inputs. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 264: 63-72.

Cano, A., A. NĂșñez, V. Acosta-Martinez, M. Schipanski, R. Ghimire, C. Rice, C. West. 2018. Current knowledge and future research directions to link soil health and water conservation in the Ogallala Aquifer region. Geoderma 328: 109-118.

Sherrod, L.A., G.S. McMaster, J.A. Delgado, M.E. Schipanski, S.J. Fonte, R.L. Montenieri, K. Larson. 2018. Soil carbon pools in dryland agroecosystems as affected by several years of drought. Journal of Environmental Quality (special section Predicting soil organic carbon in agroecosystems under climate change). doi:10.2134/jeq2017.09.0371.

Rosenzweig, S.T.*, S.J. Fonte, M.E. Schipanski. 2018. Intensifying rotations increases soil carbon, fungi, and aggregation in semi-arid agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment258: 14-22.

Uddameri, V., Singaraju, S., Karim, A., Gowda, P., Bailey, R. T., Schipanski, M. 2017. Understanding climate‐hydrologic‐human interactions to guide groundwater model development for Southern High Plains. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 162(1), 79-99.

Robertson, A. D.**, Zhang, Y., Sherrod, L. A., Rosenzweig*, S. T., Ma, L., Ahuja, L., & Schipanski, M. E. 2017. Climate change impacts on yields and soil carbon in row crop dryland agriculture. Journal of Environmental Quality (special section Predicting soil organic carbon in agroecosystems under climate change; Highlighted in Crops, Soils, Agronomy News). doi:10.2134/jeq2017.08.0309

Baraibar, B., M. Hunter*, M.E. Schipanski, A. Hamilton, D. Mortensen. 2017. Weed suppression by cover crop monoculture and mixtures: The importance of planting window and cover crop species. Weed Science.

Finney, D. M., E. G. Murrell, C. M. White, B. Baraibar, M. E. Barbercheck, B. A. Bradley, S. Cornelisse, M. C. Hunter, J. P. Kaye, D. A. Mortensen, C. A. Mullen, and M. E. Schipanski. 2017. Ecosystem services and disservices are bundled in simple and diverse cover cropping systems. Agricultural & Environmental Letters 2:170033. doi:10.2134/ael2017.09.0033

Rosenzweig, S.*, M.E. Schipanski, J.P. Kaye. 2017. Rhizosphere priming and plant-mediated cover crop decomposition. Plant and Soil 417: 127-139.

Calderon, F.J., S.W. Culman, J. Six, A.J. Franzluebbers, M. Schipanski, J. Beniston, S. Grandy, A. Kong. 2017. Quantification of soil permanganate oxidizable C (POXC) using infrared spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81(2): 277-288. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.07.0216

Hunter, M.C.*, R.G. Smith, M.E. Schipanski, L.W. Atwood, D.A. Mortensen. 2017. Agriculture in 2050: Recalibrating targets for sustainable intensification. BioScience 67(4): 386-391.

Schipanski, M.E., M.E. Barbercheck, E.G. Murrell, J. Harper, D.M. Finney, J.P. Kaye, D.A. Mortensen, R.G. Smith. 2017. Balancing multiple objectives in organic feed and forage cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment239: 219-227.

Murrell, E.G., M.E. Schipanski, D.M. Finney, M.C. Hunter*, M. Burgess, J.C. LaChance, B. Baraibar, C.M. White, D.A. Mortensen, J.P. Kaye. 2017. Achieving diverse cover crop mixtures: Effects of planting date and seeding rate. Agronomy Journal 109(1): 1-13.

Hurisso, T.T., S.W. Culman, W.R. Horwath, J. Wade, D. Cass, J.W. Beniston, T.M. Bowles, A.S. Grandy, A.J. Franzluebbers, M.E. Schipanski, S. Lucas, C. Ugarte. 2016. Comparison of permanganate oxidizable carbon and mineralized C to assess organic matter stabilization and mineralization. Soil Science Society of America Journal80(5): 1352-1364.

Schipanski, M.E., G.K. MacDonald, S. Rosenzweig*, J. Chappell,E.M. Bennett, R. Bezner Kerr, J. Blesh, T. Crews, L. Drinkwater, J.G. Lundgren, C. Schnarr*. 2016.Realizing resilient food systems. BioScience66 (7): 600-610.

Crews. T.E., J. Blesh, S.W. Culman, R.C. Hayes, E. Steen Jensen, M.C. Mack, M.B. Peoples, M.E. Schipanski. 2016. Going where no grains have gone before: From early to mid-succession. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment223:223-238

Schipanski, M.E.,R.G. Smith, T.L. Pisani Gareau, R. Jabbour, D.B. Lewis, M.E. Barbercheck, D.A. Mortensen, J.P. Kaye. 2014. The structure of multivariate relationships influencing crop yields during the transition to organic management. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 189: 119-126.

Schipanski, M.E., M.E. Barbercheck, M.R. Douglas, D.M. Finney, K. Haider, J.P. Kaye, A.R. Kemanian, D.A. Mortensen, M.R. Ryan, J. Tooker and C. White. 2014. A framework for evaluating multifunctionality of cover crops in agroecosystems.  Agricultural Systems 125: 12-22.

Riskin, S.H., S. Porder, M.E. Schipanski, E.M. Bennett, and C. Neill. 2013. Soils mediate agricultural consequences: the role of phosphorus in soybean agriculture. BioScience63: 49-54.

Schipanski, M. E., and L.E. Drinkwater. 2012.Soil fertility effects on nitrogen fixation in annual and perennial legume-grass mixtures. Plant and Soil 357: 147-159.

Culman, S., S.S. Snapp, M.E. Schipanski, M.A. Freeman, J. Beniston, L.E. Drinkwater, A.J. Franzluebbers, J.D. Glover, A.S. Grandy, R. Lal, J. Lee, J.E. Maul, S.B. Mirsky, J. Six, J.T. Spargo, M.M. Wander. 2012. Permanganate oxidizable carbon reflects a processed soil fraction that is sensitive to management. Soil Science Society of America Journal76: 494-504.

Schipanski, M.E. and E.M. Bennett. 2012. The influence of agricultural trade and livestock production on the global phosphorus cycle. Ecosystems15: 256-268.

Grossman, J.M., M.E. Schipanski, T. Sooksanguan, S. Seehaver, L.E. Drinkwater. 2011.Diversity of rhizobia nodulating soybean [Glycine max(Vinton)] varies under organic and conventional management. Applied Soil Ecology50: 14-20.

Schipanski, M. E., L.E. Drinkwater. 2011. Nitrogen fixation of red clover interseeded with winter cereals across a management-induced fertility gradient. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems90(1): 105-119.

Schipanski, M. E., L.E. Drinkwater, and M.P. Russelle. 2010. Understanding the variability in soybean nitrogen fixation across agroecosystems. Plant and Soil329: 379-397.

Drinkwater, L.E., M. Schipanski, S. Snapp, and L.E. Jackson. 2008. Ecologically-based nutrient management, InS. Snapp and B. Pound, eds. Agricultural systems: Agroecology and rural innovation for development. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Knapp, A.K., M. Cocke (Schipanski), and E.P. Hammerlynck. 1994. Effect of elevated CO2on stomatal density and distribution in C4grass and a C3forb under field conditions. Annals of Botany, 74: 595-599.