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About the Colorado Seed Lab

For nearly 100 years, the Colorado Seed Laboratory has been your source for excellence and reliability in seed testing.  This tradition is still carried out today with a hard working, forward thinking, well trained staff.  We take pride in working with you to meet your seed testing needs.  Our goal is to meet and exceed your expectations every time!  Welcome to our home on the web.  Take a look around and let us know if we can help you with anything else by giving us a call or emailing us at 970-491-6406 or

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Purity Examination determines the part of the sample that is pure seed, other crop,weed seed and inert material.
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A Germination Test determines normal/good seedlings, abnormal seedlings, dead, dormant and hard seeds.
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The Colorado Seed Laboratory is an official AOSA laboratory, and we also perform tests according to Canadian standards upon request.  The primary reason for having rules regarding seed testing is consistency. It should be possible to replicate the results of a viability test in any lab nationwide.


Seed is governed by laws at both the state and federal levels.
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Read about our Seed Lab’s story on how we are making an impact at CSU Spur.




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2018 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA