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Soil and Crop Sciences

Every day, we are working on the critical science and technology necessary to meet the demands of future sustainable food systems. We are actively engaged in developing strategies to reverse climate change by integrating complex soil regeneration systems, leveraging genetics to develop resilient crops, and optimizing water conservation through data collection and analytics. Together, we are transforming environmental challenges into opportunities to reimagine how we feed a rapidly changing world and restore our fragile planet.

Research and Engagement

We leverage our expertise in plant genetics, ecosystem management, and soil science to transform environmental challenges into technological opportunities and sustainable agricultural practices. Our collaborative faculty engage our students, industry, and government stakeholders to fulfill Colorado’s growing needs.

Woman near plants in a greenhouse
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Story of Impact

Patti Vail

Planting a seed is more than just growing a plant, it’s a statement of hope and commitment to our future. First-generation graduate Patti Vail was at a pivotal moment when she joined Soil and Crop Sciences, having recently overcome personal struggles. By planting those first few hopeful seeds, Patti found success in her studies and the support and encouragement she needed to blossom into the scientist she has become.

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Upcoming Department Events

$Trumba.addSpud({ webName: "agsci", spudType : "upcoming" , spudConfig : "agsci-depts" , url : { filterview : "Soil & Crop Sciences" } , teaserBase : "https://calendar.colostate.edu/agsci/" });
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Soil and Crop Sciences Degrees and Programs

Undergraduate Degrees

Soil Science and Environmental Solutions – Concentration

Explore the interdisciplinary nature of soils through the study of soil organisms and their interactions with each other and the soil’s physical and chemical environment.

Degree Details for Soil Science and Environmental Solutions – Concentration

Sustainable Agricultural Management – Concentration

Help the agricultural economy prosper by combining practical business expertise with cutting-edge knowledge of data-driven sustainable agriculture.

Degree Details for Sustainable Agricultural Management – Concentration

Plant Biotechnology – Concentration

Apply advanced genomics to develop varieties of crops that are more nutritious, resilient to climate change, and disease-resistant to enable sustainable agriculture.

Degree Details for Plant Biotechnology – Concentration

Graduate Degrees

Ph.D. in Soil and Crop Science

Develop deep knowledge and understanding of soils, plants, microbiomes, genomics, or related topics through the development of original research under the mentorship of world-class scientists. Gain exposure and preparation in a range of career paths where you can make an important impact.

Degree Details for Ph.D. in Soil and Crop Science

M.S. in Soil and Crop Science – Agroecosystems Management

Learn the skills of precision crop, nutrient, and management systems that improve the efficiency of crop water use and pest management.

Degree Details for M.S. in Soil and Crop Science – Agroecosystems Management

M.S. in Soil and Crop Science

Develop an advanced understanding of soil, plants, microbiomes, genomics, or related topics while preparing for impactful careers.

Degree Details for M.S. in Soil and Crop Science

M.S. in Soil and Crop Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics

Become a member of a comprehensive crop molecular genetics program involving molecular mapping and characterization of agronomically important traits in a variety of crops.

Degree Details for M.S. in Soil and Crop Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics


Soil Resources and Conservation – Minor

Through a fundamental understanding of soil science and management, gain knowledge and tools to help reverse soil erosion and degradation while sequestering carbon.

Degree Details for Soil Resources and Conservation – Minor

Organic Agriculture (Interdisciplinary) – Minor

Study holistic methods for food production that promote and enhance agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity.

Degree Details for Organic Agriculture (Interdisciplinary) – Minor

Soil Science – Minor

Complement your major with a strong knowledge base in the principles and applications of soil science.

Degree Details for Soil Science – Minor


Seed Science and Technology

Prepare for positions in the seed industry with a comprehensive overview of seed analysis and a scientific understanding of seed biology.

Degree Details for Seed Science and Technology

Contact the Department

307 University Ave.
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523-1170
Bldg.: Plant Sciences C127
Voice: (970) 491-6517
Fax: (970) 491-5676