Agricultural and Resource Economics
We are a multifaceted group of dedicated scholars solving the world’s most wicked challenges like managing the world’s food supply and enhancing societal well-being. Our graduates find themselves in the capitol, classroom, board room, on farms, in the forest, and in processing plants where they are changing, influencing, and implementing practical solutions for our food supply and economy. Join us and become part of the educational revolution happening in the Department of Agricultural and Resources Economics.

Research and Engagement
Our research investigates complex questions to more fully understand how policy, environment, and access to resources impact food production. Our students work alongside our primary investigators and industry partners to gain hands-on skills necessary for a successful career in agricultural sciences. We take our work seriously because we know our research touches everyone whether locally, nationally or globally.

Story of Impact
Omar Roman
Omar Roman, a first-generation student brings generations of knowledge and experience to his agribusiness major. Growing up immersed in farming, Omar understands his upbringing will both enhance his agribusiness studies and enable him to continue his family’s agricultural tradition.

Upcoming Department Events

Agricultural and Resource Economics Degrees and Programs
Undergraduate Degrees
Agricultural Business Major – Agricultural Economics Concentration
Explore the theoretical and analytic tools of applied economics and gain the skills necessary to apply these principles in applied settings.
Agricultural Business Major – Food Systems Concentration
Apply theoretical and analytic tools of applied economics within the context of food systems. Explores the broadest context of food systems ranging from small-scale localized markets to traditional market-mediated commodity-based products to highly specialized, vertically coordinated supply chains.
Agricultural Education Major – Teacher Development Concentration
Learn and educate around the science, business, and technology of agriculture, food and environmental/natural resource systems. Develop skills as an agricultural educator in a three-part model: classroom, experiential learning, and leadership development.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Major
Discover economic tools to evaluate the allocation and utilization of natural resources and the management of the natural environment.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Online Major
Discover economic tools to evaluate the allocation and utilization of natural resources and the management of the natural environment.
Food Industry Management Interdisciplinary Minor
Provides a platform for students to integrate business principles with applied food management courses.
Agricultural Business Minor – On Campus or Online
Focus studies on agricultural production management, financial management, marketing management, international development and trade.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Minor – On Campus or Online
Discover a valuable way to help understand how humans can use and conserve our natural resources.
Agricultural Business Major – Farm and Ranch Management Concentration
Apply a solid understanding of economics and the underlying physical and biological sciences that drive agricultural technology to problems facing modern farmers and ranchers.
Agricultural Education Major – Agricultural Literacy Concentration
Learn and educate around the science, business, and technology of agriculture, food and environmental/natural resource systems. Develop an integral of a complete agricultural system. Agricultural literacy is the synthesis, instruction, and communication of basic information about agriculture to the public.
Agricultural Literacy Minor
Offers students an integrated set of courses in agricultural education. Pursue content in animal sciences, plant sciences, food products and processing, or natural resources.
Graduate Degrees
Master of Extension Education M.Ext.Ed. – On Campus or Online
Study to develop impactful programs and deliver educational resources as a community educator.
Master’s of Agriculture in Agricultural Education Teacher Development M.Ag. – On Campus or Online
Explore and develop projects which directly impact effective educational practices, including relevance, hands-on training, high levels of student cognition, and student confidence.
M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Master fundamental microeconomic theory and econometrics in order to perform applied economic research in the public and private sectors as analysts, consultants, researchers, and other occupations.
Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Prepare to develop microeconomic theory, quantitative methods, and at least one tested field (Agricultural Economics or Environmental and Resource Economics).
Teaching in Extension Certificate – Online
Explore the ages and stages of learning, covering the full lifespan, youth through adult, to deliver effective instruction in a variety of settings across multiple age groups.
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Contact the Department
Clark B-318
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1172
(970) 491-6955 Office
970-491-2067 Fax