Lady Beetles

Order: Coleoptera
Family: Coccinellidae


Lady beetle adults are round to oval, bright red and often spotted. Lady beetle larvae look very different and are often overlook or misidentified. Lady beetle larvae are elongated, usually dark colored and flecked with orange or yellow. Both adults and larvae feed on large numbers of small soft-bodied insects, such as aphids, mites, mealybugs, and small caterpillars. One small groups of black lady beetles commonly called “spider mite destroyer” (genus Stethorus spp.) is an important predator of spider mites.

Two-Spotted Lady Beetle with Eggs

Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, 
Two-spotted lady beetle with eggs. 

Lady Beetle Larva

Clemson University – USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, 
Lady beetle larva.

Quick Facts

  • Beneficial arthropods can prevent or limit pest problems in the yard and garden.
  • These beneficial beetles can be categorized broadly as either insect predators or parasites.
  • Common insect parasitoids include flies and small wasps. 
  • When insecticides are needed, choose ones that are selective and less likely to harm beneficial insects and mites. 

CSU Extension Fact Sheet

Download or view the CSU Extension’s PDF fact sheet for your reference.