Aphids on Shade Trees

Aphids on Shade Trees and Ornamentals Aphids are an extremely common insect in landscapes and gardens. In ornamental plants, shrubs and trees, some aphids cause wilting or leaf curling and excrete a sticky waste product, honeydew that promotes sooty mold growth and...

Codling Moth

Codling Moth: Control in Home Plantings   Codling moth is an important insect pest of apples and pears in North America. The cream-colored larvae of this moth tunnel into fruit.   Order: LepidopteraFamily: Tortricidae Description and Lifecycle The adult codling moth...

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer, Agrillus planipennis Emerald ash borer is an invasive pest of ash trees. Larvae of this pest feed beneath the bark, eventually killing the tree. Emerald ash borer was found in Boulder, CO in 2013 and is actively spreading.   Order: ColeopteraFamily:...

Peachtree Borer

Peachtree Borer, Synanthedon pictipes Peachtree borers are the most destructive pest of stone fruits such as peach in Colorado. The larvae chew underneath the bark of the tree which can weaken and sometimes kill the plant.   Order: LepidopteraFamily: Sesiidae...

Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica Japanese beetles have been one of the key insect pests of both turfgrass and landscape plants in the eastern US and now in the Western U.S. These beetles cause significant defoliation and damage to leaves and flowers of many plants. ...