Primary Investigators and Laboratory Staff
We are always interested in building our lab with people who are curious and motivated to expand our knowledge and create solutions in weed science.
Please contact our primary investigators to discuss how you can become a member of the lab.
Franck E. Dayan
Professor and Nutrien Distinguished Scholar of Agricultural Sciences
Office 116 Weed Research Laboratory
Program and Lab Responsibilities
Plant physiology and biochemistry, herbicide mode of action, and evolution of resistance.
Contact Information
(662) 816-6214
Todd Gaines
Plant Science C-208
Program and Lab Responsibilities
Integrated Weed Management; Herbicide Resistance; Weed Science; Plant Genetics; Evolution; Pest Management
Contact Information
Lovreet Singh Shergill
Assistant Professor – Weed Science
Weed Research Lab Room 111
Program and Lab Responsibilities
Integrated Weed Management, Precision Agriculture, Herbicide Resistance, Weed Seedbank Management, Applied Weed Science Research, Weed Science Education, Extension and Outreach Programs
Contact Information
Akam Brar
Research Associate
Program and Lab Responsibilities
Integrated Weed Management, Precision Agriculture, Herbicide Resistance, Weed Seedbank Management, Applied Weed Science Research
Contact Information
Fatemeh Abdollahi
Research Scientist I
Program and Lab Responsibilities
Herbicide resistance, Cytochrome P450, and Gene silencing: Antisense oligonucleotides.