
For Information on the CSU Turf Program – Teaching, Research, Admissions, and other Program Information

Dr. Tony Koski
Professor and Extension Turf Specialist
Colorado State University
Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
1173 Campus Delivery
101 Shepardson

Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173

Phone: 970-491-7070
Cell: 970-222-1450

FAX: 970-491-7745
Email Dr. Koski

Dr. Yaling Qian
Associate Professor
Colorado State University
Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
1173 Campus Delivery
103 Shepardson
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173

Phone: 970-491-7079
FAX: 970-491-7745
Email Dr. Qian


directions to CSU
Directions to CSU Turfgrass Research Center with Ft. Collins CC on map

Take 1-25 to Exit 271 (Mountain Vista Drive), a couple of miles north of the Fort Collins exits; go east on Mountain Vista Drive. The entrance to the research center is located just east of the interstate on the north side of Mountain Vista Drive. You will see a green sign with “CSU Horticulture Research Center” on it. Pull in by the white pole building.