Lawn Care

Basic Lawn Care

Lawn Care (7.202) – Covers the basics: mowing, watering, fertilizing, and thatch management in your Colorado lawn

Renovating the Home Lawn (7.241) – How to change your lawn from one species to another, renovate/rejuvenate an old lawn, or repair a lawn that has been damaged by drought or pests

Watering Established Lawns (7.199) – How to water an established lawn

Eliminate Grass Clipping Collection (7.007) – It is beneficial to leave the grass clippings on your lawn when you mow

Lawn Weed Control

Broken Link – How to manage dandelion, clover, thistle, bindweed and other broadleaf weeds in your lawn (discontinued)

Control of Weedy Grasses in Home Lawns (3.101) – How to manage crabgrass, foxtail, and other annual grassy weeds in your lawn

Lawn Insect Management

Broken Links? (many discontinued PDFs)

Landscape Management with Watering Restrictions


Flowers and Vegetables 

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