
Book Chapters

Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Submitted)

Kalita, D., Jayanty, S. S. Reducing acrylamide formation by vanadium. In Prof. Vural Gökmen (Ed.), Acrylamide in Food: Analysis, Content and Potential Health Effects (pp. 15). Elsevier.

Refereed Journal Articles

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Perla, V., Jayanty, S. S., Holm, D. G., Davidson, R. D. (2013). Relationship between tuber storage proteins and tuber powdery scab resistance in potato. AJPR, DOI 10.1007/s12230-13-9343-y; 13pp..

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Jayanty, S. S. (2012). An Experimental Study of Pressure Bruise Development in Four Russet Potato Cultivars with Differences in At-Harvest Tuber Moisture Loss. American Journal of Potato Research., 89, 269-276.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Jayanty, S. S., Perla, V., Holm, D. G. (2012). Effects of cooking methods on polyphenols, pigments and antioxidant activity in potato tubers. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 45, 161-171.

 Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal (Published)

Perla, V., Holm, D. G., Jayanty, S. S. (2011). Effects of cooking methods on polyphenols, pigments and antioxidant activity in Potato Tubers. LWT Food Science and Technology, 45, 161-171.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Vivanco, J. M., Jayanty, S. S. (2010). Pyrosequencing Assessment of Soil Microbial Communities. Organic and Conventional Potato Farms Plant Disease, November, 94(11), 1329-1335.

 Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal (Published)

(2006). Loss of function of COBRA, a determinant of oriented cell expansion, invokes cellular defence responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Exp Bot, 57, 2923-2936.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Accepted)

Kalita, D., Jayanty, S. S. (in press). Analysis of Acrylamide formation in selected potato germplasm. Food Processing & Technology, 5, 8.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Accepted)

Perla, V., Jayanty, S. S. (2013). Biguanide related compounds in traditional antidiabetic functional plant foods. Food Chemistry, 138, 1574-1580.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Accepted)

Kalita, D., Jayanty, S. S. (2013). Reduction of Acrylamide Formation by Vanadium Salt in Potato French Fries and Chips. Food Chemistry, 138, 644-649.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Accepted)

Kalita, D., Jayanty, S. S., Holm, D. G. (2013). Role of polyphenols in acrylamide formation in the fried products of potato tubers with colored flesh. Food Research International, 54, 753-759.

 Journal Article, Academic Journal (Accepted)

Perla, V., Holm, D. G., Jayanty, S. S. (2012). Selenium and sulfur content and activity of associated enzymes in selected potato germplasm. American Journal of Potato Research, 89(2), 111-120.

 Non-Refereed Journal Articles

 Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal (Published)

Castleberry, H., Jayanty, S. S. (2014). Analysis of Acrylamide formation in selected potato germplasm. Spud Items, 3.

 Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal (Published)

(2009). Predictions of pressure bruise susceptibility based on early tuber weight loss in storage. SLVRC, Department of Horticulture & LA, Colorado State University Published in Spuditems, 61(12).

 Conference Proceedings

 Conference Proceeding (Published)

Kalita, D., Jayanty, S. S., Holm, D. G. (2013). Analysis of Acrylamide formation in selected potato germplasm (vol. 90, pp. 136). American Journal of Potato Research.

 Conference Proceeding (Published)

Perla, V., Jayanty, S. S. (2012). Selenium and sulfur in Colorado germplasm (vol. 90, pp. 144). American Journal of Potato Research.

 Conference Proceeding (Accepted)

Perla, V., Jayanty, S. S. (2013). Antidiabetic compounds in Potato (vol. 90, pp. 144). AmericanJournal of Potato Research.

 Conference Proceeding (Accepted)

Jayanty, S. S. (2013). Evaluation of the type, amount of dietary fiber in a collection of potato germplasm (vol. 90, pp. 152). American Journal of Potato Research.

 Conference Proceeding (Accepted)

Henry, C., Jayanty, S. S. (2013). Influence of late growing season nitrogenapplication on the tuber yield at-harvest quality,and stored potato quality of russet potatoes (vol. 90, pp. 128). American Journal of Potato Research.

 Conference Proceeding (Accepted)

Jayanty, S. S. (2012). Antidiabetic Compounds in Plant Species. ASHS Journal.

 Other Intellectual Contributions

 Abstract (Published)

Essah, S. Y., Jayanty, S. S. Response of Russet Potato to additional late nitrogen fertilizer application. Denver, Colorado: US Potato Board. Potato Expo

 Web Development (Published)

Essah, S. Y., Holm, D. G., Jayanty, S. S. (2014). Colorado State University potato program, Colorado State University.

 Magazine/Trade Publication (Published)

Essah, S. Y., Holm, D. G., Davidson, R. D., Jayanty, S. S. (2013). Mesa Russet: General characteristics and management. Monte Vista, CO: Colorado Potato Administrative Committee.

 CE Report/Bulletin/Factsheet (Published)

Jayanty, S. S. (2012). Managing Tuber Maturity to Improve Skin Set (11th ed., vol. 64). Spud Items.

 CE Report/Bulletin/Factsheet (Published)

Jayanty, S. S. (2012). Potato Storage Sanitation (9th ed., vol. 63). Spud Items.

 CE Report/Bulletin/Factsheet (Accepted)

Davidson, R. D., Holm, D. G., Essah, S. Y., Jayanty, S. S. (2014). Seven cultivar management sheets. Extension sheet for potato growers.

 Abstract (Accepted)

Larson, K., Jayanty, S. S., Holm, D. G., Reddivari, L. (2013). Characterization of carotenoid content in potato germplasm utilized by the Colorado potato breeding and selection program (vol. 90, pp. 138). American Journal of Potato Research.

 Abstract (Accepted)

Perla, V., Jayanty, S. S., Holm, D. G., Davidson, R. D. (2013). The role of lipoxygenase and patatin-lipase in powdery scab disease tolerance in potato tubers.. Potato Association of Amercia.

 Instructor’s Manual (Submitted)

Jayanty, S. S. Disinfecting Potato Storage. Potato Postharvest Storage Manual. Denver: State of Colorado.

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