
Driving Directions from Denver

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Google map from Denver International Airport (DIA) to the Cancer Prevention Laboratory

Google map from Denver International Airport (DIA) to the Fort Collins Hilton

I25 north to Prospect Road (exit 268). West 4 miles to College Avenue. Turn right at the Taco Bell. Quickly move to left lane; turn left at first traffic light (Pitkin Street). Go across railroad tracks and turn right on Mason Street, continue north to stop sign. Turn left on University Ave., continue past the stop sign at Libbie Coy Way (formerly known as East Dr.).

Parking options:

1. Park in the metered parking spaces across the street (north) of the Nutrien bldg.

2. If you have received a temporary parking hang tag you may park in lots designated with “A” or “Z”, but not “F” lots (vehicle will ticketed and towed). Hang the parking tag on the windshield mirror, please be sure to scratch off the current month, day and year. If you have a hang tag please do not park in metered parking,  restricted zones, or loading zones.


Shipping address

200 West Lake Street
Campus Delivery 1177
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1177

Physical Address*

307 University Ave.
E002 Plant Science Building
Campus Delivery 1177
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1177

*Note: Shipment of large items that require a crate or are in excess of 100 lbs. should be labeled with the physical address, name of the person who placed the order and their campus phone number. Small items should be labeled with the general shipping address and correspondence may be sent to the mailing address.