
Welcome to the laboratory of Dr. Whitney Cranshaw!

CranLab News!

Commencement 2018!

Congratulations to Dr. Rachael Sitz! She has been a long time member of the CranLab family completing two degrees under Dr. Whitney Cranshaw! Following graduation, Rachael Sitz received a job in Idaho as a US Forest Service Plant Pathologist! Her PhD research focused on microbial plant pathogens and their associations with insects. Specifically, her work on a bacterial pathogen better characterizes drippy blight disease of red oaks. Good luck on your next adventure Rachael!

Congratulations to Zachary Longtine! Zach recently graduated with a M.S. in Entomology from the Cranshaw laboratory! He focused on the description of all insect biodiversity on three invasive Brassica weeds in the Northern Colorado area. Following graduation, Zach received a job with Terminix, a pest control company to work on assisting in insect identification!

Congratulations to Wendlin Burns! Wendlin has been our trusty and hardworking laboratory technician since 2016! While at CSU, Wendlin worked on many projects: such as,  spider identification, insect and plant surveys, and Japanese beetle research. Following graduation with a degree in Botany, Wendlin received a job as a Horticulturist at the famous Audubon Zoo Located in historic Uptown New Orleans. The Audubon Zoo offers an exotic mix of animals from around the globe, engaging educational programs, hands-on animal encounters and lush gardens which Wendlin will help design and plant. Congrats Wendy and we wish you luck on your future adventures!

Graduates Spring 2017

Congratulations to Brandon, our most recent Masters graduate!
Brandon Ewals-Strain graduated this past spring with a M.S. in Entomology!
We wish him the very best as he starts his career as an entomologist!
Congratulations to Erika for graduating from the CSU Horticultural Food Crops undergraduate program! (She also minored in Entomology and graduated with honors!)
We are so proud of her and her acceptance into her CSU graduate school program working with parisatoids of wheat stem sawfly!
Congratulations to Melissa for her acceptance into the Cranshaw lab, CSU graduate school, and into the Bio-agricultural Sciences and Pest Management program! She plans to continue her studies involving the survey of native bees and plants for the Colorado Department of Transportation, though, her main project will involve describing the insect biodiversity on the Colorado industrial hemp crop!