Hemp Insect Images Hemp Insect Images available through IPMImages.org Insects that Chew on Leaves Beet WebwormBeet ArmywormGrasshoppersSouthern Corn RootwormFlea BeetlesPainted LadyYellow WollybearsCotton Square BorerSaltmarsh CaterpillarZebra CaterpillarVariegated CutwormYellow Striped ArmywormTree CricketsEuropean EarwigInsects/Mites that Suck Fluids from Leaves Leafhoppers/FroghoppersFalse Chinch BugsStilt BugLygus BugsCannabis AphidRed-Shouldered Stink BugRice Root AphidsConchuela/Say's Stink BugTwospotted Spider MiteThripsHemp Russet MiteInsects that Tunnel into Stems/Branches Eurasian Hemp BorerEuropean Corn BorerInsects/Mites associated with Buds/Flowers/Seeds Lygus BugsCorn earwormRed-shouldered Stink BugEurasian Hemp BorerConchuela/Say’s Stink BugHyaline Grass BugInsects that Develop in the Roots Rice Root AphidFungus GnatsNatural Enemies of Insects/Mites associated with Hemp Spined Assasin Bug7-spotted Lady BeetleConvergent Lady BeetleMulticolored Lady BeetleParenthesis Lady BeetleBrown LacewingsAmbush BugsGreen LacewingsBig-eyed BugLong Legged FliesDamsel BugsFlower FliesRagweed Plant BugRobber FliesStilt BugDaddy LonglegsMantidsOrb WeaversJumping SpidersCrab SpidersTwo Spotted Callops BeetleMinute Pirate BugDance FliesSoldier BeetleIncidental Species Commonly Observed on Outdoor-grown Hemp Bumble Flower BeetleMidgesFlesh FliesHyaline Grass BugGolden Tortoise BeetlesPurslane Blotchmine SawflyHemp Pollen and Bees