Hemp Insect Fact Sheets Insects that Chew on Leaves Beet Webworm Beet Armyworm Cotton Square Borer/Gray Hairstreak Earwigs Flea Beetles Grasshoppers Southern Corn Rootworm/Spotted Cucumber Beetle Painted Lady Saltmarsh Caterpillar Yellow Woollybear Zebra Caterpillar Variegated Cutworm Yellow-striped Armyworm Tree Crickets Insects/Mites that Suck Fluids from Leaves Cannabis Aphid Rice Root Aphid Leafhoppers Curly top Beet Leafhopper Potato Leafhopper False Chinch Bug Lygus Bugs Red-shouldered Stink Bug Conchuela and Say’s Stink Bug Thrips Twospotted Spider Mite Hemp Russet Mites Lygus Bugs Stilt Bug Insects that Tunnel into Stems/Branches Eurasian Hemp Borer European Corn Borer Insects/Mites associated with Buds/Flowers/Seeds Lygus Bugs Hyaline Grass Bug Red-shouldered Stink Bug Conchuela and Say’s Stink Bug Corn Earworm Eurasian Hemp Borer Insects that Develop in the Roots Rice Root Aphid Fungus Gnats Natural Enemies/Predators Spined Assassin Bug Ambush Bug Big-eyed Bug Damsel Bug Minute Pirate Bug Ragweed Plant Bug Stilt Bug European Mantid Two-spotted Collops Beetle Convergent Lady Beetle/Lady Beetles Green Lacewings Long-legged Flies Flower Flies/Syrphid Flies Robber Flies Daddy-long-legs Spiders Pollinators Hemp Pollen and Bees Bee diversity and abundance on flowers of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) By: C. O’Brien and H.S.Arathi at Colorado State University Incidental Species Commonly Observed on Outdoor-grown Hemp Bumble Flower Beetle Flesh Fly Midge Golden Tortoise Beetle Purslane Blotchmine Sawfly