
Dr. Ioannis S. Minas

Associate Professor of Pomology

Dr. Minas is an Associate Professor of Pomology with the Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at Colorado State University. Dr. Minas received his PhD in Pomology and Postharvest Physiology from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. During his PhD studies was appointed as a Junior Specialist for 2 years at the Dept. Plant Sciences at University of California Davis, CA. His research program at CSU is emphasized on orchard and environmental factors affecting productivity, developmental physiology, harvest quality and postharvest technology of tree fruits. Dr. Minas is senior or co-author in more than 40 peer reviewed publications in the field of pomology and postharvest physiology and serves as coordinator of peach rootstock trials within the frame of the multi-state project NC-140.

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David W. Sterle

Research Associate and Assistant Extension Specialist in Pomology

David graduated with a Masters Degree in Soil and Crop Science from Colorado State University in 2016, after receiving a Bachelors Degree in Horticulture from California State University, Chico. He his family first moved to Western Colorado in 2014. In his spare enjoys backpacking, fly fishing, and soccer. He also enjoys the challenge of finding or developing practical strategies to problems that growers face.




Emily R. Dowdy

Research Associate

Emily graduated from CSU in 2009 with a B.S degree in Horticulture. Her studies focused on food crop production and organic systems. She joined Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa as a Research Associate in 2013. Prior to joining WCRC, Emily worked on several commercial organic orchards in Hotchkiss, Colorado. Emily enjoys skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking in her free time.




Jeff R. Pieper

Research Associate and PhD candidate in Pomology

Jeff holds a degree B.S. in Horticulture from CSU and a M.Sc. in Sustainable Agriculture from the University of Rhode Island. Currently, Jeff is involved in daily field operations at Western Colorado Research Center, while at the same time also pursuing his Ph.D. researching the role of rootstocks in optimizing the sustainable production of peaches on the Western Slope. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys all the outdoors activities The Grand Valley area has to offer.



Brendon M. Anthony

Postdoctoral Fellow in Pomology

Brendon was born and raised in Southern California, where he received his BS in Environmental Science at Biola University, in Los Angeles. He then received his MS in Horticulture at Washington State University, researching optimal management strategies for a new apple variety ‘Cosmic Crisp.’ Post-graduation, Brendon returned to Biola as an Instructor and taught there for two years. Brendon also founded and runs a non-profit that does agricultural development, research, and training in Haiti for local farmers. He graduated with a PhD in Horticulture, in Dr. Minas’ CSU_Pomology lab, where he is currently appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow conducting research on how pre-harvest factors influence peach fruit quality and metabolism.