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George Beck

beckgeorgeWeed Science

Professor and Extension Specialist
Office: 116 Weed Lab
Lab: 108 Weed Lab
970-491-7568 office
970-491-5667 lab


Research Interests:

Biology of invasive or noxious weeds that are important in Colorado and developing successional weed management systems for key invasive weed species. Current weeds of research focus include yellow toadflax and diffuse knapweed.

Courses I Teach:

308: Ecology and Management of Weeds

Selected Publications:

Sutton, JR, Stohlgren, TJ, and Beck, KG.  2007. Predicting yellow toadflax infestations in the Flat Tops  Wilderness of Colorado. Biological Invasions DOI  10.1007/s10530-006-9075-8.

Goslee, S, D Peters, and KG Beck.  2006. Spatial prediction of invasion success across heterogeneous  landscapes using and individual-based model. Biol. Invasions 8:193-200.

Wilson, R., KG Beck,  and P Westra. 2004. The Combined effect of herbicides and Sphenoptera  jugoslavica on diffuse knapweed population dynamics and S. jugoslavica  reproduction success. Weed Sci. 52:418-423.

Beck, KG and James R. Sebastian. 2000. Combining mowing and fall-applied  herbicides to control Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense). Weed Technol.  14:351-356.

Benz, Lani J, KG Beck, T D Whitson, and DW Koch. 1999. Reclaiming Russian knapweed infested rangeland. J. Range Manage. 52(4):351-356.

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