Deborah Young

Young, DebPlant Pathology

Professor and Extension Specialist
C209 Plant Sciences
970-491-1377 office

Research Interests:

My research, informal education and extension/outreach interests are related to Integrated Pest Management practices affecting communities, especially schools, housing, and parks and recreational areas. We examine the human and environmental risks associated with pests and pesticides and identify best practices to minimize those risks. We investigate the methodology of teaching IPM to targeted audiences.  I am director of the Center for Sustainable Integrated Pest Management (

Courses I Teach:

I teach Elements of Plant Pathology ( 361, spring 2015) with a team of departmental plant pathologists; I teach non-credit workshops to facility, grounds and housing managers on implementation of IPM.

Selected Publications:

  • Young, D. J., Tungate, S., and Davis, R. 2014. Community readiness for improved indoor air quality. Healthy Homes Conference, Nashville, TN
  • Davis, R., Tungate, S., Young, D., Chapman, E., and Carmen, K. School IPM: perspectives from pest management professionals. 2014. National Conference on Urban Entomology, San Antonio, TX
  • Young, D. J., Tungate, S. Chapman, E., Carman, K. and Davis, R. Using interviews to improve implementation of IPM in schools. 2014. National Conference on Urban Entomology, San Antonio, TX
  • Davis, R. S. and Young, D. The Rocky Mountain Consortium – Expanding verifiable integrated pest management in public schools 7th International IPM Symposium, Memphis, TN
  • Gerrior, S., Beckstrom, L., Braun, B., Chipman, H., Drescher, A., Drake, L., Fungwe, T., Young, D. 2009. Building public issues education capacity to address health and wellness: recommendations from a survey of Extension professionals. Journal of Extension Vol 47, No. 5