Andrew Norton


C212 Plant Sciences
970-491-7421 office
970-491-5692 lab

Research Interests:

My research examines the ecology and evolution of pest organisms and their hosts. I have worked with arthropods, crop plants, weeds, pathogens and their natural enemies. Of particular interest to me are multitrophic interactions in biological control systems, and more generally, indirect effects and interaction modification. Current research projects in my lab include the examination of interactions between plant resource availability and the efficacy of weed biological control agents, biological control of and the development of appropriate management strategies for tamarisk (Tamarix spp.), toadflaxes (Linaria vulgaris & L. dalmatica), and pollinator mediated competition between invasive weeds and native plants. In addition to teaching and advising within the Department, I am also a member of the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology at CSU. As funding permits, I accept graduate students through either program.

Courses I Teach:

AGRI 116– Plants and Civilizations (Spring Semesters)

 500- Foundations of

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