Studies Needed
- Cost of Doing Business: Village Enterprises vs. Farmer Organizations
- Post Funding Sustainability of Farmer Organizations
- Under Nourishment: Exerting More Calories Than Consumed
- Impact of Power Tillers On Paddy Cultivation in Asia
- Informal Credit: Usury Interest or Borrower’s Games
- Indirect Enhancements: Grain Mills & Domestic Water Improvements Impact of Agronomy
Those who have reviewed and agreed with many of the issues discussed in this website would recognize a need for several studies to be undertaken that would help in the overall effort at improving the plight of smallholder producers. These studies might be particularly useful to volunteer organizations such as the Peace Corps and could easily lead to the professional paper required for a Peace Corps Master’s Degree. If developed early enough in close contact with their advisors, this could become a full thesis degree program. The reason volunteer organizations like the Peace Corps can be particularly helpful in implementing these studies is they tend to be somewhat below the radar of most development efforts, while actively working in villages in direct contact with smallholders and mostly free from government activities. Those interested are welcome to contact this website manager for details as to how such studies might be implemented. Studies that would be of interest include: