
Pole beans produce excellent quality beans (eating quality, long, and straight). Good quality beans are always in high demand at farmers markets. Our interest in growing pole beans follows the logic that the long, straight, superior eating qualities derive premium price. Trellising reduces the picking labor. The labor savings compared to trellis expenses were not established in this study but should be considered by the grower. We will continue to evaluate economics of this crop in the future.

Two varieties of pole beans were planted at the Horticulture Research Center outside of Fort Collins, Colorado during the summer of 2004. The beans were planted on June 7 and trellised in early July and watered using one line of drip tape on beds with 30″ centers. See our trellising systems page. Both varieties planted had insect and disease problems. We believe that thrips feeding on developing tissue caused curling of the beans, so thrips control is critical for nice, straight beans.

Fortex Beans
Planted at 2″ spacing. Damage on flowers caused curly damaged beans (thrips perhaps?), still fairly productive though, harvested August 18th to September 17th, production was low due to thrips damage, hail, and perhaps need a higher seeding rate for this variety.
liana beans
Planted at 3″ spacing, had bean mosaic virus?, no marketable harvest
damaged Fortex beans bean trellis system
damaged Fortex beans
bean trellis system