Ornamental Grasses/Sorghum

Thirteen varieties of ornamental grasses and sorghum were grown at the Horticulture Research Center (HRC) outside of Fort Collins, Colorado during the 2004 growing season. See below for photos and comments on each of the varieties. All of these varieties were direct seeded in the field on June 1st.

Photo – Plants
Photo – Close-up
Variety Name / Scientific Name
Feathertop crops Feathertop close up

Pennisetum villosum

DS, grew very well, good filler for fresh or can dry (however when dried seed heads fall apart easily)
Green cat plant Green Plant close up
Green Cat

Eleusine coracana

DS, interesting, different type of inflorescence, grew well
Photo Not Available
Highlander plant

Setaria italica

DS, striking color, unusual inflorescence, top heavy though, good if you’re looking for something pendulous
purple majesty purple majesty
Purple Majesty

Pennisetum glaucum

DS, grew well, a good filler in fresh large bouquets, be sure to cut when immature otherwise will have seed problems
Forest Bouquet Oats field Forest Bouquet Oats close up
Forest Bouquet – Oats

Avena sativa

DS, did well, good for filler in fresh cuts and can also be dried
Photo Not Available
Japonica – Ornamental Corn
Japonica – Ornamental Corn

Zea mays japonica

DS, did fairly well, striped foliage, good for dried crafts, in wreaths, or center pieces
Colored Uprights – Sorghum
Photo Not Available
Colored Uprights – Sorghum

Sorghum bicolor

DS, grew well, good as filler in fresh large bouquets and can be dried as well
Red Broom Corn Stalks Red Broom Corn Kernels
Red Broom Corn – Sorghum

Sorghum bicolor

DS, grew well, good as filler in fresh large bouquets and can be dried as well
Texas Black plant
Texas Black bouquets
Texas Black – Sorghum

Sorghum bicolor

DS, grew well, good as filler in fresh large bouquets and can be dried as well, striking black heads
White Popping – Sorghum plant White Popping – Sorghum bouquets
White Popping – Sorghum

Sorghum bicolor

DS, grew well, good as filler in fresh large bouquets and can be dried as well
Black Eagle Wheat plants White Popping – Sorghum close up
Black Eagle Wheat

Triticum aestivum

DS, nice as fillers in fresh or dried arrangements, grew well
Black Tip wheat Black Tip wheat close up
Black Tip Wheat

Triticum durum

DS, nice as fillers in fresh or dried arrangements, grew well
Silver Tip Triticale row Silver Tip Triticale close up
Silver Tip Triticale

Triticale sp.

DS, nice as fillers in fresh or dried arrangements, grew well