Past Projects Crops Techniques Aronia Aronia Research at CSU Beans Pole Bean Trial Bean Trellising Systems Beets Beet and Carrot Trial Blueberries Blueberries in Pots Broccoli Broccoli Variety Trial Broccoli Flea Beetle Exclusion Study Brussels Sprouts Brussels Sprouts and Kale Variety Trial Cabbage Cabbage Variety Trial Carrots Beet and Carrot Trial Cauliflower Cauliflower Variety Trial Celery Celery Variety Trial Cucumbers Greenhouse Cucumber Study Eggplant Eggplant Variety Trial Flowers Annual Cut Flowers Specialty Cut Flowers Sunflower Variety Trial Flower Trellising Systems Garlic Fertilizer and Foliar Feeding Spacing, Flame Weeding, Scape Removal, and Drip Irrigation Winter Mulch Grapes Organic Table Grape Trials Hops Hops Variety Trial on the Western Slope Over-wintering Organic Hops Kale Brussels Sprouts and Kale Variety Trial Leeks Leek Variety Trial Melons Seedless Watermelon Production Melon Variety Trial Using Row Covers in Melon Production Onions Bunching and Pearl Onion Variety Trial IYSV Research Papayas Greenhouse Papaya Study Peppers Pepper Variety Trial Raspberries Raspberry and Blackberry Trials Salad Greens Greenhouse Salad Greens Production Lettuce Bolting Resistance Trial Strawberries VIDEO- Supplemental LED Lighting on Greenhouse Strawberries Sweet Corn Biology and Management of Sap Beetle in Sweet Corn Sweet and Ornamental Corn Trial Squash, Winter Winter Squash Variety Trials Squash, Summer Zucchini and Summer Squash Variety Trials Tomatoes Heirloom and Hybrid Variety Trial for High Tunnel Production Tomato Variety Trial Tomato Trellising Systems VIDEO- Tomato Cluster Pruning VIDEO- Greenhouse Tomatoes, LED lighitng Insect Pests Japanese Beetle Flea Beetle Exclusion Sap Beetle General Mulching Green Manure Plasticulture Plasticulture for Earlier Yield Season Extension High Tunnels Row Covers Seeding Techniques Vacuum Seeders and Precision Planters Trellising Systems Flower, Bean, and Tomato Trellising Systems Weeding Caprylic and Capric Acid Flame Weeding Garlic Flame Weeding- general