Media Library

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102: Agricultural Plant Disease Control

Bean Video Graph 1: Management of Bacterial Blights, Commercial Applicators
Disease Management of Downy Mildew, Commercial Applicators
Disease Management of Purple Blotch & Botrytis, Commercial Applicators
Diseases of Turfgrass, Commercial Applicators
Plant Disease Management, Commercial Applicators
Pesticide Recordkeeping: What It Can Do for You, Private Applicators
Insect Parasitic Nematodes: “Tools for Pest Management”, Commercial Applicators

103: Agricultural Weed Control

Herbicide Resistance: A Growing Concern, Herbicide Applicators
Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Training, Private Applicators
Proper Herbicide Application, Herbicide Applicators
Weed Control in Turfgrass, Turf Professionals

104: Seed Treatment

No media available at this time, N/A

105: Livestock Pest Control

Close Up West: Animal Pharm, General Public
Integrated Fly Management Around Confined Livestock, Dairy/ Livestock Owners, Commercial Applicators

106: Forest Pest Control

No media available at this time, N/A

107: Rangeland Pest Control

Dancing with Nature: Chemicals Helping Wildlife, Pesticide Applicators
Turn Around and Look, General

108: Aquatic Pest Control

Aquatic Intial, Aquatic Herbicide Applicators
Aquatic Pest Control Applicator Training, Aquatic Herbicide Applicators
West Nile Virus V-Tel Training, Applicators Conducting Public-Area Mosquito Control


109: Industrial & Right-Of-Way Pest Control

Handling Pesticides Safely — Rights of Way, Commercial Applicators
Integrated Vegetation Management: Principles and Practices for Rights-of-Way, Commercial right-of-way pesticide applicators
Turn Around and Look, General
Use of Chemicals to Manage Roadside Vegetation – Modules 1-9, Pesticide Applicator – Commercial Right-Of-Way


110: Public Health Pest Control

Mosquito Control and Biology, Commercial Applicators
Protecting Yourself and Your Community from West Nile Virus, Growers
West Nile Virus V-Tel Training, Applicators Conducting Public-Area Mosquito Control


111: Research & Demonstration

Biorational Pest Control, Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Making Today’s Ag Chemicals Safer, General Public – High School, College Level Educators

113: Metam Sodium for Root Control in Sewers

No media available at this time, N/A

206: Turf Pest Control

Calibrating Golf Course Boom Sprayers, Golf Course Employes, Park Districts
Destructive Turf Insect Pests of Northern Climates, Turf Commercial Applicators
Destructive Turf Insect Pests of Southern Climates, Turf Commercial Applicators
Diseases of Turfgrass, Commercial Applicators
Equipment Calibration & Pesticide Application for Turf Pest Management, Pesticide Technicians
Insect Parasitic Nematodes: “Tools for Pest Management”, Commercial Applicators
Lawn Aeration, Pesticide Applicators
Lawn Care Management In Balance with Nature – A Video Training Program to Build Environmental Awareness, Turf Professionals and Applicators for Training and Public Relations
Lawn Marshal, Commercial Turf Pesticide Applicators
Links with Nature: Golf Courses and the Environment, Commercial Turf Pesticide Applicators
Reveal: See What Your Eyes Cannot, General
Turf Disease Identification & Control, Turf Commercial Applicators
Turfgrass Insects and Mites, Turf Professionals
Value of Turf—For Today and the Future, Turf Commercial Applicators
Weed Control in Turfgrass, Turf Professionals

207: Ornamental Pest Control

Safe Use of Pesticides in Outdoor Nurseries (English and Spanish), Pesticide Applicators & Handlers, and their Greenhouse and Nursery Managers
Insect Pests of Woody Plants – Part 1: Aphids, Mites, Scales, Gallmakers, Etc., Commercial Applicators
Insect Pests of Woody Plants – Part 2: Defoliators, Borers, Bark Beetles, Etc., Commercial Applicators[/etable]

301: Wood-Destroying Organism Pest Control

Chemicals Used for Termite Control, Commercial Applicators
Making a Termite Inspection, Commercial Applicators

302: Outdoor Vertebrate Pest Control

No media available at this time, N/A

303: Fumigation

Fumigation Recertification, Commercial Applicators

304: Residential/Commercial Pest Control

No media available at this time, N/A

305: Stored Commodities Treatment

No media available at this time, N/A

306: Wood Preservation & Treatment

No media available at this time, N/A

307: Interior Plant Pest Control

Safe Use of Pesticides in Interiorscapes, Interior Pesticide Applicators

308: Postharvest Treatment of Potatoes

No media available at this time, N/A

Aerial Application

Aerial Applicators’ Growing Role in the Production of Safe Food, Aerial Applicators, General Public
Agriculture’s Air Force, Aerial Applicators, General Public
The Cropduster: A Rare Breed, Aerial Applicators, General Public
Drifting Toward Extinction, Aerial Applicators
Pilot/Operator Rescue from Accidents Involving Pesticides, Health Care, Aerial Applicator


Applicator Safety

An American Farm Tale – Chronic Organophosphate Exposure and Treatment: The Rea Farm Case Study,Pesticide Applicators
BE-PREPARED – JUST IN CASE: A Guide to Transporting Pesticides,General
Chasing the Sun (Siguiendo el Sol) (English and Spanish),Pesticide Handlers – WPS Training (English & Spanish)
The Dose Makes the Poison,Pesticide Applicators
Farm Chemical Safety is in Your Hands,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
First on the Scene,General
Greenhouse Pesticide Safety Training,Pesticide applicators in the greenhouse and nursery industry
How to Conduct Worker Protection Training,WPS Trainers
Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Training,Private Applicators
Lawn Care Technician Training,Turf Professionals
Long Term Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure,Training Pesticide Handlers
Pesticide Applicator Safety,Pesticide Applicators
Pesticide Handlers and the Worker Protection Standard (English-Spanish),Pesticide Handlers
Pesticide Safety Training for Agriculutural Superviors (English and Spanish),Pesticide Applicators
Pesticide Safety: Worker Protection (English and Spanish),Pesticide Handlers and Workers
Pilot/ Operator Rescue from Accidents Involving Pesticides,Health Care; Aerial Applicator
Protecting Yourself from the Pesticide Hazards in the Workplace,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers (English & Spanish)
Reducing Pesticide Risks (English and Spanish),Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Reducing the Risks of Exposure to Pesticides: Protective Clothing and Equipment,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Safe Use of Pesticides in Interiorscapes,Interior Pesticide Applicators
Safe Use of Pesticides in Outdoor Nurseries (English and Spanish),Pesticide Applicators & Handlers; and their Greenhouse and Nursery Managers
Use of Chemicals to Manage Roadside Vegetation Module 8: Applicator/ Operator Safety for Roadside Vegetation Management,Pesticide Applicator – Commercial Right-Of-Way
Using Pesticides Safely Module 3: Protecting the Pesticide Handler,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Video Montage 1 (4 Videos on tape),Pesticide Applicators
Worker Protection Standards for Agricultural Pesticides: An Overview,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers; Nursery and Greenhouse

Environmental Precautions

[etable]Title, Audience
After the Rain: Urban Runoff,General Public
An American Farm Tale – Chronic Organophosphate Exposure and Treatment: The Rea Farm Case Study,Pesticide Applicators
Aquatic Pest Control Applicator Training,Aquatic Herbicide Applicators
Best Management Practices for Colorado Agriculture,Colorado Farmers
Dancing with Nature: Chemicals Helping Wildlife,Pesticide Applicators
Don’t Get My Drift,Pesticide Applicators
Drifting Toward Extinction,Aerial Applicators
Endangered Species and Pesticides: Balancing Protection and Production,Pesticide Applicators; Wildlife Enthusiasts
Fate of Pesticides in the Environment,Pesticide Applicators
Great Lakes; Great Lawns,Homeowner/ General Public
Green Sanctuaries,Golf Coursse Employees; Commercial Applicators
Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Training,Private Applicators
Innovative Equipment; Inc. Windfoil Sprayer,Pesticide Applicators
Links with Nature: Golf Courses and the Environment,Commercial Turf Pesticide Applicators
Pesticide Removal for Plastic Containers: Reuse/Recycle,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Pesticide Storage: Clean it Out,Pesticides Applicators/ Handlers
Protecting the Partnership,Pesticide Applicators
Responsible Pesticide Use: In Partnership with Nature,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Reducing Pesticide Risks (English and Spanish),Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Rinse and Recycle Plastic Pesticide Containers (Spanish – Enjuague y Reciclaje de lost Envases Plasticos de Pesticidas) English and Spanish,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Straight Talk about Minimizing Spray Drift: A Guide for Applicators,Pesticide Applicators
Transportation Day,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Triple Rinse/ Jet Rinse,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Use of Chemicals to Manage Roadside Vegetation Module 7: General Problems Encountered in Chemical Application for Roadside Vegetation Management,Pesticide Applicator – Commercial Right-Of-Way
Video Montage 1 (4 videos on tape,Pesticide Applicators
Video Montage 2 (3 videos on tape),Pesticide Applicators
Wildlife and Pesticides – A Balancing Act,Pesticide Applicators

Use of Pesticides

Aquatic Pest Control Applicator Training,Aquatic Herbicide Applicators
BE-PREPARED – JUST IN CASE: A Guide to Transporting Pesticides,General
Best Management Practices for Colorado Agriculture,Colorado Farmers
Biorational Pest Control,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Dancing with Nature: Chemicals Helping Wildlife,Pesticide Applicators
Don’t Get My Drift,Pesticide Applicators
Drifting Toward Extinction,Aerial Applicators
Early Season Mite Control Ideal for IPM Programs,Pesticide Applicators
Endangered Species and Pesticides: Balancing Protection and Production,Pesticide Applicators; Wildlife Enthusiasts
Equipment Calibration & Pesticide Application for Turf Pest Management,Pesticide Technicians
Farm Chemical Safety is in Your Hands,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Foam Marking Systems for Applicators,Pesticide Applicators
Handling Pesticides Safely—Rights of Way,Commercial Applicators
Herbicide Resistance: A Growing Concern,Herbicide Applicators
Homeowner’s Guide to Outdoor Pesticide Safety,Homeowners
Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Training,Private Applicators
On Target,Private Applicators
Pesticides: Management for the Better,General
Pesticide Removal for Plastic Containers: Reuse/Recycle,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Pesticide Storage: Clean it Out,Pesticides Applicators/ Handlers
Pesticide Storage for Farms and Businesses,Pesticides Applicators/ Handlers
Proper Herbicide Application,Herbicide Applicators
Reducing Your Liability Through the Use of Advanced Pesticide Handling Technology,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Responsible Pesticide Use: In Partnership with Nature,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Rinse and Recycle Plastic Pesticide Containers (Spanish – Enjuague y Reciclaje de lost Envases Plasticos de Pesticidas) English and Spanish,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Safe Use of Pesticides in Interiorscapes,Interior Pesticide Applicators
Safe Use of Pesticides in Outdoor Nurseries (English and Spanish),Pesticide Applicators & Handlers; and their Greenhouse and Nursery Managers
Straight Talk about Minimizing Spray Drift: A Guide for Applicators,Pesticide Applicators
Triple Rinse/ Jet Rinse,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Using Pesticides Safely Module 4: Guidelines for Proper Pesticide Handling,Pesticide Applicators/ Handlers
Video Montage 1 (4 Videos on tape),Pesticide Applicators
Video Montage 2 (3 videos on tape),Pesticide Applicators


Greenhouse Pesticide Safety Training,Pesticide applicators in the greenhouse and nursery industry
Chasing the Sun (Siguiendo el Sol) (English and Spanish),Pesticide handlers – WPS training
Safe Use of Pesticides in Outdoor Nurseries (English and Spanish),Pesticide applicators and handlers
How to Conduct Worker Protection Training,WPS trainers
Pesticide Handlers and the Worker Protection Standard (English-Spanish),Pesticide handlers
Pesticide Safety: Worker Protection (English and Spanish),Pesticide handlers and workers
Reducing Pesticide Risks (English and Spanish),Pesticide applicators or handlers
Safe Use of Pesticides in Outdoor Nurseries (English and Spanish),Pesticide applicators and handlers; and their greenhouse and nursery managers
Worker Protection Standards for Agricultural Pesticides: An Overview,Pesticide applicators or handlers; nursery and greenhouse