Lab News

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  • Assessing the effect of treatments of digital dermatitis in organic dairy systems.
  • Effect of Rice Bran in the immunity of pre weaned calves.
  • Genomic selection for improved fertility of dairy cows with emphasis on cyclicity and pregnancy
  • A Non-traditional therapy for persistent Corpus Luteum in Dairy Cows: Acupuncture.
  • Effect of vaccination against Salmonella enterica serotype Newport on milk yield, overall health, fecal shedding, and colostrum antibody concentration in Dairy Cows.
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Sx Oral Electrolyte in Scouring Dairy Calves
  • Effect of Intravenous lipopolysaccharide administration on the lifespan of persistent corpus luteum in organic dairy cows affected by pyometra.
  • Metabolic disorders and behavioral activity fluctuations as a tool for early disease

Partnership with North Florida Holsteins and University of Florida.


Conference Presentations

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