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Publications and Collaborations

Effect of prebiotic supplementation with stabilized rice bran in milk of pre-weaned organic Holstein calves

A Velasquez-Munoz, D Manriquez, S Paudyal, H Han, R Callan, EP Ryan, …
BMC veterinary research 15 (1), 53

Genome-wide study to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with visceral and subcutaneous fat deposition in Holstein dairy cows

P Melendez, SE Poock, P Pithua, P Pinedo, D Manriquez, SG Moore, …
animal 13 (3), 487-494

Efecto de monensina intraruminal sobre el β-hidroxibutirato, enfermedades del periparto, producción de leche y sus componentes en ganado Holstein

P Melendez, A Arévalos, M Duchens, P Pinedo
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias 10 (1)

PSXVII-19 Assessing the effectiveness of a training program for Latino (a) dairy workers on Colorado dairies.

K Rink, F Amaya-Soto, L Menger-Ogle, L Stallones, P Pinedo, …
Journal of Animal Science 96 (suppl_3), 199-199

Case Study: Assessment of human-conditioned sorting behavior in dairy cows in farm research trials

D Manriquez, L Chen, G Albornoz, J Velez, P Pinedo
The Professional Animal Scientist 34 (6), 664-670

Rumination time and monitoring of health disorders during early lactation.

Paudyal S, Maunsell FP, Richeson JT, Risco CA, Donovan DA, Pinedo PJ.
Animal. 2017 Nov 16:1-9. doi: 10.1017/S1751731117002932.

Relationships among quarter milk leukocyte proportions and cow and quarter-level variables under different intramammary infection statuses

S Paudyal, G Pena, P Melendez, IN Roman-Muniz, PJ Pinedo
Translational Animal Science 2 (3), 231-240

Effects of immunization against bone morphogenetic protein-15 and growth differentiation factor-9 on ovarian function in mares

KA Davis, KM Klohonatz, DSO Mora, HM Twenter, PE Graham, P Pinedo, …
Animal reproduction science 192, 69-77

Evaluation of fine needle aspiration cytology for the diagnosis of fatty liver in dairy cattle

P Melendez, M Whitney, F Williams, P Pinedo, D Manriquez, SG Moore, …
Journal of dairy science 101 (5), 4483-4490

The prevalence of Escherichia coli O157: H7 fecal shedding in feedlot pens is affected by the water-to-cattle ratio: A randomized controlled trial

W Beauvais, EV Gart, M Bean, A Blanco, J Wilsey, K McWhinney, L Bryan, …

PloS one 13 (2), e0192149

Genome-wide association mapping of loci associated with ovarian cyclicity and pregnancy in dairy cattle

D Gonzalez-Pena, BR Southey, PJ Pinedo, JJ Brooker, JEP Santos, …
Proc. World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, 353

Effect of aluminized reflective hutch covers on calf health and performance

D Manriquez, H Valenzuela, S Paudyal, A Velasquez, PJ Pinedo
Journal of dairy science 101 (2), 1464-1477

Assessing the efficacy of treatments for digital dermatitis in organic dairy systems

S Paudyal, P Pinedo
Colorado State University. Libraries

Retrospective evaluation of milk production and culling risk following either surgical, toggle-pin suture or conservative treatment of left displaced abomasum in Chilean dairy cows

P Melendez, C Romero, P Pithua, MP Marin, P Pinedo, M Duchens
New Zealand veterinary journal 65 (6), 292-296

Evaluation of milk components as diagnostic indicators for rumen indigestion in dairy cows

SE Kirchman, PJ Pinedo, FP Maunsell, CA Risco, GA Donovan
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 251 (5), 580-586

Genetic parameters of incidence and timing of respiratory disease in cattle

TM Goncalves, PJ Pinedo, JEP Santos, GM Schuenemann, GJM Rosa, …
Journal of Animal Science 95, 84

047 Genetic and environmental components of metabolic diseases and lameness in cattle

TM Goncalves, PJ Pinedo, JEP Santos, GM Schuenemann, GJM Rosa, …
Journal of Animal Science 95 (suppl_4), 23-24

Season of conception is associated with future survival, fertility, and milk yield of Holstein cows

PJ Pinedo, A De Vries
Journal of dairy science 100 (8), 6631-6639

Treatment Options for Lameness Disorders in Organic Dairies

P Pinedo, J Velez, D Manriquez, H Bothe
Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice 33 (2), 377-387

Effect of oral calcium administration on the cure and reproductive performance of Holstein cows diagnosed with puerperal metritis

P Pinedo, J Velez, G Solano, N Rodriguez, J Naves, GM Schuenemann, …
Journal of dairy science 100 (4), 2917-2927

Comparison between allantochorion membrane and amniotic sac detection by per rectal palpation for pregnancy diagnosis on pregnancy loss, calving rates, and abnormalities in newborn calves

JE Romano, P Pinedo, K Bryan, RS Ramos, KG Solano, D Merchan, …
Theriogenology 90, 219-227

Peripartal rumination dynamics and health status in cows calving in hot and cool seasons

S Paudyal, F Maunsell, J Richeson, C Risco, A Donovan, P Pinedo Journal of Dairy Science

The association between serum ß-hydroxybutyrate and milk fatty acid profile with special emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid in postpartum Holstein cows

P Melendez, P Pinedo, J Bastias, MP Marin, C Rios, C Bustamante BMC veterinary research 12 (1), 1

Association between disease occurrence and fertility of dairy cows in three geographic regions of Chile

PJ Pinedo, P Melendez, S Paudyal, R Krauss, F Arias, H Lopez, A Luco Theriogenology

Effect of housing type on health and performance of preweaned dairy calves during summer in Florida

G Peña, C Risco, E Kunihiro, MJ Thatcher, PJ Pinedo Journal of dairy science 99 (2), 1655-1662

Effect of early pregnancy diagnosis by per rectum amniotic sac palpation on pregnancy loss, calving rates, and abnormalities in newborn dairy calves

JE Romano, K Bryan, RS Ramos, J Velez, P Pinedo Theriogenology 85 (3), 419-427

Effect of dry beet pulp on milk yield and milk composition in Chilean Holstein cows

P Melendez, PJ Pinedo Journal of Applied Animal Research 43 (3), 261-265

Effect of intrauterine infusion of an organic-certified product on uterine health, survival, and fertility of dairy cows with toxic puerperal metritis

PJ Pinedo, JS Velez, H Bothe, D Merchan, JM Piñeiro, CA Risco Journal of dairy science 98 (5), 3120-3132

Low-dose oral interferon modulates expression of inflammatory and autoimmune genes in cattle

SW Mamber, J Lins, V Gurel, DP Hutcheson, P Pinedo, D Bechtol,Veterinary immunology and immunopathology 172, 64-71

Factors associated with early cyclicity in postpartum dairy cows

M Vercouteren, JHJ Bittar, PJ Pinedo, CA Risco, JEP Santos, Journal of dairy science 98 (1), 229-239

A stochastic model for transmission, extinction and outbreak of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in cattle as affected by ambient temperature and cleaning practices

X Wang, R Gautam, PJ Pinedo, LJS Allen, R Ivanek Journal of mathematical biology 69 (2), 501-532

Lymphatic fluid for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in cows by PCR, compared to fecal sampling and detection of antibodies in blood and milk

JL Khol, PJ Pinedo, CD Buergelt, LM Neumann, DO Rae Veterinary microbiology 172 (1), 301-308

Variation in Toll-like Receptor Genes and Susceptibility to Clinical Mastitis in Holstein cows

P Pinedo 2014 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting

Effect of an Organic Certified Treatment (Optimum Uterflush®) for Toxic Puerperal Metritis on Cure and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows

P Pinedo 2014 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting

Dynamics of culling for Jersey, Holstein, and crossbred cows in large multi-breed herds

Effects of 35% corn wet distillers grains plus solubles in steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn-based finishing diets on animal performance, carcass characteristics, beef fatty acid composition, and sensory attributes

EK Buttrey, KH Jenkins, JB Lewis, SB Smith, RK Miller, TE Lawrence, Journal of animal science 91 (4), 1850-186

P Pinedo 2014 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting

Inducing ovulation early postpartum influences uterine health and fertility in dairy cows

JHJ Bittar, PJ Pinedo, CA Risco, JEP Santos, WW Thatcher, KE Hencken,Journal of dairy science 97 (6), 3558-3569

Dynamics of culling for Jersey, Holstein, and Jersey× Holstein crossbred cows in large multibreed dairy herds

PJ Pinedo, A Daniels, J Shumaker, A De Vries Journal of dairy science 97 (5), 2886-2895

Should Genetics Be Blamed for High Incidence of Uterine Disease in Dairy Cows?

KN Galvão, CM Seabury, P Pinedo

Association of hematologic variables and castration status at the time of arrival at a research facility with the risk of bovine respiratory disease in beef calves

JT Richeson, PJ Pinedo, EB Kegley, JG Powell, MS Gadberry, PA Beck, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 243 (7), 1035-1041

Innate immune gene variation and differential susceptibility to uterine diseases in Holstein cows

PJ Pinedo, KN Galvao, CM Seabury Theriogenology 80 (4), 384-390

Innate immune gene variation and differential susceptibility to uterine diseases in Holstein cows

PJ Pinedo, KN Galvao, CM Seabury Theriogenology 80 (4), 384-390

Efficacy of a botanical preparation for the intramammary treatment of clinical mastitis on an organic dairy farm

P Pinedo, H Karreman, H Bothe, J Velez, C Risco The Canadian Veterinary Journal 54 (5), 479

Association between hematological parameters and gender upon arrival with clinical bovine respiratory disease risk in newly received beef calves

J Richeson, P Pinedo, E Kegley, J Powell Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

Dynamics of culling risk with disposal codes reported by Dairy Herd Improvement dairy herds

Pinedo P, De Vries A, Webb D (2010), Journal of dairy science 93 (5), 2250-2261

Effect of days to conception in the previous lactation on the risk of death and live culling around calving

Pinedo P, De Vries A (2010) Journal of dairy science 93 (3), 968-977

Reproductive risk factors for culling and productive life in large dairy herds in the eastern United States between 2001 and 2006

De Vries A, Olson J, Pinedo P (2010), Journal of dairy science 93 (2), 613-623

Temporal patterns of bulk tank somatic cell count, fat, protein, and urea nitrogen and their association with fertility in Central-Southern Chilean dairy cattle.

Pinedo P, Melendez P (2010), Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 42 (1), 41-48

Patrones temporales de recuento de células somáticas, grasa, proteína y nitrógeno ureico en leche de estanque y su asociación con fertilidad en ganado lechero en la zona centro-sur de Chile

Pinedo P, Melendez P (2010), Archivos de medicina veterinaria 42 (1), 41-48

Candidate gene polymorphisms (BoIFNG, TLR4, SLC11A1) as risk factors for paratuberculosis infection in cattle

Pinedo P, Buergelt D, Donovan G, Melendez P, Morel L, Wu R (2009), Preventive veterinary medicine 91 (2), 189-196

Association between paratuberculosis infection and general immune status in dairy cattle

Pinedo P, Donovan A, O Rae, DeLapaz J(2009), Proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis 1, 127

Effect of high somatic cell counts on reproductive performance of Chilean dairy cattle

Pinedo P, Melendez P, Villagomez-Cortes J, Risco C (2009), Journal of dairy science 92 (4), 1575-1580

Association between CARD15/NOD2 gene polymorphisms and paratuberculosis infection in cattle

Pinedo P, Buergelt C, Donovan G, Melendez P, Morel L, Wu R (2009), Veterinary microbiology 134 (3), 346-352

Risk haplotype analysis for bovine paratuberculosis

Pinedo P, Wang C, Li Y, Rae D, R Wu (2009), Mammalian Genome 20 (2), 124-129

Association among results of serum ELISA, faecal culture and nested PCR on milk, blood and faeces for the detection of paratuberculosis in dairy cows

Pinedo P, Rae D, Williams J, Donovan G, Melendez P, Buergelt C (2008), Transboundary and emerging diseases 55 (2), 125-133

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis shedding into milk: association of ELISA seroreactivity with DNA detection in milk

Pinedo P, Williams J, Monif G, Rae D, Buergelt C (2008), International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 6 (2), 137-144

Diagnostic tools and genetic susceptibility factors associated with bovine paratuberculosis infection


The association between reproductive performance and milk yield in Chilean Holstein cattle

Melendez P, Pinedo P (2007), Journal of dairy science 90 (1), 184-192

Niveles de urea láctea en vacas de la región del Bío-bío, Chile

Pedraza C, Mansilla A, Merucci F, Pinedo P, Contreras H (2006), Agricultura tecnica 66 (3), 264-270

Urea milk contents in dairy cows of Bio-Bio Region, Chile

Pedraza C, Mansilla M, Merucci F, Pinedo P (2006), Agricultura tecnica 66 (3), 264

Nested polymerase chain reaction and prenatal detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) in bovine allantoic fluid and fetuses

Buergelt C, Williams E, Monif G, Pinedo P, Decker J (2006), International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 4 (3), 232

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