All Publications for Dana Hoag
2012 JOURNAL OF THE ASFMRA, Jordan M Shockley,Carl R Dillon,Timothy S Stombaugh,Gregory Ibendahl,Chris L Thompson,Bruce B Johnson,Cotton Thermal Defoliation Economics,Paul Funk,Carlos Armijo,Gerald Hawkes,others
A Potential of Water Quality Trading in Jordan Lake Watershed, NC, Marzieh Motallebi,Ali Tasdighi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi,Deanna Osmond,Caela O’Connell
Applied risk management in agriculture [recurso electr\'onico], Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Creating Value and Balancing Risk in Agribusiness Part II. Risk Balancing and Capital Structure, James G Pritchett,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Dear Fellow Members: As you can see, WAEA is introducing a new journal called the Western Economics Forum. The Board of Directors approved this publication on a trial basis through the 2003, initial volume. Since the publication is experimental, we decided to save costs by printing it with simple technologies and to combine it with our newsletter. The WEF will accompany the newsletter in the Spring and Fall. In addition, a stand-alone, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dawn D Thilmany
Feeding spineless cactus to cattle for drought resilience, Kenya, Margaret Syomiti,Samuel Chirchir,John Duyu,Hoag Dana
Findings Abstract, MARK W VANDEVER,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Past WAEA Fellows, Julian M Alston,DeeVon Bailey,Andrew Barkley,David A Bessler,Steven C Blank,Michael Boland,Gary W Brester,Wade Brorsen,Susan Capalbo,Oral Capps,Jr,others
Research Awards, Hanall Sung
Economic Consequences of the Wolf Comeback in the Western United States, 2022, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Stewart W Breck,Kevin Crooks,Becky Niemiec
More risk, more money: When are payments for water savings from limited irrigation profitable for farmers?, 2022, Daniel F Mooney,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Zarif Rasul,Siwei Gao
Rapid changes in public perception toward a conservation initiative, 2022, Rebecca M Niemiec,Richard EW Berl,Mireille N Gonzalez,Tara L Teel,Jonathan Salerno,Stewart W Breck,Cassiopeia Camara,Matthew Collins,Courtney Allison Schultz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,others
The effect of landowner amenity rents in conservation easement policies, 2021, Catherine Keske
Using mixed methods research in environmental economics: The case of conservation easements, 2021, Catherine Keske
Valuing Cattle Manure as an Agricultural Resource for Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability, Matthew Collins,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Biosecurity Preparedness Analysis for Poultry Large and Small Farms in the United Arab Emirates, 2020, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Comment on Eaton et al.’s Reconceptualization of Economic Dependence in “Trouble with Sense of Place in Working Landscapes, 2020, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economic feasibility of biochar and agriculture coproduction from Canadian black spruce forest, 2020, Catherine Keske,Todd Godfrey,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Joinal Abedin
Federal Policies and the West, 2020, Joe L Outlaw,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Federal Policies in the West, 2020, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Public perspectives and media reporting of wolf reintroduction in Colorado, 2020, Rebecca M Niemiec,Richard EW Berl,Mireille N Gonzalez,Tara L Teel,Cassiopeia Camara,Matthew Collins,Jonathan Salerno,Kevin Crooks,Courtney Allison Schultz,Stewart W Breck,others
Public perspectives and media reporting of wolf reintroduction in Colorado, 2020, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Southern Conservation Practices: Effectiveness, Policy, and Economics, 2019, Deanna L Osmond,Andrew N Sharpley,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Sustainable agriculture, 2019, Glenn A Helmers,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economic feasibility of biochar and agriculture coproduction from Canadian black spruce forest. Food and Energy Security, 2019, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,C. Keske,T. Godfrey,J. Abedin
Increasing the Effectiveness and Adoption of Agricultural Phosphorus Management Strategies to Minimize Water Quality Impairment, 2019, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,D. Osmond,A. Shober,E. Duncan A Sharpley
The Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices by Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopian Highlands: An Integrative Approach, 2019, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dustin Pendell Vine Mutyasira,Dale Manning
Is Sustainable Intensification Possible? Evidence from Ethiopia. Sustainability, 2019, Vine Mutyasira,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dustin L Pendell,Dale Thomas Manning
The Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices by Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopian Highlands: An Integrative Approach, 2019, Vine Mutyasira,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dustin L Pendell,Dale Thomas Manning
Assessing the relative sustainability of smallholder farming systems in Ethiopian highlands, 2018, Vine Mutyasira,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dustin L Pendell,Dale Thomas Manning,Melaku Berhe
Effects of clipping and irrigation on carbon storage in grasses: implications for CO2 emission mitigation in rangelands, 2018, Samuel Tuffa,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Anna C. Treydte
Is sustainable intensification possible? Evidence from Ethiopia, 2018, Vine Mutyasira,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dustin L Pendell,Dale Thomas Manning
The future of water management in the west., 2018, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,David Zilberman,others
The impact of relative individual ecosystem demand on stacking ecosystem credit markets, 2018, Marzieh Motallebi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ali Tasdighi,MAZDAK Arabi,Deanna L. Osmond,Randall B Boone
The impact of relative individual ecosystem demand on stacking ecosystem credit markets, 2018, Marzieh Motallebi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ali Tasdighi,MAZDAK Arabi,Deanna L. Osmond,Randall B Boone
Abatement costs of emissions from burning maize straw in major maize regions of China: Balancing food security with the environment, 2018, Lingling Hoa,Catherine Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Tomas Balezentis
The Future of Water in the West, 2018, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,David Zilberman
Keeping Irrigated Agriculture Productive and the Environment Healthy in Colorado's Lower Arkansas Valley., 2018, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Timothy K Gates,Ryan T Bailey,Christopher Schultz,Dana Hoag and C Hoag
Sustainable Policies that Align Irrigation and Water Quality, 2018, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Chris G Goemans,Anthony S Orlando II
An economic inquisition of water quality trading programs, with a case study of Jordan Lake, NC, 2017, Marzieh Motallebi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ali Tasdighi,MAZDAK Arabi,Deanna L. Osmond
An economic inquisition of water quality trading programs, with a case study of Jordan Lake, NC, 2017, Marzieh Motallebi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ali Tasdighi,MAZDAK Arabi,Deanna L. Osmond
An Experimental Approach to Resolving Uncertainty in Water Quality Trading Programs, 2017, Misti Dawn Sharp,Jordan Suter,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Clipping and irrigation enhance grass biomass and nutrients: Implications for rangeland management, 2017, Samuel Tuffa,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Anna C Treydte
Colorado Water Institute, 2017, Blake Justin Osborn,Anthony S Orlando II,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Timothy K Gates,James C Valliant
Goat Value Chain Analysis in Pastoral Communities of Ethiopia, 2017, Aklilu Nigussie,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Identifying Arkansas River Selenium and Nitrogen Best Management, 2017, Timothy K Gates,Ryan T Bailey,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Landowner and land trust agent preferences for conservation easements: Implications for sustainable land uses and landscapes, 2017, Christopher T Bastian,Catherine MH Keske,Donald M McLeod,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Policy utopias for nutrient credit trading programs with nonpoint sources, 2017, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi,Deanna Osmond,Marc Ribaudo,Marzieh Motallebi,Ali Tasdighi
The Economics of Irrigation in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley, 2017, Blake Justin Osborn,Anthony S Orlando II,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Timothy K Gates,James C Valliant
The Economics of Irrigation in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley, 2017, Blake Justin Osborn,Anthony S Orlando II,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Timothy K Gates,James C Valliant
Water Quality Trading in Jordan Lake Watershed, NC: A Cautionary Tale., 2017, Deanna L Osmond,Daniel Line,Marzieh Motallebi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Challenges and Contributions of Crop Production in Agro-Pastoral Systems of Borana Plateau, Ethiopia, 2017, Abera Tilahun,Teklu Mellisse,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Policy utopias for nutrient credit trading programs with non-point sources., 2017, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Factors influencing the adoption of biogas digesters in rural Ethiopia, 2017, Melaku Berhe,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
The effects of adaptation to climate change on income of households in rural Ethiopia, 2017, Melaku Berhe,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Trading on risk: The moral logics and economic reasoning of North Carolina farmers in water quality trading markets, 2017, Caela O'Connell,Marzieh Motalebbi,Deanna Osmond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Abatement costs of Emissions from Crop Residue Burning in major crop producing regions of China: Balancing food security with the environment, 2016, Lingling Hou,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Catherine Keske
Determinants of adaptation choices to climate change by sheep and goat farmers in Northern Ethiopia: the case of Southern and Central Tigray, Ethiopia, 2016, Fikeremaryam Birara Feleke,Melaku Berhe,Getachew Gebru,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Effects of adaptation to climate change on income of cattle owners in the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities of Northern Ethiopia, 2016, Melaku Berhe,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Girmay Tesfay,Shunji Oniki,Masaru Kagatsume,others
Grazing lands in Sub-Saharan Africa and their potential role in climate change mitigation: What we do and don’t know, 2016, Eleanor Milne,Ermias Aynekulu,Andre Bationo,Niels H Batjes,Randall B Boone,Rich Conant,Jonathan Davies,Niall Hanan,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jeffrey E Herrick,others
Grazing lands in Sub-Saharan Africa and their potential role in climate change mitigation: What we do and don’t know, 2016, Eleanor Milne,Ermias Aynekulu,Andre Bationo,Niels H Batjes,Randall B Boone,Rich Conant,Jonathan Davies,Niall Hanan,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jeffrey E Herrick,others
Household preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for freshwater quality improvement in Pakistan’s Swat River Valley, 2016, Syed A Shah,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Stephen P Davies
Institutional Constraints on Cost-Effective Water Management: Selenium Contamination in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley, 2016, Misti Dawn Sharp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ryan T Bailey,Erica C Romero,Timothy K Gates
Integrated research-water quality, sociological, economic, and modeling-in a regulated watershed: Jordan Lake, NC, 2016, Deanna Osmond,MAZDAK Arabi,Caela O’Connell,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dan Line,Marzieh Motallebi,Ali Tasdighi
Integrated research-water quality, sociological, economic, and modeling-in a regulated watershed: Jordan Lake, NC, 2016, Deanna Osmond,MAZDAK Arabi,Caela O’Connell,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dan Line,Marzieh Motallebi,Ali Tasdighi
Is control through utilization a cost effective Prosopis juliflora management strategy?, 2016, Tewodros Wakie,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Paul H Evangelista,Matthew Wayne Luizza,Melinda J Laituri
Is willingness to pay for freshwater quality improvement in Pakistan affected by payment vehicle? Donations, mandatory government payments, or donations to NGO’s, 2016, Syed A Shah,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,John B Loomis
Managing watersheds to change water quality: lessons learned from the NIFA-CEAP watershed studies, 2016, Deanna Osmond,MAZDAK Arabi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,G Jennings,D Line,A Luloff,M McFarland,D Meals,A Sharpley
Role of Weather on Design of a Water Quality Trading Program Baseline: A Case Study of the Jordan Lake Watershed, North Carolina, 2016, Marzieh Motallebi,Tasdighi Ali,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi
Selected Paper prepared for Presentation at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 31–August 2., 2016, Marzieh Motallebi,Ali Tasdighi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi
The status of improved beekeeping technologies as resource diversification for addressing climate change risks in Kajiado county, Kenya: constraints and opportunities, 2016, Beatrice Mugo,Margaret Syomiti,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Getachew Gebru
Uncertainty and Technology Adoption with Imperfect Property Rights: Lessons from the Arkansas River Valley, 2016, Misti Dawn Sharp,Dale Thomas Manning,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Water quality trading in Jordan Lake, North Carolina: economic, hydrological, behavioral, and ecological aspects, 2016, Marzieh Motallebi
Grazing lands in Sub-Saharan Africa and their potential role in climate change mitigation: What we do and don’t know, 2016, Eleanor Milne,Ermias Aynekulu,Andre Bationo,Niels H. Batjes,Randall B Boone,Rich Conant,Jonathan Davies,Niall Hanan,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jeffrey E. Herrick,Walter Knausenberger,Constance Neely,Jesse Njoka,Moffatt Ngugi,Bill Parton,Keith H Paustian,Robin S Reid,Mohamed Said,Keith Shepherd,David M Swift,Philip Thornton,Stephen A Williams,Sue Miller,Ephraim Nkonya
Abatement costs of soil conservation in China’s Loess Plateau: Balancing income with conservation in an agricultural system, 2015, Lingling Hou,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Catherine MH Keske
Assessment of Livestock Feed Situation in the Semi Arid Areas of Kewet District, North Shoa, Ethiopia: The Case of Chare and Yellen Villages, 2015, H Dana
Camel brucellosis: its public health and economic impact in pastoralists, Mehoni district, Southeastern Tigray, Ethiopia, 2015, TT Habtamu,B Richard,H Dana,AT Kassaw
Farmers’ use of nutrient management: lessons from watershed case studies, 2015, Deanna L Osmond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Al E Luloff,Donald W Meals,Kathy Neas
The adaptive and coping strategies of pastoralists to climate change in Baringo, Laikipia and Nyeri Counties of Kenya, 2015, Margaret Syomiti,E Maranga,G Obwoyere,G Getachew,H Dana,M Beatrice,D Wamae,J Duyu,others
Carbon stocks in semi-arid pastoral ecosystems of northern Kenya, 2014, Bulle Hallo Dabasso,Zerihun Taddese,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Innovation Premium of Water Quality Trading for Jordan Lake, NC, 2014, Marzieh Motallebi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Caela O’Connell,Deanna Osmond
Institutional and Economic Complications of River Basin Water Quality Management: The Case of Selenium in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley, 2014, Misti Dawn Sharp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Small Ruminant Production System Efficiency under Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Arid Land Conditions, 2014, Eihab Fathelrahman,Sherin Sherif,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Supplementary feeding of lactating goats with processed and unprocessed Acacia tortilis pods and local grass in the dry season in northern Kenya, 2014, MI Lengarite,G Getachew,L Akudabweni,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Sustainable value of degraded soils in China’s Loess Plateau: An updated approach, 2014, Lingling Hou,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Catherine MH Keske,Changhe Lu
The livelihood effects of landless people through communal hillside conservation in Tigray Region, Ethiopia, 2014, Berhe Melaku,Hoag Dana
The livelihood effects of landless people through communal hillside conservation in Tigray Region, Ethiopia, 2014, Melaku Berhe,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Toward a Synthesis: Lessons from Thirteen Cropland Watershed-Scale Studies, 2014, Brad R Woods,AE Luloff,Deanna Osmond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Women’s workload and role in livestock production in pastoral and agro-pastoral communities of Ethiopia: The case of Afar, 2014, Aklilu Nigussie,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Tigist Alemu
Western Colorado Perennial Grass and Biomass Budget Generator. , 2014, Calvin H Pearson,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
A mixed discrete-continuous variable multiobjective genetic algorithm for targeted implementation of nonpoint source pollution control practices, 2013, Mehdi Ahmadi,MAZDAK Arabi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Bernard A Engel
Disparate Stakeholder Management: The Case of Elk and Bison Feeding in Southern Greater Yellowstone, 2013, Lynne Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Don DeLong
Dynamics of land-use change and conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States: environmental and economic implications with linkages to rural community well-being, 2013, William Gascoigne,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Rex Johnson,Lynne Koontz
Factors affecting economics of using sexed semen in dairy cattle., 2013, Katelyn McCullock,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jay Parsons,M Lacy,George E Seidel Jr,William R Wailes
Influence Of Institutional And Socio-Economic Factors On The Supply Response Of Smallholder Dairy Farms In The Marginal Zones Of Kenya, 2013, MM Kavoi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James G Pritchett
Is it economically feasible for farmers to grow their own fuel? A study of Camelina sativa produced in the western United States as an on-farm biofuel, 2013, Catherine MH Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Brandess,Jerry J Johnson
Land-use Change, Economics, and Rural Well-being in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States, 2013, William Gascoigne,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Rex R Johnson,Lynne M Koontz,Catherine Cullinane Thomas
Using Response surface Methodology for economic and environmental Trade-offs at the Farm Level, 2013, James C Ascough,II,Eihab M Fathelrahman,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Wyoming Landowners’ Characteristics and Preferences Regarding Conservation Easements: Results from a Survey, 2013, Graham H McGaffin,Donald M McLeod,Christopher T Bastian,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Agriculture and Sustainable Practices: Protecting Water Quality, 2012, D Osmond,D Meals,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi,A Luloff,M Mc-Farland,G Jennings,A Sharpley,J Spooner,D Line
Calapooia Watershed, Oregon: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DLK Hoag,GR Giannico,Jingyuan Li,T Garcia,W Gerth,M Mellbye,G Mueller-Warrant,S Griffith,DL Osmond,GD Jennings,others
Cannonsville Reservoir, New York: National Institute of Food and Agriculture conservation effects assessment project, 2012, DL Osmond,DW Meals,MAZDAK Arabi,DLK Hoag
Cheney Lake Watershed, Kansas: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DL Osmond,N Nelson,K Douglas-Mankin,M Langemeier,D Devlin,P Barnes,T Selfa,L French,DW Meals,MAZDAK Arabi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Eagle Creek Watershed, Indiana: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DL Osmond,L Tedesco,R Turco,L Prokopy,J Frankenberger,G Shively,MAZDAK Arabi,J Wilson,DLK Hoag,DW Meals
Economic Feasibility of Bio-Butanol on Marginal Agricultural Lands in Western Colorado, 2012, Catherine M Keske,Andrew Brandess,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Calvin H Pearson
Factors Affecting Land Trust Agents’ Preferences for Conservation Easements, 2012, Eric D Cropper,Donald M McLeod,Christopher T Bastian,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jeni Eileen Cross
Goodwater Creek Watershed, Missouri: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, MAZDAK Arabi,Claire Baffaut,EJ Sadler,SH Anderson,RR Broz,DW Meals,DLK Hoag,DL Osmond
Guest Editor: John Leatherman, 2012, Eric D Cropper,Donald M McLeod,Christopher T Bastian,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jeni Eileen Cross,Suzie Greenhalgh,Mindy Selman,David M Mitchell,Keith Willett,others
How to build better agricultural conservation programs to protect water quality, 2012, Deanna L Osmond,others
Improving conservation practices programming to protect water quality in agricultural watersheds: Lessons learned from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, Deanna Osmond,Don Meals,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi,Al Luloff,Greg Jennings,Mark McFarland,Jean Spooner,Andrew Sharpley,Dan Line
Key informant survey to understand what farmers, agency personnel, and stakeholders think: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, AE Luloff,DLK Hoag,DL Osmond,BR Woods,JS Gordon,J Gruver,K Roka,CM Raboanarielina,C Longmire,M Ward,others
Landowner Preferences for Conservation Easements: Responses from Two Intermountain States, 2012, Graham McGaffin,Donald M McLeod,Christopher T Bastian,Catherine Hoag,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,others
Lincoln Lake Watershed, Arkansas: National Institute of Food and Agriculture—Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DLK Hoag,I Chaubey,J Popp,M Gitau,Libby Bobette Chang,J Pennington,Rodr\'\iguez,H,E Gbur,Mindy Cherie Nelson,A Sharpley
Lincoln Lake Watershed, Arkansas: National Institute of Food and Agriculture—Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DLK Hoag,I Chaubey,J Popp,M Gitau,L Chang,J Pennington,HG Rodríguez,E Gbur,Mindy Cherie Nelson,AN Sharpley
Little River Experimental Watershed, Georgia: National Institute of Food and Agriculture-Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DW Meals,G Vellidis,Jung Gun Cho,Shelby Crow,G Hawkins,Jack Leonard Mullen,D Bosch,Deirdre Sullivan,R Lowrance,A Wall,others
Little River Experimental Watershed, Georgia: National Institute of Food and Agriculture-Conservation Effects Assessment Project Watershed Project, 2012, Don Meals,George Vellidis,Jung Gun Cho,S Crow,G Hawkins,Jack Leonard Mullen,D Bosch,D Sullivan,R Lowrance,Angela Wall,others
Outreach Education and Technical Assistance: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, GD Jennings,DLK Hoag,ML McFarland,DL Osmond
Paradise Creek Watershed, Idaho: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DL Osmond,J Boll,ES Brooks,JD Wulfhorst,R Mahler,LW Van Tassell,MAZDAK Arabi,DLK Hoag
Rock Creek Watershed, Ohio: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, DW Meals,P Richards,R Confesor,K Czajkowski,J Bonnell,DL Osmond,DLK Hoag,J Spooner,ML McFarland
Socioeconomic analysis: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,A Luloff,D Osmond
Soil degradation in China: implications for agricultural sustainability, food security and the environment, 2012, Lingling Hou
Synthesizing the Experience of the 13 National Institute of Food and Agriculture-Conservation Effects Assessment Project Watershed Studies: Present and Future, 2012, DL Osmond,DW Meals,DL Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi,AE Luloff,GD Jennings,ML McFarland,J Spooner,AN Sharpley,DE Line
Synthesizing the Experience of the 13 National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assess-ment Project Watershed Studies: Present and Future, 2012, DL Osmond,DW Meals,DL Hoag,MAZDAK Arabi,AE Luloff,GD Jennings,ML McFarland,J Spooner,AN Sharpley,DE Line
Unintended Consequences of the US Bioenergy Program: Tradeoffs in Global Agricultural and Energy Commodity Markets, 2012, Samuel Evans,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ronald Sands,Jayson Beckman,CO Collins
Walnut Creek and Squaw Creek Watersheds, Iowa: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, Deanna L Osmond,Philip W Gassman,Keith E Schilling,Calvin F Wolter,Catherine Kling,Matthew J Helmers,Thomas M Isenhart,William W Simpkins,Thomas B Moorman,Mark D Tomer,others
Watershed modeling: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, 2012, MAZDAK Arabi,C Baffaut,EJ Sadler,SH Anderson,RR Broz,DW Meals,DLK Hoag,DL Osmond
WHO KNOWS BEST? NATIONAL, STATE, LOCAL, AND EEC, 2012, Steven Taff,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,David E Ervin
Factors Affecting Land Trusts’ Demand for Conservation Easements, 2012, Eric D. Cropper,Donald M. McLeod,Christopher T Bastian,Catherine M. Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jeni Eileen Cross
A strategic risk management program for agriculture, 2011, H Holly Wang,Milton Boyd,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Agricultural producers and the environment: A stated preference analysis of Colorado corn producers, 2011, Craig A Bond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Gorm Kipperberg
ARER Reviewers, 2011, Awudu Abdulai,David Abler,Marcel Aillery,Titus Awokuse,Kathleen Bell,Marc Bellemare,Melissa Boyle,Ying Cao,Arthur Caplan,Oral Capps,Jr,others
Continuum of risk analysis methods to assess tillage system sustainability at the experimental plot level, 2011, Eihab M Fathelrahman,James C Ascough,II,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Robert W Malone,Philip Heilman,Lori J Wiles,Ramesh S Kanwar
Economic and stochastic efficiency comparison of experimental tillage systems in corn and soyabean under risk, 2011, Eihab M Fathelrahman,James C Ascough,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Robert W Malone,Philip Heilman,Lori J Wiles,Ramesh S Kanwar
Editor’s Introduction, 1 Political Economy of Property Tax Reform: Hawaii’s Experiment with Split-Rate Property Taxation—Sally Kwak and James Mak, 4 Land Value: Seven Major Questions in the Analysis of Urban Land Values—Ünsal Özdilek, 30, 2011, Marvin M Smith,Christy Chung Hevener,Norman Sedgley,Bruce Elmslie,Andreas P Kyriacou,Jeff Richardson,John McKie,Angelo Iezzi,Munir Khan,Linda S Showers,others
Lessons from outstanding county agents, 2011, Shanna Smith,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Kraig Peel
Risk Indviduality in Crisis Planning: the Case of Gender in Amercan Agriculture, 2011, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,CATHERINE MH Keske,Rebecca Lynn Hill
Sincerely, 2011, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dawn D Thilmany
Testing for adverse selection of crop insurance in northern China, 2011, H Holly Wang,Milton Boyd,Linging Hou,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Yueying Mu
The Cost for Agriculture to Coexist With Wildlife in Colorado, 2011, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Randall B Boone,Catherine MH Keske
The effect of landowner amenity rents in conservation easement policies, 2011, Catherine MH Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Christopher T Bastian
The role of public policy and agricultural risk management in food security Public policy: implications for food security, 2011, Milton Boyd,H Holly Wang
Understanding land trusts and factors impacting their demand for conservation easements: survey results from the Intermountain West understanding land trusts. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service, 2011, Eric D Cropper,Christopher T Bastian,Donald M McLeod,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Using mixed methods research in environmental economics: the case of conservation easements, 2011, Catherine MH Keske,Christopher T Bastian,Michael G Lacy,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Donald M McLeod
Valuing ecosystem and economic services across land-use scenarios in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Dakotas, USA, 2011, William R Gascoigne,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Lynne Koontz,Brian A Tangen,Terry L Shaffer,Robert A Gleason
Adoption of Conservation Easements among Agricultural Landowners in Colorado and Wyoming: The Role of Economic Dependence and Sense of Place, 2011, Jeni Eileen Cross,Catherine Keske,Michael G Lacy,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Christopher T. Bastian
4 The Strategic Risk., 2010, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,John P Hewlett
A Bibliography of Literature on Wolf Impacts in Support of WCIRM–2010–1 March 2010, 2010, LUKE WAGNER,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Applied risk management in agriculture [recurso electrónico], 2010, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Applied risk management in agriculture, edited by Dana L. Hoag, 2010, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Building Customized, 2010, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Duane Griffith
Choose the" best" risk management alternative, 2010, DL Hoag,Eihab Fathelrahman,Jim Ascough
Determine risk preferences, 2010, DL Hoag,CM Keske
Determining the Likelihood of Outcomes, 2010, Catherine Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihab Fathelrahman
Economic performance of exotic dairy cattle under smallholder conditions in the marginal zones of Kenya using three analytical approaches, 2010, Mutuku Muendo Kavoi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James G Pritchett
Factors impacting agricultural landowners’ willingness to enter into conservation easements: A case study, 2010, Ashley D Miller,Christopher T Bastian,Donald M McLeod,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Human and, 2010, John P Hewlett,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Identify risk management alternatives, 2010, Jay Parsons,DL Hoag
Measurement of economic efficiency for smallholder dairy cattle in the marginal zones of Kenya, 2010, L Hoag Dana,Pritchett James
Measurement of economic efficiency for smallholder dairy cattle in the marginal zones of Kenya, 2010, MM Kavoi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James G Pritchett
Revision History for PP 1800, 2010, William R Gascoigne,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Rex R Johnson,Lynne M Koontz
Risk Navigator SRM: An Applied Risk Management Tool, 2010, Hoag Dana LK,Parsons Jay,others
Risk navigator SRM: An applied risk management tool, 2010, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jay Parsons
Simulating landscape catena effects in no-till dryland agroecosystems using GPFARM, 2010, JC Ascough,AA Andales,LA Sherrod,GS McMaster,NC Hansen,KC DeJonge,EM Fathelrahman,LR Ahuja,GA Peterson,DL Hoag
The cost of growing wine grapes in Western Colorado, 2010, Rod Sharp,Horst W Caspari,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
1 7 Ag Survivor, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jay Parsons
10 Step 6, 2009, Catherine Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihab Fathelrahman
11 Step 7, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihab Fathelrahman,Jim Ascough
15 Understanding Your Financial Statements and Ratios for Risk Management, 2009, Duane Griffith
16 Human and Institutional Risk, 2009, John P Hewlett,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
18 Building Customized, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Duane Griffith
18 Building Customized Risk Management Plans, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Duane Griffith
1Chapter 7 Ag Survivor, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
2 Managing Risks and Risky Decisions, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
4 The Strategic Risk Management Process, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,John P Hewlett
8Chapter Step 4: Prioritize Risks, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
9 Step 5, 2009, Jay Parsons,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
9Chapter Step 5: Identify Risk Management Alternatives, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
A Case Study of EWS Farms, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Aaron Sprague,Catherine Keske
Advanced and Cusomized Risk Management Programming, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Applied Risk Management in Agriculture, 2009, John P Hewlett,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Building Customized Risk Management Plans, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Can conservation easements market evolve from emerging to efficient?, 2009, Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Christopher T Bastian,others
DL 2009, 2009, James Ascough,Eihab Fathelrahman,Bruce Vandenberg,Timothy Green,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economic risk analysis of agricultural tillage systems using the SMART stochastic efficiency software package, 2009, JC Ascough,EM Fathelrahman,BC Vandenberg,TR Green,DL Hoag,RS Anderssen,RD Braddock,LTH Newham
Human and Institutional Risk, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,John P Hewlett,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Identifying Influential Factors for Colorado and Wyoming Landowners Regarding Conservation Easement Acceptance, 2009, Graham H McGaffin,Donald M McLeod,Christopher T Bastian,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Managing risks and risky decisions, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Marketing and Price Risk, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James Prichett
Production structure and derived demand for factor inputs in smallholder dairying in Kenya, 2009, Mutuku Muendo Kavoi,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James G Pritchett,others
Profit Determinants of Sexed Semen in Dairy Cattle., 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Katie McCullock,Jay Parsons
Researching barley insurance options: a RightRiskTM lesson guide with Mountain View Farms, 2009, Jay Parsons,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Step 2: Determine Risk Preferences, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Step 6: Determining the Likelihood of Outcomes, 2009, Catherine Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihab Fathelrahman
Step 7: Choose the" Best" Risk Management Alternative, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihab Fathelrahman,James Ascough
The strategic risk management process, 2009, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,John P Hewlett
An Application of Mixed Logit Estimation in the Analysis of Producers’ Stated Preferences, 2008, Gorm Kipperberg,Craig A Bond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Are Agricultural PACs Monolithic? An Empirical Investigation, 2008, Craig A Bond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jennifer Freeborn,Terry Van Doren
Are There Gender Differences in Ag Producer Risk Preferences?, 2008, Rebecca Lynn Hill,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Determinants of agricultural landowners’ willingness to supply open space through conservation easements, 2008, Ashley D Miller,Christopher T Bastian,Donald M McLeod,Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,others
Economic Impacts of Current and Proposed Management Alternatives for Lake Umbagog National, 2008, Lynne Koontz,Ryan M Donovan,Natalie Sexton,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Factors Impacting the Potential Supply of and Demand for Development Rights in the Emerging Market for Conservation Easements, 2008, Christopher T Bastian,Catherine Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Donald M McLeod,Ashley D Miller
Incorporating Institutional Power into the Disparate Stakeholder Management Approach: A Case Study of Wildlife Management in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Area, 2008, Lynne Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Production inefficiency in fed cattle marketing and the value of sorting pens into alternative marketing groups using ultrasound technology, 2008, Stephen R Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,John R Brethour,Jodine Walker,others
A Panel Mixed Logit Analysis of Colorado Corn Farmers’ Stated Preferences for Private-Public Irrigation System Attributes., 2007, Gorm Kipperberg,Craig Bond,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Accounting for risk and stability in technology adoption, 2007, Alejandra Engler-Palma,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Disparate Stakeholder Management of Wildlife Issues in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Area., 2007, Lynne Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economic opportunities for sexed semen on commercial dairies, 2007, JF Ettema,DL Hoag,GE Seidel
Economic opportunities for sexed semen on commercial dairy farms, 2007, JF Ettema,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,GE Seidel,Jr
Internalizing Externalities when there are Significant Private Non-Market Rents, 2007, Catherine M Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Christopher T Bastian
Is agricultural research a good investment?, 2007, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihlab Fathel Rahman
Soil Conservation Incentives in The United States: Lessons for Chinese Agriculture [J], 2007, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,others
Soil degradation in China: implications for agricultural sustainability, food security and the environment, 2007, Lingling Hou
Stakeholder Payoff Matrix for Disparate Tradeoffs, 2007, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ascough,II,Fathelrahman JC
The Impact of Research Returns Across Time and Space: A Computable General Equilibrium Study of Cattle Research in Colorado., 2007, Eihab Fathelrahman,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Stephen P Davies
Using Multivariate Stochastic Dominance for Empirical Evaluation of Water Quality Tradeoffs at the Farm Level., 2007, Eihab Fathelrahman,James C Ascough,II,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Ramesh Kanwar,Robert Malone,Philip Heilman,Liwang Ma
Using the Response Surface Method (RSM) for Economic and Environmental Tradeoffs Between Economics and Environment at the Farm Level, 2007, JC Ascough,Ii,EM Fathelrahman,DL Hoag
WAE A Past Presidents 1927-2007, 2007, FB Headley,HR Tolley,George W Barr,Sidney M Hoos,HR Stucky,EJ Working,Emery N Castle,Andrew Vanvig,Roger W Gray,CO McCorkle,Jr,others
Western Colorado perennial grass and biomass budget generator, 2007, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Catherine MH Keske,Calvin H Pearson,Andrew Brandess
What Are Landowners and Land Trusts Trying to Preserve with Conservation Easements? A Simultaneous Examination of Buyers and Sellers., 2007, Catherine Keske,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Chris Bastian,Ashley Miller,Donald McLeod
???????: ???????, 2007, ???,others
???????: ??????? Soil Conservation Incentives in The United States: Lessons for Chinese Agriculture, 2007, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,???
Investigating the feasibility of livestock disease insurance: A case study in US aquaculture, 2006, Keith H Coble,Terry R Hanson,Stephen H Sempier,Saleem Shaik,J Corey Miller
Issues associated with US livestock disease compensation in the 21st century, 2006, Stephen Ott
Livestock industry insurance: Canada, 2006, Bruce Stephen,Terri Epps
Managing the Risks and Impacts of Animal Diseases in the Australian Livestock Sector, 2006, GB Neumann,RC Keogh
Principles, Issues and Worldwide Cases, 2006, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dawn D Thilmany,Stephen R Koontz
Prospecting for economic returns to research: Adding informational value at the market fringe, 2006, Stephan A Weiler,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Chuen-Mei Fan
Stakeholder Opinions Regarding Management of Conservation Reserve Program Lands to Address Environmental and Wildlife Issues, 2006, Mark W Vandever,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
The economics of livestock disease insurance: concepts, issues and international case studies, 2006, DL Hoag,DD Thilmany,JW Green
The German System of Compensating Animal Keepers in Cases of Outbreaks of Animal Diseases, 2006, HJ Bätza,Koontz,SR,DL Hoag,DD Thilmany,JW Green,JL Grannis,others
The role of USDA-APHIS in livestock disease management within the USA, 2006, Jennifer L Grannis,Megan L Bruch
Understanding Broader Economic Effects of Livestock Insurance and Health Management: Impacts of Disease Outbreak on Allied Industries, 2006, James G Pritchett,Dawn D Thilmany,Kamina Johnson
An Error-Components Three-Stage Least-Squares Model of Investment Allocation by Farm Households, 2005, Stephen P Davies,Kenneth Erickson,Steve Vickner,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Richard Nehring
Analyzing Stakeholder Preferences for Managing Elk and Bison at the National Elk Refuge and Grand Teton National Park: An Example of the Disparate Stakeholder Management Approach, 2005, Lynne Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Decision making with environmental indices, 2005, DL Hoag,C Keske-Handley,James C Ascough,II,L Koontz
Economic impacts of eradicating scrapie, ovine progressive pneumonia and Johne’s disease on US sheep, lamb, sheep meat and lamb meat markets., 2005, Ann Hillberg Seitzinger,Philip L Paarlberg,John Gary Lee,Koontz,SR,DL Hoag,DD Thilmany,JW Green,JL Grannis,others
Economic principles for saving the Cooperative Extension Service, 2005, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Evolving conservation easement markets in the West, 2005, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Chris Bastian,Catherine Keske-Handley,Don McLeod,Andrew R Marshall
WAEA Presidential Address: Economic Principles for Saving the Cooperative Extension Service, 2005, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
A peer-reviewed publication from the Western Agricultural Economics Association Purpose One of the consequences of regional associations nationalizing their journals is that professional agricultural economists in each region have lost one of their best forums for exchanging ideas unique to their area of the country. The purpose of this publication is to provide a forum for western issues., 2004, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dawn D Thilmany
A review of mathematical programming models of irrigation water values, 2004, BI Conradie,DL Hoag
Economic incentives for soil conservation in India, 2004, BVC Reddy,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,BS Shobha
Economic incentives for soil conservation in the United States, 2004, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Pressures and preferences affecting willingness to apply beef manure on crops in the Colorado High Plains, 2004, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Michael G Lacy,Jessica G Davis
We need authors for our March issue. As you write your meetings papers for this summer, please consider whether they would be suitable. You will find publication guidelines on the next page. We would need any papers that are to be considered for the April issue by the end of January 2004., 2004, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Dawn D Thilmany,J Richard Conner,Gary W Williams,Raymond A Dietrich,Jeffrey E Tranel,John P Hewlett,Howard R Rosenberg,Randy R Wiegel,Russell Tronstad,others
Compensatory Programs for Conservation Al Sokolow, Joan Wright, Nora De Cuir, and Mica Bennett Farmer Views of Farmland Conservation and Stewardship in, 2003, Karen Klonsky,Rachel Goodhue,Guillaume Gruere,Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Seidel,Steven Kraft,Christopher Lant,Timothy Loftus
Conventional economic research in agricultural land-use policy has tended to focus on society's willingness-to-pay (WTP) for protection and capture of non-market amenity values associated with private convertible agricultural lands via stated consumer preference surveys (eg, Kreiger 1999; Loomis, 2003, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Conventional economic research in agricultural land-use policy has tended to focus on society’s willingness-to-pay (WTP) for protection and capture of non-market amenity values associated with private convertible agricultural lands via stated consumer preference surveys (eg, Kreiger 1999; Loomis, 2003, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Landowner expectations and experiences with conservation easements, 2003, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Landowner expectations and experiences with conservation easements, 2003, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Landowner expectations and experiences with conservation easements, 2003, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Post-Cowboy Economics: Pay and Prosperity in the New American West, 2003, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Risk management education in the West using RightRisk., 2003, Jay Parsons,DL Hoag
saving public expenditures with a lower landowner reservation price., 2003, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
The Cost Of Meeting Equity: Opportunity Cost Of Irrigation In The Fish-Sundays Scheme Of South Africa, 2003, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Beatrice Conradie
The Cost of Meeting Equity: Opportunity Cost of Irrigation in the Fish-Sundays Scheme of South Africa, 2003, BI Conradie,DL Hoag
What California Farmland Owners Like and Don’t Like about Compensatory Programs for Conservation Al Sokolow, Joan Wright, Nora De Cuir, and Mica Bennett Farmer Views of Farmland Conservation and Stewardship in California, 2003, Karen Klonsky,Rachel Goodhue,Guillaume Gruere,Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Seidel,Steven Kraft,Christopher Lant,Timothy Loftus,Keith Gillman
A message from the Co-Editors, 2002, Tim Lewis,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Ananda Ranasinghe, J. 83 Andreasen, JK 21 Apps, M. 235 Barbour, MT 279, 2002, GN Bastin,A Beeby,SC Beyeler,S Brais,DE Campbell,JM Cantu,L Caughlan,VH Chewings,VH Dale,Q Dang,others
Application and testing of GPFARM: A farm and ranch decision support system for evaluating economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural enterprises, 2002, GS McMaster,JC Ascough,GH Dunn,MA Weltz,MJ Shaffer,D Palic,BC Vandenberg,PNS Bartling,Dave R Edmunds,DL Hoag,others
Colorado landowner conservation easement survey, 2002, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Computer Use and Satisfaction by Great Plains Producers, 2002, JC Ascough,DL Hoag,GS McMaster,WM Frasier
Computer use and satisfaction by great plains producers: ordered logit model analysis, 2002, JC Ascough,DL Hoag,GS McMaster,WM Frasier
Evaluating Agricultural Systems for Environmental Sustainability Using an Impact Matrix Approach, 2002, James C Ascough,II,DL Hoag,Alejandra Engler-Palma
Feeding Elk in Greater Yellowstone: A Case Study in Ex-ante Group Decision Support, 2002, Lynne Caughlan,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
GPFARM: An integrated decision support system for sustainable Great Plains agriculture., 2002, JC Ascough,III,MJ Shaffer,DL Hoag,GS McMaster,GH Dunn,LR Ahuja,MA Weltz
Multicriteria spatial decision support systems for agriculture: Overview, applications, and future research directions, 2002, JCI Ascough,HD Rector,DL Hoag,GS McMaster,BC Vandenberg,MJ Shaffer,MA Weltz,LR Ahjua
Nutrient management support system (NuMaSS), version 2.0 software installation and user guide, 2002, DL Osmond,T Jot Smyth,RS Yost,WS Reid,DL Hoag,W Branch,X Wang
Optimizing in the presence of variable growth paths in livestock., 2002, Parsons,JR,DL Hoag,WM Frasier,Koontz,SR
Sustainable soil management: A framework for analysis, 2002, J Popp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,II ASCOUGH,J
Targeting soil-conservation policies for sustainability: New empirical evidence, 2002, J Popp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,J Ascough
The Cost of Growing Wine Grapes in Western Colorado, 2002, Rod Sharp,Horst W Caspari,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
The impact matrix approach and decision rules to enhance index dimensionality, flexibility and representation, 2002, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James C Ascough,Alejandra Engler-Palma
Variable Growth Impacts on Optimal Market Timing in All-Out Production Systems, 2002, Jay Parsons,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Marshall Marshall Frasier,Stephen R Koontz
What Landowners Should Know When Considering Conservation Easements, 2002, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew R Marshall,Andrew Fredrick Seidl,CJ Mucklow
What Landowners Should Know When Considering Conservation Easements, 2002, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew R Marshall,Andrew Fredrick Seidl,David James Mucklow
Disentangling Risk Preferences from the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution in Technology Adoption Decisions: Results and Implications, 2002, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Application and Testing of GPFARM: A Farm and Ranch Decision Support System for Evaluating Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Enterprises, 2001, JC Ascough,II,GH Dunn,MA Weltz,MJ Shaffer,D Palic,BC Vandenberg,PNS Bartling,Dave R Edmunds,DL Hoag,LR Ahuja,others
Disentangling cash flow and risk to develop new financial instruments., 2001, A Engler-Palma,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economics of Variable Swine Growth, 2001, Jay Parsons,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Stephen R Koontz
Environmental indices and the politics of the Conservation Reserve Program, 2001, Marc O Ribaudo,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Mark E Smith,Ralph Heimlich
Market Analysis of a Student Agribusiness Organization as a Planning and Educational Tool, 2001, Dawn D Thilmany,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Sustainability indices with multiple objectives, 2001, Jennie Popp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,D Eric Hyatt
Bartel, A. 87, 2000, LE Danielson,JA DeSouza-Huletey,B Freyer,P Girardin,WE Grant,P Hardi,KW Hipel,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,R Hoffmann-Kroll,DE Hyatt,others
Colorado landowner conservation easement survey, 2000, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Colorado landowner conservation easement survey, 2000, Andrew R Marshall,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew Fredrick Seidl
Colorado’s Agribusiness System: Its Contribution to the State Economy in 1997, 2000, Sue E Hine,Elizabeth Garner,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Cooperative solutions to open access competition for land among municipalities, 2000, Elizabeth EH Garner,Andrew Fredrick Seidl,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Cooperative solutions to open access competition for land among municipalities, 2000, Elizabeth EH Garner,Andrew Fredrick Seidl,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Cooperative solutions to open access competition for land among municipalities, 2000, Elizabeth EH Garner,Andrew Fredrick Seidl,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economic values for tenderness in beef cattle, 2000, PL Charters,DL Hoag,SK Koontz,PR Amer,BL Golden
Is agricultural research a good investment?, 2000, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Eihlab Fathel Rahman
Is US soil conservation policy a sustainable development, 2000, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jennie S Hughes-Popp,Paul C Huszar
Modeling environmental condition with indices: a case study of sustainability and soil resources, 2000, Jennie Hughes Popp,D Eric Hyatt,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Modeling environmental condition with indices: a case study of sustainability and soil resources, 2000, Jennie Hughes Popp,D Eric Hyatt,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Returns to market timing and sorting of fed cattle, 2000, Stephen R Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jodine L Walker,John R Brethour,others
Survey of production practices of Colorado cow-calf producers, 2000, DE Mount,JC Whittier,DL Hoag
Will farmers use computers for resource and environmental management?, 2000, DL Hoag,JC Ascough,WM Frasier
Agricultural crisis in America, 1999, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Community development and the profitability of value-added meat production and processing, 1999, Stephen R Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Computer use in agriculture: an analysis of Great Plains producers, 1999, James C Ascough,II,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Marshall Marshall Frasier,Gregory S McMaster
cost of growing wine grapes in western Colorado, 1999, Richard Hamman,Rodney L Sharp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1172, 1999, Stephen R Koontz,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Farm computer adoption in the Great Plains, 1999, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James C Ascough,Marshall Marshall Frasier
Increasing block pricing and residential water demand: Challenges in estimation and practice, 1999, B Conradie,Mark B Frasier,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Irrigation management in Colorado: Survey data and findings, 1999, W Marshall Frasier,Reagan M Waskom,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Troy A Bauder
Political and economic factors affecting agricultural PAC contribution strategies, 1999, Terry D Van Doren,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Thomas G Field
Reducing wind erosion damages and the Conservation Reserve Program, 1999, Jennie S Hughes-Popp,Paul C Huszar,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Ronald A. Fleming, 1999, Stephen A Ford,Susan M Capalbo,Oral Capps,Jr,Patricia A Champ,Joseph C Cooper,Roger A Dahlgran,George C Davis,Eric A DeVuyst,Kevin C Dhuyvetter,Diansheng Dong,others
Soil conservation incentives in the 1985-1996 US Farm Bills, 1999, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
The Western Center for Integrated Resource Management, 1999, RD Green,GD Niswender,TG Field,JC Whittier,LR Roath,FL Garry,JO Green,NL Dalsted,DL Hoag
Theoretical and Empirical Implications of Increasing Block Rates, 1999, Marshall Frasier,Beatrice Conradie,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
A dynamic economic analysis of nitrate leaching in corn production under nonuniform irrigation conditions, 1998, Steven S Vickner,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Marshall Marshall Frasier,James C Ascough
Advances in ration formulation for beef cattle through multiple objective decision support systems, 1998, SS Vickner,DL Hoag
Pesticide economic and environmental tradeoffs: developer’s perspective, 1998, DL Nofziger,AG Hornsby,DL Hoag
Pesticide economic and environmental tradeoffs: user’s perspective, 1998, AG Hornsby,DL Hoag,DL Nofziger
Political economy of United States sheep industry political action committees, 1998, TD Van Doren,TG Field,DL Hoag
Reduced chemical input cropping systems in the Southeastern United States: III. Economic analysis, 1998, Larry D King,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Sustainability and resource assessment: A case study of soil resources in the United States, 1998, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jennie S Hughes Popp,D Eric Hyatt
Sustainable Resource Management: A Methodology for Analysis, 1998, Jenny Hughes Popp,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
The intertemporal impact of soil erosion on non-uniform soil profiles: A new direction in analyzing erosion impacts, 1998, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
What landowners should know when considering conservation easements: insights from Colorado landowners, 1998, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andrew R Marshall,Andrew Siedl,CJ Mucklow
Computer use in agriculture: opportunities for farm advisors, 1997, W Marshall Frasier,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,James C Ascough
Construction of the thermal/structural interactions in situ tests at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), 1997, Darrell E Munson,RV Matalucci,DL Hoag,DA Blankenship
HOW ARE WE MANAGING? Environmental Condition Is Value-Based: A Case Study of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, 1997, D Eric Hyatt,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Instrumentation of the thermal/structural interactions in situ tests at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), 1997, DE Munson,DL Hoag,DA Blankenship,WF DeYonge,DM Schiermeister,RL Jones,GT Baird
Irrigation Best Management Practices: What Are Colorado Producers Using?, 1997, Troy A Bauder,Reagan M Waskom,Mark B Frasier,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Political and Economic Factors Affecting Agricultural PAC Contribution Strategies, 1997, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Elizabeth Hornbrook,Terry Van Doren,others
Simon Brand Memorial Address, 1997, G Maasdorp,RM Hassan,A van der Merwe,RJ Otto,SRD Ferrer,WL Nieuwoudt,J van Zyl,R Townsend,N Vink,MT Makhura,others
Theory and practice of pollution credit trading in water quality management, 1997, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Jennie S Hughes-Popp
What is Agriculture and Its Contribution to the US Economy?, 1997, Elizabeth Hornbrook,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,others
A dynamic economic analysis of nitrate leaching in corn production under nonuniform irrigation conditions., 1996, DL Hoag,SS Vickner,WM Frasier
Manure value and liveweight swine decisions, 1996, Fritz M Roka,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Nitrogen: It doesn’t just go away, 1996, Mark L Bennett,Christopher D Penrose,Henry M Bartholomew,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Research Awards, 1996, Kuo S Huang,James N Trapp,Joseph Havlicek,Jr,Fred C White,David Bessler,James L Novak,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,S Sri Ramaratnam,M Edward Rister,CB Amerling,William G Boggess,others
Response surface methodology for modeling complex systems., 1996, F Roka,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,S Vickner
REVIEWERS, July 1995-June 1996, 1996, AA Araji,Mary E Bohman,MR Caputo,Bonnie Colby,Nouhoun Coulibaly,George C Davis,Stephen Devadoss,Donald Epp,George Goldman,Marvin L Hayenga,others
The relationship between conservation and sustainability, 1996, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Melvin Skold
A dynamic optimization model for policy analysis of nitrate leaching in irrigated corn production, 1995, S Vickner,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,WM Frasier
Air Intake Shaft Performance Tests (Shaft V): In Situ data Report (May 1988-July 1995), 1995, Darrell E Munson,David L Hoag,John R Ball,Glenn T Baird,Robert L Jones
An economic evaluation of the Conservation Reserve Program’s impacts on wind erosion in the West., 1995, JS Hughes,PC Huszar,DL Hoag
Biophysical measurement of the sustainability of temperate agriculture, 1995, Christine Campbell,Walter W Heck,Deborah A Neher,Michael J Munster,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Choices for the CRP: Research results and group agendas., 1995, DL Hoag,J Hughes
Colorado’s farm and food system: its contribution to the state economy in 1992, 1995, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Joan R Fulton,Elizabeth Garner
Environmental policy and swine manure management Waste not or want not?, 1995, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Fritz M Roka
Making economic sense of why swine effluent is sprayed in North Carolina and hauled in Iowa, 1995, FM Roka,DL Hoag,KD Zering
Pesticide economic and environmental tradeoffs decision support system for peanut production, 1995, AG Hornsby,DL Nofziger,DL Hoag
Sustainability: observations, expectations and policy implications, 1995, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Melvin Skold
Sustainable Agriculture, 1995, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,G Weber,M Duffy
The conservation reserve: a survey of research and interest groups, 1995, Jennie S Hughes,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Terry E Nipp
Trade-off analysis of herbicide withdrawals on agricultural production and groundwater quality, 1995, Shiping Liu,Gerald A Carlson,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
A Monte Carlo Analysis Of The Value Of Information In Forest Service Decision Making Using Discrete Choice, 1994, Doug MacNair,Tom Holmes,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Environmental Policy and Manure Management, 1994, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,F Roka
Return and Spillover of Colorado Agricultural Research-Initial Elements for a Computable General Equilibrium Case Study, 1994, Eihab Fathelrahman,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Stephen P Davies
Sustainable agriculture., 1994, Glenn A Helmers,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,MC Hallberg,RGF Spitze,DE Ray,others
The Theory and Practice of Pollution Credit Trading in Water Quality Management, 1994, Elaine Mullaly Jacobson,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Leon Danielson
Are manure nutrients an economic resource or waste?, 1993, FM Roka,DL Hoag,KD Zering
Conservation compliance: the clock is running, 1993, M Cook,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Field-level measurement of land productivity and program slippage, 1993, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,William E Foster,Bruce A Babcock
Land Quality and Diversion Decision Under US Coommodity Programs, 1993, Bruce A Babcock,William E Foster,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Land Quanlity and Diversion Decision Under US Coommodity Programs, 1993, Bruce A Babcock,William E Foster,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Passive-use Value, Contingent Valuation, and Public Policy, 1993, Ernest C Pasour,Jr,Wilhelmus L Nieuwoudt,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Toxicity of soil applied herbicides to brine shrimp larvae (Artemia salina) and synergism with other pesticides, 1993, RM Wilkins,RJ Metcalfe
A CHOICES Dialogue on Mandated Training in Sustainable Agriculture: It’s A Dilemma, 1992, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,EC Pasour,Jr
Coupling groundwater contamination with economic returns when applying farm pesticides, 1992, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Arthur G Hornsby
GIS identification of critical areas in the Herrings Marsh Run demonstration watershed, 1992, Gregory D Jennings,SW Coffey,JM Rice,DL Hoag
Letters From You..., 1992, George W Ladd,John Otte,Bruce R Beattie,Daniel W Bromley,Amy Angel,Terri Raney,Gerald F Vaughn,James R Dunn,John A Schnittker,William P Browne,others
Mandated training in sustainable agriculture: it's a dilemma, 1992, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,EC Pasour,Jr
Normative supply modelling and forest policy analysis in a developing economy, 1992, W McKillop
A Field-Level Analysis of Land Diversion Decisions, 1991, Bruce Babcock,William Foster,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Comparing Risks from Corn Rootworm Insecticides in Ground Water, Surface Water and Air, 1991, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Andy Manale
Farm production decisions under cross and conservation compliance, 1991, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Herb A Holloway
Sustainable Agriculture Ideology: Economic and Environmental Tradeoffs, 1991, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Mike Doherty,Fritz Roka
A choices dialogue on mandated: It's a dilemma, 1990, DL Hoag,EC Pasour,Jr
Crop planner: a farm planning tool. User’s manual., 1990, E Estes,L Rogers,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,K Jack
Low-input farming systems under conservation compliance, 1990, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Kevin E Jack
Overtest for Simulated Defense High-Level Waste (Room B): In situ data report (May 1984–February 1988): Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Thermal/Structural Interactions Program, 1990, DE Munson,RL Jones,Ball,JR,RM Clancy,DL Hoag,SV Petney
Budget Planner: User Oriented Whole-Farm Budgeting Software, 1989, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Economics of conservation tillage, 1989, DL Hoag
Farm production decisions under conservation compliance., 1989, HA Holloway,DL Hoag
‘Overtest for Simulated Defense High-Level Waste (Room B) In Situ Data Report (May 1984--February 1989), 1989, DE Munson,RL Jones,DL Hoag,Ball,JR,RM Clancy,SV Petney
Budget planner: whole farm budgeting software designed to make people want to use it., 1988, DL Hoag
Crop planner users guide., 1988, EA Estes,LL Rogers,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Extension’s role in soil and water conservation, 1988, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Stephen Lilley,Mike Smolen,Maurice Cook,Joan Wright
Handbook on the conservation provisions of the 1985 Food Security Act, 1988, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Interfacing nonpoint source programs with the conservation reserve, 1988, MD Smolen,JJ Jones
Interfacing nonpoint source programs with the Conservation Reserve: Guidance for water quality managers, 1988, MD Smolen,KJ Adler,AL Lanier,DL Hoag,DW Miller
Mining development test (Room D): In situ data report (March 1984-May 1988): Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) thermal/structural interactions program, 1988, DE Munson,RL Jones,DL Hoag,Ball,JR
Heated Axisymmetric Pillar Test (Room H): In situ data report, February 1985-April 1987: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): Thermal/Structural Interactions Program, 1987, DE Munson,RL Jones,DL Hoag,Ball,JR
Commodity and conservation policy impacts on risk and returns, 1986, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Douglas L Young
Status for bekaempelsesmidler efter l. januar 1986., 1986, C Hansen
Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1986, Imputed Missing Incomes,JY Lee,JS Shonkwiler,G Naik,BL Dixon,Compensating Irrigators,DJ Bosch,VR Eidman,EE Gill,Feeder Cattle Price Differentials,others
ASCS Commodity-Conservation Policy Impacts on Risk and Returns in the Palouse, 1985, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,DL YOUNG
Impacts of Selected Commodity Programs on Soil Conserving Land Retirement, 1985, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag
Toward effective land retirement legislation, 1985, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Douglas L Young
1984 costs of alternative tillage systems, central Whitman County, Washington, 1984, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,H Hinman,T Hoffmann
1984 costs of alternative tillage systems, western Whitman County, Washington, 1984, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,H Hinman,T Hoffmann
Do acreage diversion programs encourage farming erodible land? A Palouse case study, 1984, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Daniel Taylor,Douglas Young
Will USDA's conservation reserve program make erodible land retirement profitable?, 1984, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Douglas L Young
Yields and profitability of conservation tillage in the eastern Palouse, 1984, Douglas L Young,Dana Loyd Keske Hoag,Herbert R Hinman,Roger W Harder
Fuels and fire in land management planning: Part 3. Costs and losses for management options., 1983, Wayne G Maxwell,David V Sandberg,Franklin R Ward,RL Johnson,GV Johnson,LE Buck,PE Hetz,LH Davis,PE Gorondi,DA Davidson,others
Yield-Topsoil Depth Response Functions: Linear Versus Mitscherlich-Spillman, 1983, Dana Loyd Keske Hoag