All Publications for Jennifer Martin

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A Pilot Study: the Development of a Facility-Associated Microbiome and Its Association with the Presence of Listeria Spp. in One Small Meat Processing Facility, 2022, Aeriel D Belk, Frazier, A Nathan,Luke Konrad Fuerniss,Robert Delmore,Keith Belk,Brad Robert Borlee,Ifigenia Geornaras,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Jess Lynne Metcalf

Liver abscess microbiota of feedlot steers finished in natural and traditional management programs, 2022, Luke Konrad Fuerniss,Haley Elizabeth Davis,Aeriel D Belk,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Terry E Engle,John Scanga,Franklyn B Garry,Tony Clay Bryant,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Poultry Slaughter & Food Safety, 2022, Marlena Griesse,Christine Schinzel,Kali Benson,Ethan Cahill,Andrea Jeter,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Air versus Water Chilling of Chicken: a Pilot Study of Quality, Shelf-Life, Microbial Ecology, and Economics, 2021, Aeriel D Belk,Toni Duarte,Casey William Quinn,David A. Coil,Keith Belk,Jonathan A. Eisen,Jason Charles Quinn,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Xiang Yang,Jess Lynne Metcalf

Comparative Whole Genome Analysis of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Isolates From Feedlot Cattle to Identify Genotypes Associated With the Presence and Absence of stx Genes, 2021, Mo Jia,Ifigenia Geornaras,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Keith Belk,Hua Yang

Comparative whole genome analysis of Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates from feedlot cattle to identify genotypes associated with the presence and absence of stx genes, 2021, Mo Jia,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Keith Belk,Hua Yang

Air versus water chilling: A pilot study of quality, shelf-life, microbial ecology, and economics. , Jennifer D Martin,Toni Duarte,Casey Quinn,David Coil,Keith Belk,Jonathan Eisen,Jennifer Charles Martin,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Xiang Yang,Jennifer Lynne Martin

Liver abscess microbiota of feedlot steers managed in natural and traditional programs, 2020, Luke Konrad Fuerniss,Haley Elizabeth Davis,Aeriel D Belk,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Terry E Engle,John E Scanga,Franklyn B Garry,Tony Clay Bryant,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Survey of production animal veterinarians' prescription practices, factors influencing antimicrobial drug use, and perceptions of and attitudes toward antimicrobial resistance, 2020, Daniel D. Taylor,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk,Alice E. White, Walter, Elaine J. Scallan

The microbiome of a newly constructed meat processing facility differs based on room function and time, 2020, Aeriel D Belk,Nathan Nathan Frazier,Luke Konrad Fuerniss,Ifigenia Geornaras,Brad Robert Borlee,Robert J Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Jess Lynne Metcalf

An assessment of antimicrobial drug prescription practices in companion animal medicine in the United States. , Daniel Taylor,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Elaine Scallan-Walter

Dynamic changes in the diversity of the microbial community found on ground beef and the volatile organic acids produced throughout aerobic shelf-life. , Jennifer Rose Levey,Dale Woerner,Jessica E Prenni,Keith Belk,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Producing Food Products from Cultured Animal Tissues, Dustin ,Min-ho Kim,Jess Krieger,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Andy Milkowski,Paul Mozdziak,Brian Sylvester,Anna Dilger

Effects of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on liver abscesses, fecal microbiome, and resistome in feedlot cattle raised without antibiotics, 2019, Katherine Louise Huebner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Carla Jane Weissend,Katlyn Laura Holzer,Jennifer Kristen Parker,Steven Michael Lakin,Enrique Doster,Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Zaid Abdo,Dale Ray Woerner,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Gina Geornaras,Tony Clay Bryant,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

Effects of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on liver abscesses, fecal microbiome, and resistome in feedlot cattle raised without antibiotics, 2019, Katherine Louise Huebner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Carla Jane Weissend,Katlyn Laura Holzer,Jennifer Kristen Parker,Steven Michael Lakin,Enrique Doster,Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Zaid Abdo,Dale Ray Woerner,Jessica L. Metcalf,Ifigenia Geornaras,Tony Clay Bryant,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

Ground beef microbiome changes with antimicrobial decontamination interventions and product storage, 2019, Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Brianna Colleen Britton,Kathryn Rose McCullough,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Gina Geornaras,R. Knight,Keith Belk,Jess Lynne Metcalf

Investigation of tylosin in feed of feedlot cattle and effects on liver abscess prevalence, and fecal and soil microbiomes and resistomes, 2019, Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Enrique Doster,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Kristen Parker,Clay Rigsby Carlson,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

Cured Meat Products Using Plant-Based Sources of Nitrates and Nitrites: Chemistry, Safety, and Labeling Concerns, 2019, Nicholas Rivera,M. L Bunning,Jennifer Nicole Martin

An assessment of veterinary prescription practices and factors influencing usage of antimicrobial drugs. , Dan Taylor,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk,Alice White,Elaine Scallan Walter

National Beef Quality Audit-2016: assessment of cattle hide characteristics, offal condemnations, and carcass traits to determine the quality status of the market cow and bull beef industry, 2018, McKensie K. Harris,L. Clay Eastwood,Courtney A. Boykin,Ashley N. Arnold,Kerri B. Gehring,Daniel S. Hale,Christopher R. Kerth,Davey B. Griffin,Jeffrey W. Savell,Keith Belk,Dale Ray Woerner,Josh D. Hasty, Delmore, Robert J., Jr.,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Ty E. Lawrence,Trenton J. McEvers,Deborah L. VanOverbeke,Gretchen G. Mafi,Morgan M. Pfeiffer,Ty B. Schmidt,Robert J. Maddock,D. Dwain Johnson,Chad C. Carr,Jason M. Scheffler,T. Dean Pringle,Alexander M. Stelzleni

Salmonella Contamination in Broiler Synovial Fluid: Are We Missing a Potential Reservoir?, 2018, Ty Sexton,Gina Geornaras,Keith Belk,M. L Bunning,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Use of Nonpathogenic Escherichia coli Surrogates as Predictors of the Survival of Nontyphoidal Salmonella, non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli, and Escherichia coli O157 Populations after High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing, 2018, Dale Ray Woerner,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Keith Belk,Gary R. Acuff,James S. Dickson

Influence of Storage Temperature, Moisture Content, and Physical Impurities on the Distribution and Survival of Salmonella enterica in Poultry Fat Intended for Pet Food Use, 2018, Rinara Cely Kiel,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Dale Ray Woerner,Rachel Lynn Murphy,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Rose Levey,Hua Yang,Bob J Delmore,Keith Belk

16S characterization of liver abscesses in Western United States feedlot cattle., 2017, Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Clay Rigsby Carlson,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

Effects of in-feed administration of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on the liver abscess microbiome and liver abscess rate in cattle reared to produce natural-branded beef., 2017, Katherine Louise Huebner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Katlyn Laura Holzer,Carla Jane Weissend,Zaid Abdo,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Kristen Parker,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

National Beef Quality Audit-2016: Phase 1, Face-to-face interviews, 2017, Joshua Dillon Hasty,M. M. Pfeifer,L. C. Eastwood,Devin Andrew Gredell,Cody Lynn Gifford,Jennifer Rose Levey,C. M. Cashman,Dale Ray Woerner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Bob J Delmore,W. B. Griffin,D. L. VanOverbeke,G. G. Mafi,C. A. Boykin,D. S. Hale,C. R. Kerth,D. B. Griffin,A. N. Arnold,J. W. Savell,Dustin L Pendell,Keith Belk

National Beef Quality Audit–2016: Transportation, mobility, live cattle, and carcass assessments of targeted producer-related characteristics that affect value of market cows and bulls, their carcasses, and associated by-products1, 2017, M. K. Harris,L. C. Eastwood,C. A. Boykin,A. N. Arnold,K. B. Gehring,D. S. Hale,C. R. Kerth,D. B. Griffin,J. W. Savell,Keith Belk,Dale Ray Woerner,Joshua Dillon Hasty,Bob J Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,T. E. Lawrence,T. J. McEvers,D. L. VanOverbeke,G. G. Mafi,M. M. Pfeiffer,T. B. Schmidt,R. J. Maddock,D. D. Johnson,C. C. Carr,J. M. Scheffler,T. D. Pringle,A. M. Stelzleni

Salmonella contamination in poultry—are we missing a potential vector?, 2017, Ty Sexton,I. Geornaras,Dale Ray Woerner,R. Delmore,Keith Belk,Jennifer Nicole Martin

The effect of tylosin supplementation and tylosin alternative control treatments on fecal microbial populations, performance, and liver abscess prevalence in feedlot cattle., 2017, Carla Jane Weissend,Katlyn Laura Holzer,Katherine Louise Huebner,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Gina Geornaras,Jennifer Kristen Parker,Keith Belk,Paul S Morley,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Validation of various antimicrobial interventions for use in a bone dust cabinet in a commercial beef harvest facility, 2017, Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,C. Cashman,I. Geornaras,R. Delmore,Dale Ray Woerner,Keith Belk,Jennifer Nicole Martin

Effects of tannic acid on growth performance, carcass characteristics, digestibility, nitrogen volatilization, and meat lipid oxidation of steers fed steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets., 2017, Jennifer Nicole Martin,M. C. Tabke,J. O. Sarturi,M. L. Galyean,S. J. Trojan,J. C. Brooks,B. J. Johnson,J. Baggerman,A. J. Thompson

Enrichment allows identification of diverse, rare elements in metagenomic resistome-virulome sequencing., 2017, Noelle Robertson Noyes,M E Weinroth,Jennifer Kristen Parker,Christopher James Dean,Steven Michael Lakin,R A Raymond,P Rovira,Enrique Doster,Zaid Abdo,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Kenneth Jones,Jaime G Ruiz,Christina Anne Boucher,Keith Belk,Paul S Morley

Rapid Communication: 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid characterization of liver abscesses in feedlot cattle from three states in the United States., 2017, Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Clay Rigsby Carlson,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Jess Lynne Metcalf,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

National Beef Quality Audit - 2016: Survey of carcass characteristics through instrument grading assessments., 2017, C A Boykin,L C Eastwood,M K Harris,D S Hale,C R Kerth,D B Griffin,A N Arnold,Joshua Dillon Hasty,Keith Belk,Dale Ray Woerner,Bob J Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,D L VanOverbeke,G G Mafi,M M Pfeiffer,T E Lawrence,T J McEvers,T B Schmidt,R J Maddock,D D Johnson,C C Carr,J M Scheffler,T D Pringle,A M Stelzleni,J Gottlieb,J W Savell

National Beef Quality Audit-2016: In-plant survey of carcass characteristics related to quality, quantity, and value of fed steers and heifers., 2017, C A Boykin,L C Eastwood,M K Harris,D S Hale,C R Kerth,D B Griffin,A N Arnold,Joshua Dillon Hasty,Keith Belk,Dale Ray Woerner,Bob J Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,D L VanOverbeke,G G Mafi,M M Pfeiffer,T E Lawrence,T J McEvers,T B Schmidt,R J Maddock,D D Johnson,C C Carr,J M Scheffler,T D Pringle,A M Stelzleni,J Gottlieb,J W Savell

National Beef Quality Audit-2016: Transportation, mobility, and harvest-floor assessments of targeted characteristics that affect quality and value of cattle, carcasses, and by-products, 2017, L C Eastwood,C. A. Boykin,M. K. Harris,A. N. Arnold,D. S. Hale,C. R. Kerth,D. B. Griffin,J. W. Savell,Keith Belk,Dale Ray Woerner,J. D. Hasty,Bob J Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,T. E. Lawrence,T. J. McEvers,D. L. VanOverbeke,G. G. Mafi,M. M. Pfeiffer,T. B. Schmidt,R. J. Maddock,D. D. Johnson,C. C. Carr,J. M. Scheffler,T. D. Pringle,A. M. Stelzleni

Antimicrobial susceptibility and internalization of Salmonella Typhimurium in vacuum-tumbled marinated beef products, 2016, S. Pokharel,J. C. Brooks,Jennifer Nicole Martin,M. M. Brashears

Characterizing products from the beef rib resulting from an alternative carcass break, 2016, T. Mancilha,Dale Ray Woerner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,J.D. Tatum,R. Delmore,Keith Belk

0906 Beef's role in a healthy diet, 2016, Jennifer Nicole Martin,Dale Ray Woerner,Bob J Delmore,Keith Belk,Joseph Daryl Tatum

Internalization and thermal susceptibility of shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in marinated beef products, Siroj Pokharel,J C Brooks,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Alejandro Echeverry,Amy Parks,Blaine Corliss,Mindy M Brashears

Use of metagenomic shotgun sequencing technology to detect foodborne pathogens within their microbiome in beef production chain., 2016, Xiang Yang,Noelle Robertson Noyes,E Doster,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Lyndsey M Linke,Roberta J Magnuson,Hua Yang,Gina Geornaras,Dale Ray Woerner,Kevin Jones,Jaime G Ruiz,Christina Anne Boucher,Paul S Morley,Keith Belk

Comparing the resistome of poultry, swine, cattle and salmon production and nearby human waste water treatment plants, 2015, Noelle Robertson Noyes,Margaret Dorothy Weinroth,Steven Michael Lakin,Enrique Doster,Robert Lovejoy Raymond,P. Rovira-Sanz,Zaid Abdo,Jaime G Ruiz,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Christina Anne Boucher,K. Jones,K.E. Belk,P.S. Morley

Guidance for Allergen Control in Meat Establishments, 2015, Rachel Lynn Murphy,Brittney Rose Bullard,Lynn Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Dale Ray Woerner,Keith Belk,Bob J Delmore,

Nutrient database improvement project: Separable components and proximate composition of raw and cooked retail cuts from the beef loin and round., 2015, R J Acheson,Dale Ray Woerner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Keith Belk,Terry E Engle,T R Brown,J C Brooks,A M Luna,Laura Thompson,H L Grimes,A N Arnold,J W Savell,K B Gehring,L W Douglass,J C Howe,K Y Patterson,J M Roseland,J R Williams,A Cifelli,J M Leheska,S H McNeill

The influence of beef quality characteristics on the internalization and thermal susceptibility of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in blade-tenderized beef steaks., 2015, B Corliss,J C Brooks,Jennifer Nicole Martin,A Echeverry,A R Parks,S Pokharel,M M Brashears

Topical antioxidant application improved the shelf-life and quality of overwrap packaged ground beef in a high-oxygen master package, Jennifer Nicole Martin,Markus F Miller,Guy H Loneragan,Leslie D Thompson,Jeff W Savell,J C Brooks

A comparison of the FOSS FoodScan and chemical analysis for proximate composition in fresh beef., Loni Woolley,Kari Spivey,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Justin Johnston,Remy Carmichael,Devin Gredell,Roy D Crownover,J C Brooks,Markus F Miller

Effects of USDA Quality Grade, muscle source, and wet-aging period on the raw proximate composition and lipid oxidation by-products of raw ground beef patties, Caroline Kirby,Jennifer Nicole Martin,J C Brooks,Markus F Miller

Guidance for Selecting a Commercial or Private Laboratory, 2015, Rachel Lynn Murphy,Brittney Rose Bullard,Lynn Delmore,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Dale Ray Woerner,Keith Belk,Bob J Delmore,

Gas chromatographic/mass spectrophotometric directed volatile compound characterization of modified atmosphere packaged ground beef held under temperature abuse., 2015, Joshua Lyte,Jerrad Legako,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Leslie D Thompson,Kaz Surowiec,J C Brooks

Antimicrobial interventions for O157:H7 and non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli on beef subprimal and mechanically tenderized steaks., 2015, Y T Liao,J C Brooks,Jennifer Nicole Martin,A Echeverry,G H Loneragan,M M Brashears

Comparative effects of beta-adrenergic agonist supplementation on the yield and quality attributes of selected subprimals from calf-fed Holstein steers., 2014, Jennifer Nicole Martin,A J Garmyn,M F Miller,J M Hodgen,K D Pfeiffer,C L Thomas,R J Rathmann,D A Yates,J P Hutcheson,J C Brooks

The impact of packaging system and temperature abuse on the shelf life characteristics of ground beef., 2014, H B Rogers,J C Brooks,Jennifer Nicole Martin,A Tittor,M F Miller,M M Brashears

Nutrient database improvement project: the influence of U.S.D.A. Quality and Yield Grade on the separable components and proximate composition of raw and cooked retail cuts from the beef rib and plate., 2013, Jennifer Nicole Martin,J C Brooks,Laura Thompson,J W Savell,K B Harris,L L May,A N Haneklaus,J L Schutz,Keith Belk,Terry E Engle,Dale Ray Woerner,J F Legako,A M Luna,L W Douglass,S E Douglass,J Howe,M Duvall,K Y Patterson,J L Leheska

Storage length, storage temperature, and lean formulation influence the shelf-life and stability of traditionally packaged ground beef., 2013, Jennifer Nicole Martin,J C Brooks,T A Brooks,J F Legako,J D Starkey,S P Jackson,M F Miller

Survivability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in mechanically tenderized beef steaks subjected to lactic acid application and cooking under simulated industry conditions., 2013, C C Chancey,J C Brooks,Jennifer Nicole Martin,A Echeverry,S P Jackson,Laura Thompson,M M Brashears

National Beef Tenderness Survey-2010: Warner-Bratzler shear force values and sensory panel ratings for beef steaks from United States retail and food service establishments., 2013, M R Guelker,A N Haneklaus,J C Brooks,C C Carr,R J Delmore, Jr,D B Griffin,D S Hale,K B Harris,G G Mafi,D D Johnson,C L Lorenzen,R J Maddock,Jennifer Nicole Martin,R K Miller,C R Raines,D L VanOverbeke,L L Vedral,B E Wasser,J W Savell

Effects of postmortem calcium chloride injection on meat palatability traits of strip loin steaks from cattle supplemented with or without zilpaterol hydrochloride., 2012, A Rodas-González,S B Pflanzer,A J Garmyn,Jennifer Nicole Martin,J C Brooks,S M Knobel,B J Johnson,J D Starkey,R J Rathmann,P E de Felicio,M N Streeter,D A Yates,J M Hodgen,J P Hutcheson,M F Miller

Spoilage characteristics of ground beef with added lactic acid bacteria and rosemary oleoresin packaged in a modified-atmosphere package and displayed at abusive temperatures., 2012, A R Parks,M M Brashears,W D Woerner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Laura Thompson,J C Brooks

Spoilage characteristics of traditionally packaged ground beef with added lactic acid bacteria displayed at abusive temperatures., 2012, A R Hoyle Parks,M M Brashears,W D Woerner,Jennifer Nicole Martin,Laura Thompson,J C Brooks

Shelf life and stability traits of traditionally and modified atmosphere packaged ground beef patties treated with lactic acid bacteria, rosemary oleoresin, or both prior to retail display., 2012, A R Hoyle Parks,M M Brashears,Jennifer Nicole Martin,W D Woerner,Laura Thompson,J C Brooks

Zilpaterol hydrochloride supplementation has no effect on the shelf life of ground beef., 2011, L D Luqué,B J Johnson,Jennifer Nicole Martin,M F Miller,J M Hodgen,J P Hutcheson,W T Nichols,M N Streeter,D A Yates,D M Allen,J C Brooks

Effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride feeding duration on beef and calf-fed Holstein strip loin steak color., 2010, H R Rogers,J C Brooks,M C Hunt,G G Hilton,D L VanOverbeke,J Killefer,T E Lawrence,Bob J Delmore,B J Johnson,D M Allen,M N Streeter,W T Nichols,J P Hutcheson,D A Yates,Jennifer Nicole Martin,M F Miller

Surgical correction of double-chambered right ventricle in dogs., 2002, Jennifer Nicole Martin,Chris Orton,June Anne Boon,Khursheed R Mama,J S Gaynor,Janice M Bright