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Study Guides

CEPEP’s Pesticide Applicator Study Guides provide information to prepare pesticide applicators to meet Colorado’s written test requirements. Individuals seeking to be licensed in Colorado must pass the General test and at least one category where they will be making pesticide applications.

The guides published by CEPEP are described below. Click on the title to order a copy from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) online, or visit the NPSEC page to order multiple study guides.

Study Guide Links

Colorado Pesticide Applicators' Act and the Rules & Regulations

In addition to the study guides that are needed for the pesticide applicators’ exam (general and categorical), test takers are encouraged to understand the Colorado Pesticide Applicators’ Act along with their Rules and Regulations. The PDF file of both documents are provided through the links below:

Colorado Pesticide Applicators’ Act

Colorado Pesticide Applicators’ Act Rules and Regulations

General Study Guide (2006)

General Pesticide Study Guide All individuals seeking a commercial pesticide applicator’s license must take the General test. When you order a General Study guide, you will also receive a copy of the “Colorado Pesticide Applicators’ Act” and the “Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Administration and Enforcement of the Pesticide Applicators’ Act” so you can learn the laws governing pesticide use in Colorado.

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Category 101: Agricultural Insect Control (2006)

101 Agricultural Insect Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides on agricultural plant, including applications performed on pastures, croplands and non-crop agricultural lands, to control invertebrate pests, including insects, mites, slugs, snails and nematodes.

This category does not qualify you to perform any type of fumigation. If you are looking to qualify for structural fumigation — such as fumigation in railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos, or other enclosures — you must obtain Category 303. If you are looking to qualify for soil fumigation or burrowing rodent fumigation you must obtain Category 309.

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Category 102: Agricultural Plant Disease Control (2013)

102 Agricultural Plant Disease Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to agricultural plants, including applications performed on pastures, croplands and non-crop agricultural lands, to control plant diseases.

This category does not qualify you to perform any type of fumigation. If you are looking to qualify for structural fumigation — such as fumigation in railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos, or other enclosures — you must obtain Category 303. If you are looking to qualify for soil fumigation or burrowing rodent fumigation you must obtain Category 309.  

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Category 103: Agricultural Weed Control (2014)

103 Agricultural Weed Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to agricultural lands, including pastures, croplands and non-crop agricultural lands, to control weeds.

This category does not qualify you to perform any type of fumigation. If you are looking to qualify for structural fumigation — such as fumigation in railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos, or other enclosures — you must obtain Category 303. If you are looking to qualify for soil fumigation or burrowing rodent fumigation you must obtain Category 309.  

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Category 104: Agricultural Seed Treatment (1995)

104 Seed Treatment For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to seeds on agricultural establishments as defined at 40 C.F.R. § 170.3 (as incorporated herein by reference) or seed treatment facilities.

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Category 105: Livestock Pest Control (1998)

105 Livestock Pest Control For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to livestock.

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Category 106: Forest Pest Control (2005)

106 Forest Pest Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides in forests, forest nurseries, forest seed producing areas managed for the production of timber and other forest products or maintained as wood vegetation for such indirect benefits as protection of catchment areas or public recreation, including windbreaks and downed timber.

For applications in forested areas within 50 ft of a residential or commercial structure, an applicator must also hold the ornamental pest control category in accordance with Part 9 of these rules and comply with all of the posting and notification requirements in section 35-10-112, C.R.S., of the Pesticide Applicators’ Act.

This additional certification in the ornamental pest control category shall not apply to aerial applicators or ground applications made by federal, state, or local governments on property they own. This category does not apply to pesticide applications made to control vertebrate pests.

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Category 107: Range and Pest Control (2009)

107 Rangeland Pest Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to land which is not managed for turf, pasture or forest on which the vegetation is predominantly native plant species of introduced species managed as native species such as grasses, grass-like plants, forbs or shrubs.

Rangelands include but are not limited to natural grasslands, shrublands, deserts, tundras, and meadows.

For applications performed in rangeland areas within 50 ft of a residential or commercial structure, an applicator must also hold the turf pest control category in accordance with Part 9 of these rules and comply with all of the posting and notification requirements in section 35-10-112, C.R.S., of the Pesticide Applicators’ Act.

This additional certification in the ornamental pest control category shall not apply to aerial applicators or ground applications made by federal, state, or local governments on property they own. This category does not apply to pesticide applications made to control vertebrate pests.

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Category 108: Aquatic Pest Control (2011)

108 Aquatic Pest Control The application of pesticides to standing or running water when made to control aquatic weeds, amphibians, fish and other pests in water, except for pesticide applications which are included in the Public Health Category 110.

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Category 109: Industrial and Right of Way Weed Control (2006)

109 Right-of-Way For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides on right-of-way areas involved in common transport such as federal, state and county highways and roads; electric utility lines (including transformer stations and substations); roadside rest areas and parks; pipelines; equipment yards; railroads; public surface drainage ways; irrigation ditchbanks; and bicycle, bridle, and snowmobile trails.

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Category 110: Public Health Pest Control (2006)

Category 110 Study Guide For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides for the control of pests having medical or public health importance, except vertebrates. This category applies to non-government commercial applicators who use pesticides for the management and control of pests having public health importance.

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Category 110G: Government-Sponsored Public Health Pest Control

Category 110 Study Guide The application of restricted use pesticides in government-sponsored public health programs for the control of pests having medical or public health importance.

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Category 111: Research & Demonstration (1994)

111 Research and Demonstration For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides in the course of conducting field research or demonstration. No license or certification will be issued in this category unless the applicant also obtains licensing or certification, in the specific category listed in the Rules, which is appropriate to the research activity.

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Category 113: Metam Sodium for Sewer Root Control (2001)

113 Metam For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of metam sodium in sewers to control roots. For purposes of this sub-category, “sewer” shall mean any artificial conduit for the transmission of wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant.

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Category 114: Aerial Pest Control

114 Aerial Application

The application of pesticides by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), fixed or rotary wing aircraft.

  • For QS/COs: The Aerial Pest Control category must be held in addition to the Agricultural Pest Management Category for the aerial application being made.
  • For PAs: The Aerial Pest Control category must be held in addition to the Private Applicator License if making aerial applications.

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Category 206: Turf Pest Control (2015)

206 Turf Pest Control For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides on turf grass for home lawns, institutional and industrial grounds golf courses, athletic fields, other recreational turf, parks, roadsides, airports, and cemeteries.

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Category 207: Ornamental Pest Control (2006)

207 Ornamental Pest Control For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to ornamental trees, shrubs, beds, flowers and other ornamental plants, except turf or indoor ornamental plants, to control invertebrate pests, including insects, mites, slugs, snails and nematodes, or to control plant diseases.

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Category 301: Wood Destroying Organism Pest Control (2015)

301 Wood Destroying Pest Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to control termites, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, fungi, and/or other wood destroying organisms in structures and/or adjacent outside areas.

This category does not qualify you to perform any type of fumigation. If you are looking to qualify for structural fumigation — such as fumigation in railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos, or other enclosures — you must obtain Category 303. If you are looking to qualify for soil fumigation or burrowing rodent fumigation you must obtain Category 309.  

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Category 302: Outdoor Vertebrate Pest Control (2008)

302 Outdoor Vertebrate Pest Control

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any reptile, bird, feral dogs and cats, moles, voles, bats, wild carnivores, rabbits, skunks, amphibian pests not in water and any other vertebrate pest, except rats and mice.

This category does not qualify you to perform any type of fumigation. If you are looking to qualify for structural fumigation — such as fumigation in railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos, or other enclosures — you must obtain Category 303. If you are looking to qualify for soil fumigation or burrowing rodent fumigation you must obtain Category 309.  

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Category 303: Structural Fumigation

303 structural fumigation

303 non-soil fumigation

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of a fumigant to one or more rooms in a structure or to the entire structure at a desired concentration and for a length of time necessary for the control of rodents and/or insect pests, including the application of a fumigant to a localized space or harborage within a structure, including but not limited to railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos or other enclosures, including tarpaulin fumigations, for insect and/or rodent control. This category is required for the use of a fumigant in any licensure category authorized by Title 35, Article 10, when the application of the fumigant is made to or in a structure as defined in Part 1.02(m).

  • For Private Applicators: The Structural Fumigation category must be held in addition to the Private Applicator License if making Structural Fumigation applications.
  • Chapters not included in this exam: Burrow Fumigation and Sewer Root control since those uses are covered by other categories

Information contained in both the Structural Fumigation: Colorado Commercial Pesticide Application and Safety Training Study Guide and the Non-soil Fumigation – A National Pesticide Applicator Study Manual is needed in order to obtain this category. This category does not qualify you for soil or burrow fumigation (see Category 309) or sewer root control (see Category 113).

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Category 304: Residential/Commercial Pest Control (2006)

304 Residential or Commercial Pest Control For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides, bait stations, or devices intended for use for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating structural pests, including without limitation insects and rodents.

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Category 305: Stored Commodities Treatment (2016)

305 Stored Commodities Treatment

For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides for the treatment of pests in raw grain stored in facilities which are not used for animal or human habitation; the application of plant growth regulators to agricultural commodities stored in facilities which are not used for animal or human habitation; and the application of pesticides to commodity processing equipment or commodity storage facilities (not including offices or other structures).

  • This category does not cover applications made to control pests in potato storage facilities covered by Category 308
  • This guide may have information on fumigation, but taking this exam will no longer qualify you to do any fumigation
  • If you are fumigating grain bins or any other stored commodity facility, you must take 303 Structural Fumigation

This guide contains information on fumigation, but taking this category exam no longer qualifies you to perform any type of fumigation. If you are looking to qualify for structural fumigation — such as fumigation in railcars, storage containers, grain storage silos, or other enclosures — you must obtain Category 303. If you are looking to qualify for soil fumigation or burrowing rodent fumigation you must obtain Category 309. 

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Category 306: Wood Preservation/Wood Treatment (1993)

306 Wood Treatment For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate pests in wood or wood products which are, or are capable of being, incorporated into a structure, not including downed timber prior to bark removal or sawing.

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Category 307: Interior Plantscape Pest Control (2006)

307 Interior Plant Pest Control For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides to house plants and other indoor ornamental plants kept or located within structures occupied by humans, including, but not limited to houses, apartments, offices, shopping malls, other places of business and other dwelling places.

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Category 308: Post Harvest Potato Pest Control (2015)

308 Postharvet potato treatment For individuals preparing to be licensed in the application of pesticides for the treatment of pests in raw potatoes stored in facilities which are not used for animal or human habitation; the application of plant growth regulators to potatoes stored in facilities which are not used for animal or human habitation; and the application of pesticides to potato processing equipment or potato storage facilities (not including offices or other structures).

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Category 309A: Soil Fumigation Pest Control

309 Soil Fumigation

For the use of fumigant to control pests in soil.

  • This category does not allow application of fumigants to control pests in structures as described in category 303, Structural Fumigation Pest Control, or to control pests in non-soil sites, such as burrowing, rodent control, described in Category 309B: Non-Soil Fumigation Pest Control
  • For Private Applicators: The Soil Fumigation category must be held in addition to the Private Applicator License if making Soil Fumigation applications.

Click here to download the free PDF file for the Soil Fumigation Manual, OR

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Category 309B: Non-Soil Fumigation Pest Control

303 non-soil fumigation

For the use of a fumigant to control pests in non-soil sites, such as burrowing rodent control, not otherwise addressed in Category 303, Structural Fumigation Pest Control.

  • For Qualified Supervisors and Certified Operators: the Non-Soil Fumigation Pest Control category must be held in addition to the Structural Pest Management category for the fumigation application being made.
  • For Private Applicators: The Non-Soil Fumigation category must be held in addition to the Private Applicator License if making Non-Soil Fumigation applications.

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Category 401: Private Applicator

401 Private Applicator Manual

Any person who uses or supervises the use of a restricted use pesticide for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or leased by the applicator or the applicator’s employer or, if the pesticide is applied without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities, on the property of another person must be a licensed private applicator. The holder of a private applicator license is only authorized to use restricted pesticides for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity as defined in Part 1.02(q).

  • Category 114: Aerial Pest Control in addition to the Private Applicator License if making aerial applications.
  • Category 303: Structural Fumigation in addition to the Private Applicator License if making Structural Fumigation applications.
  • Category 309: Soil/Non-Soil Fumigation in addition to the Private Applicator License if making Soil/Non-Soil Fumigation applications.

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