cows in field


AgNext is a leader for research in animal and ecosystem health while enhancing profitability of the supply chain and serves as the crossroads for producers, industry partners, and researchers to come together to innovate real time solutions for sustainability animal agriculture. 

Welcoming a Team of Experts

Led by Dr. Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, AgNext is assembling a team of world-class scientists to work collaboratively toward generating sustainable solutions for animal agriculture. Starting this fall, AgNext will welcome new faculty with specialties in feedlot systems, agricultural economics and dairy systems.  


Elevating Sustainability in Colorado

Elevated the need for sustainability research in animal agriculture ensuring profitability for rural Coloradoans, rural community vibrancy, and producer profitability 

Strengthening Relationships

Strengthened relationships with Colorado producers, livestock associations, and state level politicians 

Student Mentoring

Mentored 5 graduate and 7 undergraduate students 

Cultivated Relationships

Cultivated relationships resulting in in-kind gifts for industry supported research including equipment, cattle, and feed 

Grant Awards

$1M in awarded grants, $59M pending 

Shaping the Conversation

Featured in 29 News Outlets

including trade and producer focused outlets  

Invited to Give 100+ Presentations

visiting over 10 states  

Hosted 18 Events

with political leaders, corporations, and trade associations