Agricultural Service Providers
Aiding Our Communities Through Research and Service
More than just a research college, the College of Agricultural Services takes a hands-on approach to its work. The College supports service providers that support farmers, ranchers, and agricultural hobbyists alike.
Seed Lab
For nearly a century, the CSU College of Agricultural Sciences Seed Lab offers reliable seed testing services, adhering to AOSA, ISTA, and Canadian standards for consistency.
Plant Diagnostic Clinic
The Plant Diagnostic clinic is the Colorado state lab of the National Plant Diagnostic Network. Located on the Spur campus in Denver, the Clinic offers services including plant disease diagnosis, insect and plant identification, and more.
Soil, Water, and Plant Testing Laboratory
The Soil-Water-Plant Laboratory analyzes soil, water, plant, sludge, manure and miscellaneous types of samples and provides fertilizer suggestions for improving crop growth.
Food Innovation Center
The Food Innovation Center at CSU Spur supports food and agricultural innovators to bring new food products to life.
Research Centers
Learn how our research centers connect our students to Colorado’s agricultural industry professionals and the latest research in agricultural science.