Landscape Architecture Days celebrates 30 years with speaker series

Organized by the CSU Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the 30th annual LA Days program features five speakers at the cutting edge of the profession and represents the broad spectrum of scale and scope that constitutes contemporary practice in landscape architecture.

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CSU soil scientists tapping rangelands as vast sources for carbon storage

Over the last several months, a CSU research team has teamed with Woodwell Climate Research Center on a Colorado-based project aimed at helping managers of rangelands, which cover large areas of both public and private lands, understand and monitor the delicate carbon balances across their grazed landscapes.

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Water scarcity will require agriculture to tap ‘unconventional’ sources like seawater, wastewater

CSU is a founding partner in a $110 million U.S. Department of Energy research network, the National Alliance for Water Innovation, focused on treatment and reuse technologies for wastewater, seawater and other untapped sources.

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