CSU contributes to new international report linking planetary health and social justice

Lauren Gifford, associate director of CSU’s Soil Carbon Solutions Center, is among an interdisciplinary group of more than 60 scientists from more than 20 countries who contributed to a significant new report published this week in Lancet Planetary Health that connects the resiliency and stability of the planet to the quality of life for people worldwide.

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CSU leads comprehensive review of wildfire research in collaboration with Stanford University

The huge, long-lasting wildfires that have become increasingly common in recent years can cause changes in soil chemistry that affect water contamination, air quality and plant growth. These changes, however, are poorly monitored and rarely factor into post-fire recovery efforts or risk assessments, according to a CSU-led article published May 14 in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

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New research models how to slow spread of COVID-19 among firefighters in wildland fire incidents

Research from CSU and the USDA show that vaccines and social distancing are effective at limiting the spread of COVID-19 within and between wildland fire incidents, as well as reducing its impact on the wildland firefighting workforce.

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