Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics
The Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics program provides training in fundamental microeconomic theory and econometrics applied to policy-relevant issues in agricultural and environmental and natural resource economics. Students learn to perform applied economic research and obtain jobs in the public and private sectors as analysts, consultants, researchers, and other occupations.
Get more details about the Masters in Agricultural and Resource Economics
The courses in this program are focused on practical applications in research, which helped me build skills for my own academic and professional projects. The faculty in our department are so engaged and always provide meaningful support for my academic success.
I have felt supported in my learning since the moment I was accepted into DARE. The faculty are always willing to talk and provide their expertise, and they truly seem to enjoy getting to share their research and knowledge with students. The department makes every effort to support you in customizing your graduate learning by sharing opportunities for student development and practical experiences. I knew that attending DARE would put me in a learning environment that supported my endeavors and would best prepare me for many possible career fields.
Faculty in this department are dedicated to fulfilling student learning outcomes, creating a sense of community among the graduate students, and ensuring that the M.S. curriculum grants you valuable skills for your choice of career path.
The MS program in DARE really focused on my individual interests, skills, and goals. The department has a long history of strong connections with other agencies, so I was able to partner with the Forest Service for my thesis research. The connections I made both within and outside of DARE have helped me start my career.
What You’ll Learn
- Engage in coursework that applies microeconomic theory and quantitative methods to topics in agricultural economics, food systems, environmental and natural resource economics.
- Develop ability to apply economic theory and empirical tools to measure economic impacts and values that inform real-world policy discussions.
- Gain proficiency designing research approaches that highlight critical economic tradeoffs related to agricultural and natural resource management.
- Enhance written and oral communications skills related to the transmission of applied economic research.
Where You’ll Find Us

Nutrien Agricultural Sciences Building
CSU's new home for Colorado agriculture, student aspirations and agricultural innovation for global impact.

Related Interests
- Food systems
- Production economics
- Agricultural marketing
- Environmental economics
- Water resource management
- Wildfire economics
- Climate change policy

Related Careers
- Policy analyst
- Economic consultant
- Research analyst
- Public utilities manager
- Resource economist
- Financial specialist

Graduate Coordinator
Kathy Bruce
For more information, email Kathy Bruce, Academic Contact for the Agricultural and Resource Economics Graduate program.

Graduate Program Chair
Jordan Suter
For more information, email Jordan Suter about the Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics program.