Searching for more Scholarships?
We have many excellent industry supporters who look to our students as impressive future leaders. Through their own scholarships and internship programs, they are willing to invest in your success and to help you further develop your career-skills.
The following scholarships are awarded outside the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Did you know?
By using the CSU Scholarship Application, you are applying for all College and University internally-offered scholarships. A faculty selection committee reviews student qualifications and pairs students with scholarships accordingly. Make sure to complete the optional College of Agricultural Sciences section in addition to the required general section and it is required to complete the CSUSA even if your scholarship is renewable.
Questions on the CSU Scholarship Application? Get answers to your most frequently asked questions.
CSU A – Z Scholarship Listing (Click on “Show Filters” and select College of Agricultural Sciences or other desired filters.)
Apply for a Scholarship
The CSUSA for next academic year is available on RAMweb October 1 through March 1. You must have a student eID to access the application. More information.
Scholarships Outside our College
Many of our industry partners also have scholarship programs. Click Here for scholarship opportunities outside the College of Agricultural Sciences
Thank You Letter Process
Please keep an eye out for opportunities to participate in the donor thank you/stewardship process with e-mails you may receive from the University.