Nutrien Building Space Reservations
Our New Spaces are Ready
The Nutrien building is home to a variety of collaboration and special event spaces for use by the college, university and our community partners. Click the buttons to get more information on the different spaces.
Spaces are hybrid meeting compatible and all standard A/V equipment is provided. The only equipment you may wish to bring is a charger and adapter to fit HDMI and USB cables.
Specific A/V technology available by room and instructions for their use can be found here (will wait to provide updated link since currently link has old information: QR codes pointing to these instructions are available in each room.

How to Reserve a Classroom
College Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students
General assignment classroom use requests should be made through the Registrar’s Office via the EMS scheduling system.
Knowledge Well Reservations for special events is a temporary exception but will still be subject to GA classroom reservation policies. Please submit these requests at least two weeks prior to your event via this online form.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Student organizations registered with SLiCE must go through Facilities to reserve any classroom on campus via this link:
Under “Registered Student Organizations”, click “Facilities Event Management” link and complete the form for approval.
Unregistered Student Organizations: Please submit reservation requests at least two weeks prior to your event using the online form.
Available Classrooms

Bernard Rollin Knowledge Well Room 140
- Occupancy: 161
- Contact – Carlota Ponds

Capstone Classroom Room 163
- Occupancy: 61

Fundamentals Classroom Room 135
- Occupancy: 103
Conference and Collaboration Rooms
How do I reserve a room?
CAS faculty, staff, and students have the ability to request spaces throughout the building.
- Requests should be submitted through Microsoft Outlook by selecting or inviting the appropriate room location. Additionally, these rooms can be added as a calendar to help you see if and when the space is available.
- View or download the Nutrien Room Excel Spreadsheet to find the Outlook name, and who can request the space.
- Requests are reviewed and accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Requests made after 4 p.m. will be addressed the next business day.
- Scheduling in advance is encouraged, and please allow for a 24-hour turnaround. Student organizations and clubs registered through SLiCE can reserve.
- Student organizations and clubs registered through SLiCE can reserve general assignment spaces based on availability. A Facilities Event Management form is required for such requests.
Can I set up a recurring meeting?
Yes, but please limit the request to the current semester rather than a full year. Meeting organizers are encouraged to cancel the occurrence if the meeting is not needed that week or month. As long as you do not cancel the series, your future meetings will remain by canceling just one occurrence.
What if I receive a declined or error message?
Each space has certain permission settings in place. Consider having your department administrative assistant set up the reservation on your behalf. If they are unable to assist, please email the point of contact for the space you are requesting for further assistance.

AgIndustry Leadership Conference Room 102
- Occupancy: 36
- Projector w/ HDMI or USB-C connector
- Hybrid Meeting Owl compatible
- Contact – Carlota Ponds

Aggie Interview Room 166
- Occupancy 8
- No A/V equipment
- Hybrid Meeting Owl compatible
- Temporary Contact – Matt Camper

Aggies Conference Room 211
- Occupancy: 12
- TV w/ HDMI and dual table microphones
- Hybrid Teams compatible – setup instructions
- Contact – Carlota Ponds
Study and Collaboration Room 162
- CAS NUTRN 162 Study and Collaboration Room
- Occupancy: 6
- Technology
- Reserve through Outlook Calendar
- Contact – Megan Mardesen
Study and Collaboration Spaces
Room 162
- Occupancy: 6
- TV w/ HDMI outlet on wall
- Hybrid Meeting Owl compatible
- Temporary Contact – Matt Camper

Social Spaces
Aggie Commons
Please use this online form to request the dedicated use of Aggie Commons or other social spaces in the Nutrien building for your special event.