Research and Engagement
The Vegetable Cropping Systems research team works across the state of Colorado, using different sites to study new proudction technologies, conduct variety trails, and more. Our research is meant to help producers and agriculturalists adopt new practices that aid their work.
New Production Technologies
The Specialty Crops Program will continue research in innovative technologies for season extension and protected production.
Variety Trials
CSU is teaming up with other U.S. universities through the Northern Organic Vegetable Improvement Collaborative (NOVIC) to trial new and known vegetable cultivars. The goal is to find high performing cultivars specific to each region in the U.S.
Greenhouse Production
The Specialty Crops Program is currently investigating new LED greenhouse lighting technologies. Two projects underway look at tomato production using new LED inter lighting and strawberry production under different quality LEDs.
New Crop Introduction
The Specialty Crop Program is currently installing an irrigation trial on Aronia melanocarpa, or black chokeberry.
This project is funded by the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crops Block Grant. More info here.
High Tunnel Tomato Pruning
Graduate Student Brian Mitchell is studying cluster and sucker pruning effects on high tunnel tomato production.
Disease Suppression in Onions
Field research looks to investigate potassium fertilizers impact on suppressing Iris Yellow Spot Virus (IYSV), a common thrips vectored virus in onions in Colorado.
HORT 450 Student Projects
The Specialty Crops Program is currently investigating new LED greenhouse lighting technologies. Two projects underway look at tomato production using new LED inter lighting and straw Vegetable production factsheets prepared by the students of Vegetable Crop Management Practicum (HORT 486B) and Warm Season Vegetable Production (HORT 450B).