National Western Stock Show

A Colorado Tradition since 1906

This annual event draws more than 700,000 people to Denver to celebrate Colorado’s legacy of livestock rearing, agriculture, and stewardship of Western tradition.

Throughout the event, you’ll find the College of Agricultural Sciences showcasing the research and work of our students and faculty.


CSU Ag Adventure

3rd floor, Hall of Education

An agricultural education exhibit focused on telling the story of food, for all ages! All are invited! Open to the public, a collaboration of the National Western Stock Show, CSU, and various commodity organizations from around the state that represent Colorado producers. Youth (4-H and FFA) volunteers are welcome.

Ag Adventure Schedule: 

  • Sunday-Thursday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. 
  • Friday-Saturday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. 

CAM’s Classroom (Inside of Ag Adventure) Schedule:  

  • Monday, Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
  • Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. *School Tour Days* 
  • Saturday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.


Public Engagement and Student Recruitment

3rd floor, Hall of Education

College of Agricultural Sciences student leaders will be representing agricultural sciences at Colorado State University as NWSS attendees pass by the booth over the course of 16 days.


Seedstock Merchandising Team

National Western Stock Show Yards

CSU’s Seedstock Merchandising Team will continue to learn by doing as they exhibit and promote CSU raised Hereford cattle in The Yards. Open to the public. Typically, we will see cattlemen and women, fellow exhibitors, stakeholders, alumni, and general public. Show day is the 17th.


Livestock Leader Reception

CSU Spur

The Livestock Leader Reception is an annual award to honor an outstanding individual in the livestock industry. Presented by the Department of Animal Sciences. The 2025 honoree is Steve Wooten.


Beef Club Dinner

CSU Spur

CSU Beef Club is an external organization of CSU alumni and friends with interests in supporting agriculture and athletics. This event is for Beef Club members and special guests, RSVP is required and there is a cost to attend. 



CSU Spur, Hall of Education, Stockyard Event Center

Timeline of events:

  • 9 a.m. Tagged to Teach Ag- Student Training (Morgridge Learning Lab)
  • 10:30 a.m. SAE Grant Award Reception- SEC
  • 11 a.m. Tagged to Teach Ag- Student Training (Morgridge Learning Lab)
  • 11 a.m. “An Open Door” film screening (Hydro Theatre)
  • 1:30 p.m. FFA Performance- Pro Rodeo


Screening of “An Open Door” (Temple Grandin documentary )

CSU Spur Hydro Theatre

11 a.m.

Description: A one-hour showing of “An Open Door” sponsored by American Ag Credit and produced by CSU. This documentary reflects on the influential life and work of Dr. Temple Grandin as a champion of the humane treatment of livestock, autism rights, and inclusive neurodiversity by employing her gifted insights from her personal experience with autism and visual thinking. The film speaks with Dr. Grandin, her colleagues, industry professionals and those she has influenced to celebrate her groundbreaking life, lessons learned and lasting legacy. An Open Door is directed by award-winning filmmaker John Barnhardt and presented by Colorado State University.


Temple Grandin Equine Center Exceptional Rodeo

CSU Spur Vida Building

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A mock and adaptive rodeo experience for children with special needs. Participants are Denver-area youth, ages 4 to 12, with special needs. PRCA Athletes and rodeo royalty partner with the youth to assist them through the rodeo obstacles. Dr. Temple Grandin engages with the youth and signs books. Community volunteers help host each activity station. The public is welcome to watch.

More About NWSS


From rodeos and livestock shows, educational displays and art exhibits, the NWSS highlights everything that makes the West, and agriculture, such an essential part of the Colorado experience.