Policy Research and Development

DARE Faculty Specializing in Policy Research and Development
- Brown, Jason P., Peter Maniloff, and Dale T. Manning. (2020). Spatially variable taxation and resource extraction: The impact of state oil taxes on drilling in the US. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Volume 103, Article 102354. 20 pages. Online.
- Chriestenson, Chad* and Dawn Thilmany. (20202). Do factors contributing to appearance and success of conservation referenda in the West differ from those found in other regions of the United States? The Annals of Regional Science. 22 pages.
- Janusch, Nicholas*, Stephan Kroll, Christopher Goemans, Todd L. Cherry, and Steffen Kallbekken. (2020). Learning to accept welfare-enhancing policies: an experimental investigation of congestion pricing. Experimental Economics. Online. 28 pages.