Integrating Research and Education In Equine Assisted Service

There are many conditions of mind and body that can be treated by animal-human interaction.  At Colorado State University, we aspire to create a new home for equine-assisted service; a place where individuals with physical, emotional, and developmental challenges can heal, where therapists can treat, where students can learn, where scientists can research, and where horses can be studied, cared for, and advanced.

The Temple Grandin Equine Center will celebrate and elevate the role of the horse in society through the physical and emotional benefits of serving those in need.  TGEC will integrate research and education in order to promote evidence-based practices of EAS.  TGEC will work for the betterment of horses and humans alike.

Physical Therapists work with clients doing equine-assisted therapy at the CSU Equine Center. October 15, 2014
725 S. Overland Trail
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1669.
Bldg: Temple Grandin Equine Center
Voice: 970-491-1651

Contact the Temple Grandin Equine Center