C. P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
Committed to Teaching, Research, and Extension
Our museum houses nearly five million specimens. The collection represents most orders of insects with a strong coverage of Rocky Mountain and southwestern species.
We house holdings of national importance in the aquatic insects, as well as orders:
- Lepidoptera – butterflies and moths
- Diptera – flies, gnats and former Center for Disease Control mosquito collection
- Hymenoptera – ants, bees, wasps and relatives
Unique Holdings
The Collection houses 83 primary types and more than 2,000 secondary types. The associated Bruner Family Library contains important systematic literature.

Useful Links
University of Colorado Natural History Museum
University of Wyoming Insect Museum
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Butterfly Pavilion
Natural Science Collections Alliance
Entomological Collections Network
Systematic Entomology Laboratory
National Museum of Natural History Department of Entomology Collections Management Policy
Children’s Butterfly Site
Our Location
The Museum is housed in the Hartshorn Building at 600 Hughes Way
Read about the long history of giving from the Gillette family and how it preserves the C.E. Gillette Museum for future generations of entomology and natural science scholars and enthusiasts.
Consider a donation to support our volunteer staff and the C.P. Gillette Museum’s historical and important collection.