New Pesticide Managers
April 17-20, 2023
Fort Collins, CO
Colorado State University

New pesticide program managers, and staff who are on a managerial track, working under a FIFRA cooperative agreement.
Course Goal
To provide information and resources on pesticide program management and issues related to federal, state, tribal, and territory pesticide regulatory programs.
Information to be covered in this course includes:
- Management basics related to the FIFRA cooperative agreement guidance
- Worker protection, certification and training, and other key pesticide topics
- Pesticide registration basics
- Basic enforcement considerations
- Leadership training for new pesticide program managers
Nominations and Participants
Nominations must be submitted electronically. It is best to prepare your justification for selection before starting your nomination application.
Before starting the nomination form, please have the following ready:
- The nominee’s name, job title, agency or tribe, email, number of years working in pesticide regulatory programs, and number of years in nominee’s current position.
- Responses to the following questions:
- What are the nominee’s job responsibilities and how are they relevant to the course?
- Why is this training essential to the nominee’s job responsibilities?
- Submit 1-2 sentences describing 2 topics you wish to see offered during the course.
Nominations for the New Pesticide Managers course open Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time and close Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time.
The PREP Team will make selections and notify nominees no later than Friday, January 27, 2023 based on how closely the nominees fit the target audience and why the training is essential to their job responsibilities. Accepted nominees must confirm their participation no later than Thursday, February 2, 2023. If accepted nominees do not reply by this date, the PREP team cannot guarantee them a spot in the course.
Nominations have closed for this course.
Planning Group
- David Huber, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
- Allison Cuellar, Texas Department of Agriculture
- Derrick Lastinger, Georgia Department of Agriculture
- Jack Peterson, Arizona Department of Agriculture
- Jolynn Morris, Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Renee Keezer, White Earth Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe
- Tara Glynn, EPA Region 2
- Vanessa Emerson, EPA Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
- Eric Miederhoff, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
Travel and Lodging Information
State, Territory, Tribal Participants
Lodging, flight, and ground transportation will be arranged and paid for by the PREP Team.
More information regarding travel and lodging will be shared via email after accepted participants complete the course registration form. Please pay close attention to your email, including your junk/spam folders for this information. Your quick response to these emails is vital to ensuring you receive your preferred travel arrangements.
EPA Participants
EPA Participants are responsible for reserving their own flights and ground transportation. Please plan to arrive on Sunday, April 16th and depart on Friday, April 21st. The PREP team has reserved hotel rooms for EPA participants, however, EPA participants are responsible for paying for their own room prior to the start of the course. EPA participants must also pay a registration fee of $200.
More information regarding travel, lodging, and the registration fee will be shared via email after accepted participants complete the course registration form. Please pay close attention to your email, including your junk/spam folders for this information. Your quick response to these emails is vital to ensuring you receive your preferred travel arrangements.