Public Health
July 12–15, 2021
Zoom Conference

State, territory, and tribal pesticide program managers and experienced staff who operate under a FIFRA Cooperative Agreement and address a wide array of pesticide and public health issues.
Tribes that do not have a FIFRA Cooperative Agreement but have an approved General Assistance Program Agreement workplan focused on implementing or developing pesticide program documents or executing pesticide specific activities will be considered for this course.
Tribal representatives are strongly encouraged to attend. Up to half of the seats will be held for these participants.
Course Goals
To enhance participants’ ability to meet the present challenges and complexities of pesticide use in nonagricultural areas while protecting the public from pesticide exposure. To provide key information for current pesticide–related public health challenges.
Course Information Topics
- Educating during a public health crisis
- Pesticide devices and electrostatic sprayers—claims, labeling, efficacy, and proper use
- Pesticide issues specific to vulnerable populations and public spaces
- Risk communication and working with nontraditional pesticide applicators and decision makers
Nomination and Participants
Nominations have closed for this course.
Planning Group
Megan Parker, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Ryan Okey, Clemson University
Liza Fleeson Trossbach, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Megan Patterson, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Vince Craig, Arizona Department of Agriculture
Africa Dorame Avalos, Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona
Jamie Green, EPA Region 7
Susan Jennings, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
Travel Information
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this course will be hosted online. Selected participants will receive information regarding the course no later than June 3, 2021.