We work with our local 4-H and FFA chapters to create a 3-day skills building course for our future livestock professionals. The camp includes coaching on livestock judging, performance records, public speaking, and reasoning skills.
Thornton-Massa Lecture Series
Annual lecture co-hosted by the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Natural Sciences‘ Department of Biology focused on biodiversity, plant genetics, agriculture and horticulture.
The Colorado AgrAbility Project
A partnership between Colorado State University Extension and Goodwill Industries of Denver that provides information, education and services to farmers, ranchers, agricultural workers and their families with disabilities, illnesses, or conditions.
Pesticide Regulatory Education Program
Creates and promotes professional development opportunities for pesticide regulatory officials throughout the United States and its affiliated territories.
International Weed Genomics Consortium
Provides a platform for private and public collaboration to develop genomic tools and resources and to stimulate global research in weed biology and management.
International Livestock Forum
Brings together industry leaders, government professionals and members of academia to discuss domestic and international livestock and food production. In partnership with the National Western Stock Show.
Food Systems Initiative
Conducts research on emerging, trans-disciplinary food systems issues motivated and prioritized by diverse state, national, and international stakeholders.
Pet Food Alliance
Brings together members of the pet food and rendering industries together to collaboratively develop implementable solutions for industry challenges and identify opportunities for innovation, growth and mutual success.
Leads animal and ecosystem health research while enhancing profitability of the supply chain. serves as the crossroads for producers, industry partners and researchers to come together to innovate solutions for sustainability in animal agriculture.
Landscape Architecture Days
Annual student-organized landscape architecture lecture series featuring industry professionals from around the United States.
Pomology Program
Develops novel, non-destructive technologies to estimate internal fruit quality, the evaluation of new cultivars and rootstocks, the factors affecting orchard and environmental productivity, harvest and postharvest quality of peaches, sweet cherries, and apples, and...
Seed Technology Educational Programs
STEP is made up of personnel from public and private sectors working to provide education and resources to people interested in seed science and technology. Provides courses in seed science through distance education, images for seed identification and other seed...
Specialty Crops Program
Empowers growers and producers throughout Colorado by supplying science based information to inspire innovation, competitiveness and success. Collaborates with researchers both in Colorado and nationally to address the needs of specialty crops producers.
Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program
Provides Colorado’s wheat industry with a source of locally-developed winter wheat varieties with superior adaptation for Colorado’s tough climatic conditions.
Bioinformatics Consulting
Provides consulting to faculty, staff and students on methods to use for analyzing biological data. Consultants are experts in bioinformatics tools and methods for the analysis of next generation sequencing data, and are experienced with proteomic and metabolomic data.
Crops for Health®
Unique transdisciplinary research program the goal of which is to improve the disease prevention characteristics of food crops, thereby reducing chronic disease morbidity and mortality.
Colorado Variety Testing Program
Crop variety performance trials conducted by Colorado State University’s Crops Testing Program to provide unbiased and reliable information to Colorado crop producers to help them make better variety decisions.
Landscape Plant Research
Research and demonstration gardens for annuals, perennials and woody plants.
Bull and Female Sale
Student-led annual sale of registered Angus and Hereford bulls and females. Members of the student Seedstock Merchandising Team selection, development and marketing.
Meat Judging Team Catering Services
Student-run and operated catering service. All proceeds go to the CSU Meat Judging Team to help fund the program and support the supply and travel needs of the team.
Plainsman Agri-Search Foundation
Membership group open to anyone interested in agriculture. Plans research, secures financing when needed, and promotes the extension of research activities through annual meetings, field days and seminars.
Organic Production
Develops a foundation of organic practices for perennial fruit tree, vine plantings and an array of vegetables. Demonstrates best horticultural practices within the framework of organic standards and a systems approach.
Colorado Dry Bean Foundation Seed Program
Provides the seed industry with genetically pure and disease free seed stocks of Breeder and Foundation class dry bean, especially those cultivars developed by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
Table Grapes Trial
Identifies promising varieties of table grapes for western Colorado growers based on productivity, winter hardiness, flowering and harvest dates, pest and disease resistance, adaptability to common production methods, market acceptance, fruit quality, Identify...
Dryland Cover Crops
Incorporates cover crops into the semi-arid environment of Southwestern Colorado and Southeastern Utah to overcome soil erosion, poor soil quality, weed competition and low productivity.
Hemp Resource Center
Develops and conducts a national survey and conference to gauge knowledge and assess research and education needs in hemp breeding, production systems, nutrient and pest management, testing for cannabinoids and heavy metals, economics and marketing, and post-harvest...